Alabama SC orders judges to stop issuing homosexuals "marriage" licenses.

Politics is driven by agenda. Judges are appointed base don politics and the agenda of the one appointing them. Don't understand that, not surprised.

Politics drives YOUR agenda. You're assuming that any decision you don't like must be similarly motivated.

Me, I have no horse in the 'gay marriage' debate. It doesn't really effect me personally. But I do have a horse in the race of rights and equal protection. Which is why I support gay marriage.

A judge motivated by the protection of constitutional guarantees isn't 'politically motivated'. They're doing their job.

They're interpreting the Constitution in a manner that fits their agenda.

And of course you fantasize that they have an agenda.

And you are so stupid you can't realize that it exists. All politics is based on an agenda even the side you agree with. Learn or live a miserable, retarded life.

Like I said- you fantasize that they have an agenda- because you can't imagine that anyone doesn't live their life and make their decisions like you do.

I fully realize there are people that live their lives and make decisions differently from me. Your problem is when you agree with what they say, you are far too stupid to know it's based on an agenda. You confuse your agreement with them as it being made by any other reason.
The discussion was about why posters like Syriusly and her sock puppets/co-workers here would deny polygamists' or incest children's "legal rights"...

Maybe that was the discussion you were having in your head.

But this thread has nothing to do with the bees buzzing in your head.
That it's laid out in the 14th amendment is YOUR opinion. That's your problem. You say it is and demand everyone accept what you say.

Skylar is reflecting what the courts are saying. You don't have to accept what the courts say, but if the Supreme Court agrees with the Federal Court in Alabama, gay couples will be marrying each other.
SKYLAR, is simply another sheep accepting fiction and following and being led by ignorance, this is how tyranny succeeds.

I simply know way more about this topic than you do. Which is why you've abandoned the topic....and started babbling about me.

Typical arrogant Liberal. Having a different opinion doesn't mean you know more about something.

Oh just because we have a different opinion doesn't mean I know more about this issue than you.

Its because I actually know more about the issue than you do.

Again, typical arrogant Liberal believing that what they think is the only way to think.
Who here thinks polygamists won't have legal marriage using the precedent of gay marriage as federally-mandated? Specifics in your answer please.
Who here can discuss the actual court cases before the judges without bringing up Strawmen?
You're saying that 'same or simliar' to homosexual marriages also gaining a federal mandate is a strawman? Are you completely unaware of how precedents work?

What makes man/woman not special and the word "a" before them suddenly sacred? When you're dismantling the structural meaning of a word, anything goes when you replace it, else you are being arbitrary (prejudiced/bigoted).

*notices "Conservative" and Syriusly are attempting to turn the thread into a flame war...also notices the identical style in which the two posts*
Skylar is reflecting what the courts are saying. You don't have to accept what the courts say, but if the Supreme Court agrees with the Federal Court in Alabama, gay couples will be marrying each other.
SKYLAR, is simply another sheep accepting fiction and following and being led by ignorance, this is how tyranny succeeds.

I simply know way more about this topic than you do. Which is why you've abandoned the topic....and started babbling about me.

Typical arrogant Liberal. Having a different opinion doesn't mean you know more about something.

Oh just because we have a different opinion doesn't mean I know more about this issue than you.

Its because I actually know more about the issue than you do.

Again, typical arrogant Liberal believing that what they think is the only way to think.

No- I just know more about this subject than you do. You are welcome to your opinion- whatever that is- apparently your opinion revolves around every judge who you disagree with must be following a specific agenda- but don't expect your opinion will go unchallenged.
First, the SCOTUS does not rule, as in making rulings. The SCOTUS renders opinions, a ruling must contain enforcement power to which the SCOTUS was never granted.

Says you. And the authority you insist was never granted is laid out in the 14th amendment:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

From Section 1 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

You simply refuse to acknowledge the 14th amendment exists.

Um, so what?

That it's laid out in the 14th amendment is YOUR opinion. That's your problem. You say it is and demand everyone accept what you say.

I'm not quoting me. I'm quoting the federal judiciary. And they recognize violations of the 14th amendment as the basis of the overturning of state gay marriage bans.

With the USSC having preserved every ruling that overturned state gay marriage bans.

Without exception.
I must end here, but at least use the proper abbreviation of the United States Supreme court. It is NOT the USSC, it is the SCOTUS. I cannot spend all my time in educating the ignorant.

So you ignored the 14th amendment, ignored the constitution, ignored decades of precedent, ignored 3 USSC cases explicitly contradicting you, and ignored virtually every federal court to hear challenges to same sex marriage bans overturning them....

......but you refuse to discuss the topic with me because you don't like the acronym I use for the Supreme Court?

Laughing....whatever gets you through the day, buddy.
I ain't your buddy....I have been discussing the topic with you all morning, I just have other things more important than educating you. This does not mean that I will not check in and respond from time to time.
I do not ignore y the fourteenth amendment to YOUR CONstitution, I simply point to your misuse thereof.
I have cited precedence that is contrary to this fictional jurisdiction in the redefining of the set legal definition of a marriage.
The fact that Alabama or any other State refuses to redefine the word marriage has nothing to do with denying equal protection of the law.
The fourteenth amendment would only be violated if the Sodomite were denied the right to contract a civil union equivalent to a marriage contract. You are ignorant in your understanding of the powers delegated to the SCOTUS, the POTUS and the Congress. In short you exist in a fictional reality based on indoctrination of fiction rather than face realities. As I have offered....
"...[A]llow them [the conquered] to live under their own laws, taking tribute of them, and creating within the country a government composed of a few who will keep it friendly to you.... A city used to liberty can be more easily held by means of its citizens than in any other way....
"...[T]hey must at least retain the semblance of the old forms; so that it may seem to the people that there has been no change in the institutions, even though in fact they are entirely different from the old ones. For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities, and are often even more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are.... [The conqueror should] not wish that the people... should have occasion to regret the loss of any of their old customs...."
Niccolo Machiavelli

The reality is that YOUR SCOTUS, POTUS and CONGRESS do as they choose because you would rather face fiction than reality, therefore you accept subjugation.
Who here thinks polygamists won't have legal marriage using the precedent of gay marriage as federally-mandated? Specifics in your answer please.
Who here can discuss the actual court cases before the judges without bringing up Strawmen?
You're saying that 'same or simliar' to homosexual marriages also gaining a federal mandate is a strawman? Are you completely unaware of how precedents work?.

No- what I am saying is that those are strawmen intended to divert the discussion from the actual legal question before Alabama.

The court case in this thread is about same gender marriage in Alabama.

Not whatever strawman you drag out of your closet.
SKYLAR, is simply another sheep accepting fiction and following and being led by ignorance, this is how tyranny succeeds.

I simply know way more about this topic than you do. Which is why you've abandoned the topic....and started babbling about me.

Typical arrogant Liberal. Having a different opinion doesn't mean you know more about something.

Oh just because we have a different opinion doesn't mean I know more about this issue than you.

Its because I actually know more about the issue than you do.

Again, typical arrogant Liberal believing that what they think is the only way to think.

No- I just know more about this subject than you do. You are welcome to your opinion- whatever that is- apparently your opinion revolves around every judge who you disagree with must be following a specific agenda- but don't expect your opinion will go unchallenged.

You claim you know more. When you can prove it by something other than simply saying it, go ahead. Claims have to be supported and support doesn't come from a statement of saying you know more. Back it up son.

Apparently your opinion revolves around any judge agreeing with your opinion as not following an agenda.
Says you. And the authority you insist was never granted is laid out in the 14th amendment:

You simply refuse to acknowledge the 14th amendment exists.

Um, so what?

That it's laid out in the 14th amendment is YOUR opinion. That's your problem. You say it is and demand everyone accept what you say.

I'm not quoting me. I'm quoting the federal judiciary. And they recognize violations of the 14th amendment as the basis of the overturning of state gay marriage bans.

With the USSC having preserved every ruling that overturned state gay marriage bans.

Without exception.
I must end here, but at least use the proper abbreviation of the United States Supreme court. It is NOT the USSC, it is the SCOTUS. I cannot spend all my time in educating the ignorant.

So you ignored the 14th amendment, ignored the constitution, ignored decades of precedent, ignored 3 USSC cases explicitly contradicting you, and ignored virtually every federal court to hear challenges to same sex marriage bans overturning them....

......but you refuse to discuss the topic with me because you don't like the acronym I use for the Supreme Court?

Laughing....whatever gets you through the day, buddy.

The reality is that YOUR SCOTUS, POTUS and CONGRESS do as they choose because you would rather face fiction than reality, therefore you accept subjugation.

The reality is that a Federal judge has said Alabama's ban on same gender marriage is unconstitutional- and the Supreme Court will eventually decide the issue.

The reality is- whatever the Supreme Court decides will resolve the legal questions.
The fake flame war between Conservative and Syriusly has been reported, as was their similar posting styles.

This topic is really bothering the cult. They're going manic at this point...ANYTHING to shut the topic down..
I simply know way more about this topic than you do. Which is why you've abandoned the topic....and started babbling about me.

Typical arrogant Liberal. Having a different opinion doesn't mean you know more about something.

Oh just because we have a different opinion doesn't mean I know more about this issue than you.

Its because I actually know more about the issue than you do.

Again, typical arrogant Liberal believing that what they think is the only way to think.

No- I just know more about this subject than you do. You are welcome to your opinion- whatever that is- apparently your opinion revolves around every judge who you disagree with must be following a specific agenda- but don't expect your opinion will go unchallenged.

You claim you know more. When you can prove it by something other than simply saying it, go ahead. Claims have to be supported and support doesn't come from a statement of saying you know more. Back it up son.

Apparently your opinion revolves around any judge agreeing with your opinion as not following an agenda.


I prove it with every post.
Again...thanks to spam...& fake flame wars..Syriusly, you and your sock puppet/rival have been reported for starting a fake flame war..

Who here thinks polygamists won't have legal marriage using the precedent of gay marriage as federally-mandated? Specifics in your answer please.
Who here can discuss the actual court cases before the judges without bringing up Strawmen?
You're saying that 'same or simliar' to homosexual marriages also gaining a federal mandate is a strawman? Are you completely unaware of how precedents work?

What makes man/woman not special and the word "a" before them suddenly sacred? When you're dismantling the structural meaning of a word, anything goes when you replace it, else you are being arbitrary (prejudiced/bigoted).

*notices "Conservative" and Syriusly are attempting to turn the thread into a flame war...also notices the identical style in which the two posts*
The fake flame war between Conservative and Syriusly has been reported, as was their similar posting styles.

This topic is really bothering the cult. They're going manic at this point...ANYTHING to shut the topic down..

Again...thanks to spam...& fake flame wars..
Who here thinks polygamists won't have legal marriage using the precedent of gay marriage as federally-mandated? Specifics in your answer please.
Who here can discuss the actual court cases before the judges without bringing up Strawmen?
You're saying that 'same or simliar' to homosexual marriages also gaining a federal mandate is a strawman?

No- what I am saying is that those are strawmen intended to divert the discussion from the actual legal question before Alabama.

The court case in this thread is about same gender marriage in Alabama.

Not whatever strawman you drag out of your closet
The fake flame war between Conservative and Syriusly has been reported, as was their similar posting styles.

This topic is really bothering the cult. They're going manic at this point...ANYTHING to shut the topic down..

Why don't you address me personally coward.
Typical arrogant Liberal. Having a different opinion doesn't mean you know more about something.

Oh just because we have a different opinion doesn't mean I know more about this issue than you.

Its because I actually know more about the issue than you do.

Again, typical arrogant Liberal believing that what they think is the only way to think.

No- I just know more about this subject than you do. You are welcome to your opinion- whatever that is- apparently your opinion revolves around every judge who you disagree with must be following a specific agenda- but don't expect your opinion will go unchallenged.

You claim you know more. When you can prove it by something other than simply saying it, go ahead. Claims have to be supported and support doesn't come from a statement of saying you know more. Back it up son.

Apparently your opinion revolves around any judge agreeing with your opinion as not following an agenda.


I prove it with every post.

All you prove is that you can make a claim without providing evidence to support it. All you've done is SAY you know more about it. Saying it and proving it aren't the same things. You really are yet another Liberal dumbass.
Oh just because we have a different opinion doesn't mean I know more about this issue than you.

Its because I actually know more about the issue than you do.

Again, typical arrogant Liberal believing that what they think is the only way to think.

No- I just know more about this subject than you do. You are welcome to your opinion- whatever that is- apparently your opinion revolves around every judge who you disagree with must be following a specific agenda- but don't expect your opinion will go unchallenged.

You claim you know more. When you can prove it by something other than simply saying it, go ahead. Claims have to be supported and support doesn't come from a statement of saying you know more. Back it up son.

Apparently your opinion revolves around any judge agreeing with your opinion as not following an agenda.


I prove it with every post.

All you prove is that you can make a claim without providing evidence to support it. All you've done is SAY you know more about it. Saying it and proving it aren't the same things. You really are yet another Liberal dumbass.

Do you have anything- anything at all to contribute to this thread?

I mean other than the stuff you pull out of your ass?
Again, typical arrogant Liberal believing that what they think is the only way to think.

No- I just know more about this subject than you do. You are welcome to your opinion- whatever that is- apparently your opinion revolves around every judge who you disagree with must be following a specific agenda- but don't expect your opinion will go unchallenged.

You claim you know more. When you can prove it by something other than simply saying it, go ahead. Claims have to be supported and support doesn't come from a statement of saying you know more. Back it up son.

Apparently your opinion revolves around any judge agreeing with your opinion as not following an agenda.


I prove it with every post.

All you prove is that you can make a claim without providing evidence to support it. All you've done is SAY you know more about it. Saying it and proving it aren't the same things. You really are yet another Liberal dumbass.

Do you have anything- anything at all to contribute to this thread?

I mean other than the stuff you pull out of your ass?

Do you have anything to prove your claim that you know more about this than other people? Saying it isn't proof. Making unfounded claims isn't proof. Anything?
No- I just know more about this subject than you do. You are welcome to your opinion- whatever that is- apparently your opinion revolves around every judge who you disagree with must be following a specific agenda- but don't expect your opinion will go unchallenged.

You claim you know more. When you can prove it by something other than simply saying it, go ahead. Claims have to be supported and support doesn't come from a statement of saying you know more. Back it up son.

Apparently your opinion revolves around any judge agreeing with your opinion as not following an agenda.


I prove it with every post.

All you prove is that you can make a claim without providing evidence to support it. All you've done is SAY you know more about it. Saying it and proving it aren't the same things. You really are yet another Liberal dumbass.

Do you have anything- anything at all to contribute to this thread?

I mean other than the stuff you pull out of your ass?

Do you have anything to prove your claim that you know more about this than other people? Saying it isn't proof. Making unfounded claims isn't proof. Anything?

I know I know more about this issue than you do- that is my opinion.

And every post of yours reinforces my opinion.

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