Alabama SC orders judges to stop issuing homosexuals "marriage" licenses.

So we are turning this thread into another manufactured flame war starring Syriusly and her sock puppet Conservative eh? Something about Alabama citing Windsor to deny gay marraige in their state bothering you Syriusly? If you can't spam, then a fake flame war will sure burn up the pages eh? least it won't LOOK like spam..
So we are turning this thread into another manufactured flame war starring Syriusly and her sock puppet Conservative eh? Something about Alabama citing Windsor to deny gay marraige in their state bothering you Syriusly? If you can't spam, then a fake flame war will sure burn up the pages eh? least it won't LOOK like spam..

Conspiracies is pretty much all you have left at this point.
So we are turning this thread into another manufactured flame war starring Syriusly and her sock puppet Conservative eh? Something about Alabama citing Windsor to deny gay marraige in their state bothering you Syriusly? If you can't spam, then a fake flame war will sure burn up the pages eh? least it won't LOOK like spam..

Conspiracies is pretty much all you have left at this point.

No, I have Alabama...
It's not MY approval, silly...that's what you're not getting. Anti gay bigots are not going to welcome in society just like racist bigots aren't. This is a FACT that anti gay bigots will have to navigate. Good luck.

Don't need luck. Not planning on changing what I believe and have done fine and will continue to do fine. People like you will be shunned in society. Despite what support you think you have, you're still a second class freak of nature and always will be.

We aren't talking about you, but 18-29 year olds. Are your offspring older than that? If not, they simply are not going to be able to be openly anti gay. This is a fact.

I am and don't have a problem with expressing my beliefs that homosexuality is wrong. My oldest is in that 18 - 29 group. She also has no problem expressing her beliefs and does just fine in a society you say you can't survive in doing so. Guess you're wrong much like your choice to live a deviant lifestyle.

What is actually more likely is that she acts one way around you and another in the real world.

What is absolutely likely is that you don't have a clue. For you to make such a bold statement you would have had to be around her in the real world. That would be a mistake for you. However, I have been around her in the private world and the real world. It's the same both ways.

You can keep deluding yourself, but maybe your offspring can explain it to can't be an openly anti gay bigot and exist in today's society (unless you are a church). This is fact. You either change or hide.
So we are turning this thread into another manufactured flame war starring Syriusly and her sock puppet Conservative eh? Something about Alabama citing Windsor to deny gay marraige in their state bothering you Syriusly? If you can't spam, then a fake flame war will sure burn up the pages eh? least it won't LOOK like spam..

Conspiracies is pretty much all you have left at this point.

No, I have Alabama...

And also conspiracies. If you believe Conservative65 is Syriusly's sock than quit bitching about it and file a complaint with the staff if you're so sure.
So we are turning this thread into another manufactured flame war starring Syriusly and her sock puppet Conservative eh? Something about Alabama citing Windsor to deny gay marraige in their state bothering you Syriusly? If you can't spam, then a fake flame war will sure burn up the pages eh? least it won't LOOK like spam..

Yes, a manufactured flame war between conservative65 and Seawytch....oh, wait, you claim conservative65 is Syriusly's which is it?

And again, as someone who posts the same link dozens of times, posts the exact same arguments over and over and over and over again, complaining about someone else spamming is hilarious. ;)
Whatever. Gays and lesbians are rightfully having their marriages recognized as being as legally valid and protected as those of straights. With the public support for gay marriage continuing to surge.

I strongly suspect than in 30 years we'll look back on people like you like we look back today on interracial marriage opponents 30 years ago.

So mob rule by the faggots and their lovers?

Clearly reading comprehension wasn't one of your strengths in school.

Clearly you on consider it mob rule when it comes from a side with which you disagree. Typical. You call opposition to same sex marriage mob rule but are perfectly fine with what you believe being done in the same manner you say is wrong.

I support extending freedoms. You're advocating restricting them. Those are opposites. As for 'mob rule', we're arguing that individual rights should be protected. Which is the exact opposite of mob rule.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Faggots don't want equality. They want acceptance of their perverted, abnormal lifestyle. It won't happen here nor with anyone I can educate on the difference between normal male/female relationships and freaks of nature that make abnormal choices in life. Best believe my kids already know as do the kids of many people I know. We aren't going anywhere despite your best efforts.

Hate takes lots of energy. And works best when the object of your hatred is far away. The reason you're losing this debate is lots of folks know gays and lesbians. And they're just folks. Your description doesn't match the experience of most people.

Given your vitriol contradicted by their experience....most folks are gonna go with their experience.
Says you, citing you. And I genuinely don't care what your personal opinion is. I'm concerned with legal rights.

You're concerned about a personal agenda.

I've got no horse in the race. As gay marriage doesn't effect me. Rights and equal protections do. Which is why I support gay marriage.

I don't personally support close relatives marrying. However, if you support equal rights, you better damn well do it for all situations or any argument you have for the faggots is dismissed much like your simple existence already has.

Do you support mixed race marriage as a legal right?

If you do, you better damn well support the right for incestuous marriage and people marrying goats- because according to your logic- if we recognize equal rights for anybody- then that means of course people must be able to marry their mothers.

You missed the point retard. Those who support same sex marriage and do so because they claim they support equality are the first to oppose other types of marriages. Skylar is one of them.

Actually I got the point- bigots like your like to drag out this strawman.

It always follows the same predictable path:
  • Bigot proclaims that homosexuals are bad, gay marriage is bad, and that allowing gay marriage means that every other kind of union conceivable will follow.
  • Bigot then challenges those who favor marriage equality for homosexuals to either:
    a) also favor sons marrying moms and polygamy- so the bigots can say "look these guys are promoting incest and polygamy- like we said or
    b) if those who favor marriage equality do not favor sons marrying moms and polygamy, then you bigots like to claim "Gotcha- you are bigots". or c) In your twist- you claim that Skylar that he is 'the first to oppose other types of marriage'- which of course is a lie- Skylar has been pretty clear that he doesn't have an actual position and nor do I.
Why don't I take a position- for or against? Because the question is just the strawman that bigots like yourself drag out because you have no actual argument to support your bigotry.
Says you, citing you. And I genuinely don't care what your personal opinion is. I'm concerned with legal rights.

You're concerned about a personal agenda.

I've got no horse in the race. As gay marriage doesn't effect me. Rights and equal protections do. Which is why I support gay marriage.

Yet you oppose other marriages that fit the same concept of equality you say should exist for same sex marriages. You've made it clear that you have no opinion on close relatives marrying because you don't have much knowledge of the details. You don't need the details. All you need to know is that two close relatives that are of the age of consent want to get married. That's your arugmen for faggots. Therefore, if you oppose those or avoid supporting them, you're a hypocrite.

Says you. Unlike you, I don't form opinions before I have information. You insist that no information is necessary. And you're obviously wrong. On marriage between siblings, I don't really have an opinion.

That's not 'opposition'. No matter how you try to spin it. And you clearly don't understand what 'hypocrisy' means. As you're using the term as a generic pejorative.

I don't personally support close relatives marrying.

Honestly, I don't care. Your personal opinion has no value to me. I don't consider you particularly insightful, you don't apply much reason or logic to your arguments, and you've made it clear that you don't think you need any information to form an opinion.

I don't respect any of that. So believe as you wish. Really, no one gives a shit. As the process that formed your perspective is, by your own admission, ignorant.

No thank you.

The ONLY information you need when it comes to siblings marrying is that they are consenting adults that want equality. That's the ONLY information you need to support faggots marrying. Interesting how having just that for that latter is enough but you need much more for the former. That's why you get no respect and are a despised person.

I know what hypocrisy means and you practice it fully. Your claim is that faggots should marry because of equality then refuse to offer the same thing to siblings even when the INFORMATION is exactly the same.

You only know what bigotry means. And you practice it fully.

f*ggot, n*gger, k*ke, c*nt- all the same kinds of words used by bigots like yourself for the same reason.
Whatever. Gays and lesbians are rightfully having their marriages recognized as being as legally valid and protected as those of straights. With the public support for gay marriage continuing to surge.

I strongly suspect than in 30 years we'll look back on people like you like we look back today on interracial marriage opponents 30 years ago.

So mob rule by the faggots and their lovers?

Clearly reading comprehension wasn't one of your strengths in school.

Clearly you on consider it mob rule when it comes from a side with which you disagree. Typical. You call opposition to same sex marriage mob rule but are perfectly fine with what you believe being done in the same manner you say is wrong.

Faggots don't want equality. They want acceptance of their perverted, abnormal lifestyle. It won't happen here nor with anyone I can educate on the difference between normal male/female relationships and freaks of nature that make abnormal choices in life. Best believe my kids already know as do the kids of many people I know. We aren't going anywhere despite your best efforts.
You are dying breed, and we are perfectly happy to see you happily on your way.

Perhaps you didn't read the part that there are still plenty of us around. My kids and my friends kids will keep up the fight for normal lifestyles after I'm gone.

Dream on....dream....just as Stevie the racist claims that his children will keep up the fight for white kids will do whatever they do, no matter how much you try to brainwash them.
Read the 9th amendment. Reserve Rights exist. And they don't need to be enumerated.

Your silly interpretation of 'exhaustive rights' is exactly why the 9th amendment exists. Because the founders were certain some chucklehead would assume that if a right wasn't listed in the Bill of Rights, it didn't exist.

And thank goodness they created the 9th amendment to disprove such nonsense!

Rights trump powers, chucklehead. Get used to the idea.

Get used to the fact that despite homos marrying, you will still be a freak and an abnormal individual.

Says you, citing you. And I genuinely don't care what your personal opinion is. I'm concerned with legal rights.

You're concerned about a personal agenda.

I've got no horse in the race. As gay marriage doesn't effect me. Rights and equal protections do. Which is why I support gay marriage.

You support it for faggots then oppose it for other types of marriages although the information you say you need is exactly he same in both cases.

Why do you keep lying? I mean other than you have no other argument to make?
Your kids and your kids friends are not as anti gay as you think...and even if they are, they won't make a difference. Support for marriage equality among 18-29 year olds is at 78%. Your anti gay kids aren't a drop in the proverbial bucket.
To say that about my kids, it means you would have had to be around them. Since there is one way to guarantee that hasn't happened, saying what you think they believe or are is invalid. It puts freaks like you in the piss bucket where you belong.

No, I don't have to know YOUR kids to know that they are influenced by their surroundings as much, if not more, than they are by you. The world around them isn't anti gay and therefore, if they are going to survive in it, they won't be either.

Interesting you think you know that much.

They'll survive fine freak. They have been taught using he advice of King Solomon: "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

History repeats. Anti gay bigots are not going to be welcomed in polite society. Your kids will either unlearn the hate you teach them or they will hide it in order to function in society.

There are no "it gets better" videos for bigots, though.

I don't need your approval to be welcome in society freak. Neither do my kids. Don't like it, fuck off or get AIDS.

Ah how charming- another Conservative hoping Americans will die.

No, I don't have to know YOUR kids to know that they are influenced by their surroundings as much, if not more, than they are by you. The world around them isn't anti gay and therefore, if they are going to survive in it, they won't be either.

Interesting you think you know that much.

They'll survive fine freak. They have been taught using he advice of King Solomon: "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

History repeats. Anti gay bigots are not going to be welcomed in polite society. Your kids will either unlearn the hate you teach them or they will hide it in order to function in society.

There are no "it gets better" videos for bigots, though.

I don't need your approval to be welcome in society freak. Neither do my kids. Don't like it, fuck off or get AIDS.

It's not MY approval, silly...that's what you're not getting. Anti gay bigots are not going to welcome in society just like racist bigots aren't. This is a FACT that anti gay bigots will have to navigate. Good luck.

Don't need luck. Not planning on changing what I believe and have done fine and will continue to do fine. People like you will be shunned in society. Despite what support you think you have, you're still a second class freak of nature and always will be.

Wow- you sound so much like Stevie the racist and how he talks about African Americans.

Its downright eerily similar.
So we are turning this thread into another manufactured flame war starring Syriusly and her sock puppet Conservative eh? Something about Alabama citing Windsor to deny gay marraige in their state bothering you Syriusly? If you can't spam, then a fake flame war will sure burn up the pages eh? least it won't LOOK like spam..

How ironic coming from the SPAM queen.
Interesting you think you know that much.

They'll survive fine freak. They have been taught using he advice of King Solomon: "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

History repeats. Anti gay bigots are not going to be welcomed in polite society. Your kids will either unlearn the hate you teach them or they will hide it in order to function in society.

There are no "it gets better" videos for bigots, though.

I don't need your approval to be welcome in society freak. Neither do my kids. Don't like it, fuck off or get AIDS.

It's not MY approval, silly...that's what you're not getting. Anti gay bigots are not going to welcome in society just like racist bigots aren't. This is a FACT that anti gay bigots will have to navigate. Good luck.

Don't need luck. Not planning on changing what I believe and have done fine and will continue to do fine. People like you will be shunned in society. Despite what support you think you have, you're still a second class freak of nature and always will be.

Wow- you sound so much like Stevie the racist and how he talks about African Americans.

Its downright eerily similar.

African-Americans? What a joke of a term. The only thing African any of them have is skin color. There are whites from South Africa that are more African than the blacks using that term.
History repeats. Anti gay bigots are not going to be welcomed in polite society. Your kids will either unlearn the hate you teach them or they will hide it in order to function in society.

There are no "it gets better" videos for bigots, though.

I don't need your approval to be welcome in society freak. Neither do my kids. Don't like it, fuck off or get AIDS.

It's not MY approval, silly...that's what you're not getting. Anti gay bigots are not going to welcome in society just like racist bigots aren't. This is a FACT that anti gay bigots will have to navigate. Good luck.

Don't need luck. Not planning on changing what I believe and have done fine and will continue to do fine. People like you will be shunned in society. Despite what support you think you have, you're still a second class freak of nature and always will be.

Wow- you sound so much like Stevie the racist and how he talks about African Americans.

Its downright eerily similar.

African-Americans? What a joke of a term. The only thing African any of them have is skin color. There are whites from South Africa that are more African than the blacks using that term.

You are probably just more comfortable calling them n*ggers.
I don't need your approval to be welcome in society freak. Neither do my kids. Don't like it, fuck off or get AIDS.

It's not MY approval, silly...that's what you're not getting. Anti gay bigots are not going to welcome in society just like racist bigots aren't. This is a FACT that anti gay bigots will have to navigate. Good luck.

Don't need luck. Not planning on changing what I believe and have done fine and will continue to do fine. People like you will be shunned in society. Despite what support you think you have, you're still a second class freak of nature and always will be.

Wow- you sound so much like Stevie the racist and how he talks about African Americans.

Its downright eerily similar.

African-Americans? What a joke of a term. The only thing African any of them have is skin color. There are whites from South Africa that are more African than the blacks using that term.

You are probably just more comfortable calling them n*ggers.

Oh look, it's like I said before...anti gay bigots are usually also racist and misogynist. Conservative65 does not disappoint.
9 one line posts from Syriusly, one from "Conservative" in identical posting style and we're almost done with two pages..
All I know is, some on the right could not get very serious with a really really serious relationship with True Witness bearing; and resorted to fallacy, to prove it. :p

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