Alabama SC orders judges to stop issuing homosexuals "marriage" licenses.

Says the one who sees your entire support for same sex marriage being based on a claim for equality. Your entire argument in favor of it centers around YOUR claim that it isn't about an agenda but equal protection.

I've defined my standards of equal protection: if you're going to say no to gays, you'll need a very good reason, a compelling state interest and a valid legislative ends. And I didn't pull them from the air. These are the standards articulated by Justice Kennedy in Romer v. Evans, and in other USSC cases.

Gay marriage bans have none of these.

That's my basis of equal protection. And I don't know enough sibling marriage to have an opinion on the matter.

Gay marriage bans have none based on your OPINION.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

You don't know shit. That's why you support a bunch of deviant faggots getting married. Maybe you can find a spouse.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.
You cite activist judges with the same faggot agenda you have.

Says you. Again, you applying arbitrary labels to anyone who disagrees with you is meaningless. As agreeing with you is meaningless. It defines nothing, legitimizes nothing, nor establishes any rational standard. Its just your personal opinion.

And no one cares.

Now gay marriage being legal in 37 of 50 States? Folks care about that.
Good folks don't. Faggot lovers do and you aren't good folks.
Individual judges have made faggot marriages legal in many States. Don't confuse an activist judge and the will of the people of my State who opposed it. That's a problem you faggot lovers have. Having an agenda isn't having reason.

Who says they are 'activist judges'. See, your standard of an 'activist judge' is anyone who disagrees with you. ANd agreement with you isn't a standard of legal legitimacy. Or a standard of anything for that matter.

And with gay marriage legal in 37 of 50 States with tens of thousands of gays and lesbians already married......'my' position is clearly worth quite a bit. While yours is rightfully withering, with a string of defeats that essentially perfect.

The definition of activist.

Disagreeing with you isn't the definition of anything. As no one gives a shit if you agree or not. Your personal opinion is irrelevant to this entire issue.
Says the one who sees your entire support for same sex marriage being based on a claim for equality. Your entire argument in favor of it centers around YOUR claim that it isn't about an agenda but equal protection.

I've defined my standards of equal protection: if you're going to say no to gays, you'll need a very good reason, a compelling state interest and a valid legislative ends. And I didn't pull them from the air. These are the standards articulated by Justice Kennedy in Romer v. Evans, and in other USSC cases.

Gay marriage bans have none of these.

That's my basis of equal protection. And I don't know enough sibling marriage to have an opinion on the matter.

Gay marriage bans have none based on your OPINION.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

You don't know shit. That's why you support a bunch of deviant faggots getting married. Maybe you can find a spouse.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.
You cite activist judges with the same faggot agenda you have.

Says you. Again, you applying arbitrary labels to anyone who disagrees with you is meaningless. As agreeing with you is meaningless. It defines nothing, legitimizes nothing, nor establishes any rational standard. Its just your personal opinion.

And no one cares.

Now gay marriage being legal in 37 of 50 States? Folks care about that.

Says the definition of activist you stupid motherfucker.
I've defined my standards of equal protection: if you're going to say no to gays, you'll need a very good reason, a compelling state interest and a valid legislative ends. And I didn't pull them from the air. These are the standards articulated by Justice Kennedy in Romer v. Evans, and in other USSC cases.

Gay marriage bans have none of these.

That's my basis of equal protection. And I don't know enough sibling marriage to have an opinion on the matter.

Gay marriage bans have none based on your OPINION.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

You don't know shit. That's why you support a bunch of deviant faggots getting married. Maybe you can find a spouse.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.
You cite activist judges with the same faggot agenda you have.

Says you. Again, you applying arbitrary labels to anyone who disagrees with you is meaningless. As agreeing with you is meaningless. It defines nothing, legitimizes nothing, nor establishes any rational standard. Its just your personal opinion.

And no one cares.

Now gay marriage being legal in 37 of 50 States? Folks care about that.
Good folks don't. Faggot lovers do and you aren't good folks.


Do you have anything beyond meaningless declarations of personal opinion?
Individual judges have made faggot marriages legal in many States. Don't confuse an activist judge and the will of the people of my State who opposed it. That's a problem you faggot lovers have. Having an agenda isn't having reason.

Who says they are 'activist judges'. See, your standard of an 'activist judge' is anyone who disagrees with you. ANd agreement with you isn't a standard of legal legitimacy. Or a standard of anything for that matter.

And with gay marriage legal in 37 of 50 States with tens of thousands of gays and lesbians already married......'my' position is clearly worth quite a bit. While yours is rightfully withering, with a string of defeats that essentially perfect.

The definition of activist.

Disagreeing with you isn't the definition of anything. As no one gives a shit if you agree or not. Your personal opinion is irrelevant to this entire issue.
And you think your personal opinion is?

Has nothing to do with me. It has to do with the definition you retarded sack of shit.
Gay marriage bans have none based on your OPINION.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

You don't know shit. That's why you support a bunch of deviant faggots getting married. Maybe you can find a spouse.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.
You cite activist judges with the same faggot agenda you have.

Says you. Again, you applying arbitrary labels to anyone who disagrees with you is meaningless. As agreeing with you is meaningless. It defines nothing, legitimizes nothing, nor establishes any rational standard. Its just your personal opinion.

And no one cares.

Now gay marriage being legal in 37 of 50 States? Folks care about that.
Good folks don't. Faggot lovers do and you aren't good folks.


Do you have anything beyond meaningless declarations of personal opinion?

You should ask yourself the same thing.
Individual judges have made faggot marriages legal in many States. Don't confuse an activist judge and the will of the people of my State who opposed it. That's a problem you faggot lovers have. Having an agenda isn't having reason.

Who says they are 'activist judges'. See, your standard of an 'activist judge' is anyone who disagrees with you. ANd agreement with you isn't a standard of legal legitimacy. Or a standard of anything for that matter.

And with gay marriage legal in 37 of 50 States with tens of thousands of gays and lesbians already married......'my' position is clearly worth quite a bit. While yours is rightfully withering, with a string of defeats that essentially perfect.

The definition of activist.

Disagreeing with you isn't the definition of anything. As no one gives a shit if you agree or not. Your personal opinion is irrelevant to this entire issue.
And you think your personal opinion is?

Your state is now aligned with my personal opinion. As is public support for gay marriage.

So I'm doing just fine! And I'm looking forward to the USSC ruling in June.

How about you?
I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.
You cite activist judges with the same faggot agenda you have.

Says you. Again, you applying arbitrary labels to anyone who disagrees with you is meaningless. As agreeing with you is meaningless. It defines nothing, legitimizes nothing, nor establishes any rational standard. Its just your personal opinion.

And no one cares.

Now gay marriage being legal in 37 of 50 States? Folks care about that.
Good folks don't. Faggot lovers do and you aren't good folks.


Do you have anything beyond meaningless declarations of personal opinion?

You should ask yourself the same thing.

Gay marriage being legal in 37 of 50 States isn't 'my personal opinion'. That's a fact. Your state now recognizing and protecting the marriages of gays as being as legitimate and valid as that of straights isn't 'my opinion'. That's a fact.

See, I've used knowledge, details and facts to form my opinion. So my opinion has a bridge to reality. You seem confused on the utility of knowledge and details. So no one really gives a shit what you think.
I've defined my standards of equal protection: if you're going to say no to gays, you'll need a very good reason, a compelling state interest and a valid legislative ends. And I didn't pull them from the air. These are the standards articulated by Justice Kennedy in Romer v. Evans, and in other USSC cases.

Gay marriage bans have none of these.

That's my basis of equal protection. And I don't know enough sibling marriage to have an opinion on the matter.

Gay marriage bans have none based on your OPINION.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

You don't know shit. That's why you support a bunch of deviant faggots getting married. Maybe you can find a spouse.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.

Gay marriage can't ever win.

Sure it can. Every time a state recognized it, it wins. And so does equal protection. And constitutional rights!

You disagree. And who gives a shit? Gays are getting married anyway. You believe whatever you want. It has no impact on the 10s of thosuands of gays and lesbians that have been married, or the hundreds of thousands that are to follow.

Sounds like a win-win to me!

My State didn't recognize it. An activist judge said what my State did recognize didn't matter.

It just gives me more opportunities to go where the faggots are marrying and make fun of their second class status.

Two people of the same sex getting married are born losers.
More evidence of your ignorance, hate, and stupidity that's repugnant to the Constitution.
It's not MY approval, silly...that's what you're not getting. Anti gay bigots are not going to welcome in society just like racist bigots aren't. This is a FACT that anti gay bigots will have to navigate. Good luck.

Don't need luck. Not planning on changing what I believe and have done fine and will continue to do fine. People like you will be shunned in society. Despite what support you think you have, you're still a second class freak of nature and always will be.

Wow- you sound so much like Stevie the racist and how he talks about African Americans.

Its downright eerily similar.

African-Americans? What a joke of a term. The only thing African any of them have is skin color. There are whites from South Africa that are more African than the blacks using that term.

You are probably just more comfortable calling them n*ggers.

No, just those that are.

I damn sure am not going to call someone that has never been to Africa and African American regardless of where their ancestors may be from.

Of course not- that is why you call Americans f*ggots and n*ggers- like a good bigot.
I've defined my standards of equal protection: if you're going to say no to gays, you'll need a very good reason, a compelling state interest and a valid legislative ends. And I didn't pull them from the air. These are the standards articulated by Justice Kennedy in Romer v. Evans, and in other USSC cases.

Gay marriage bans have none of these.

That's my basis of equal protection. And I don't know enough sibling marriage to have an opinion on the matter.

Gay marriage bans have none based on your OPINION.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

You don't know shit. That's why you support a bunch of deviant faggots getting married. Maybe you can find a spouse.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.
You cite activist judges with the same faggot agenda you have.

Says you. Again, you applying arbitrary labels to anyone who disagrees with you is meaningless. As agreeing with you is meaningless. It defines nothing, legitimizes nothing, nor establishes any rational standard. Its just your personal opinion.

And no one cares.

Now gay marriage being legal in 37 of 50 States? Folks care about that.

Says the definition of activist you stupid motherfucker.

And why is it that bigots seem to have the vocabularies of 12 year old boys?
I've defined my standards of equal protection: if you're going to say no to gays, you'll need a very good reason, a compelling state interest and a valid legislative ends. And I didn't pull them from the air. These are the standards articulated by Justice Kennedy in Romer v. Evans, and in other USSC cases.

Gay marriage bans have none of these.

That's my basis of equal protection. And I don't know enough sibling marriage to have an opinion on the matter.

Gay marriage bans have none based on your OPINION.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

You don't know shit. That's why you support a bunch of deviant faggots getting married. Maybe you can find a spouse.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.

Gay marriage can't ever win.

Sure it can. Every time a state recognized it, it wins. And so does equal protection. And constitutional rights!

You disagree. And who gives a shit? Gays are getting married anyway. You believe whatever you want. It has no impact on the 10s of thosuands of gays and lesbians that have been married, or the hundreds of thousands that are to follow.

Sounds like a win-win to me!

My State didn't recognize it. An activist judge said what my State did recognize didn't matter.

It just gives me more opportunities to go where the faggots are marrying and make fun of their second class status.

Two people of the same sex getting married are born losers.

I think this is a picture of you doing just that

Says who?

Says the one who sees your entire support for same sex marriage being based on a claim for equality. Your entire argument in favor of it centers around YOUR claim that it isn't about an agenda but equal protection.

I've defined my standards of equal protection: if you're going to say no to gays, you'll need a very good reason, a compelling state interest and a valid legislative ends. And I didn't pull them from the air. These are the standards articulated by Justice Kennedy in Romer v. Evans, and in other USSC cases.

Gay marriage bans have none of these.

That's my basis of equal protection. And I don't know enough sibling marriage to have an opinion on the matter.

Gay marriage bans have none based on your OPINION.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

You don't know shit. That's why you support a bunch of deviant faggots getting married. Maybe you can find a spouse.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.
You cite activist judges with the same faggot agenda you have.

He is citing judges who have authority and education.

Both which you lack.
Gay marriage bans have none based on your OPINION.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

You don't know shit. That's why you support a bunch of deviant faggots getting married. Maybe you can find a spouse.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.

Gay marriage can't ever win.

Sure it can. Every time a state recognized it, it wins. And so does equal protection. And constitutional rights!

You disagree. And who gives a shit? Gays are getting married anyway. You believe whatever you want. It has no impact on the 10s of thosuands of gays and lesbians that have been married, or the hundreds of thousands that are to follow.

Sounds like a win-win to me!

My State didn't recognize it. An activist judge said what my State did recognize didn't matter.

It just gives me more opportunities to go where the faggots are marrying and make fun of their second class status.

Two people of the same sex getting married are born losers.
More evidence of your ignorance, hate, and stupidity that's repugnant to the Constitution.

More evidence that you think two abnormal freaks are normal which goes against humanity.
Gay marriage bans have none based on your OPINION.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

You don't know shit. That's why you support a bunch of deviant faggots getting married. Maybe you can find a spouse.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.

Gay marriage can't ever win.

Sure it can. Every time a state recognized it, it wins. And so does equal protection. And constitutional rights!

You disagree. And who gives a shit? Gays are getting married anyway. You believe whatever you want. It has no impact on the 10s of thosuands of gays and lesbians that have been married, or the hundreds of thousands that are to follow.

Sounds like a win-win to me!

My State didn't recognize it. An activist judge said what my State did recognize didn't matter.

It just gives me more opportunities to go where the faggots are marrying and make fun of their second class status.

Two people of the same sex getting married are born losers.

I think this is a picture of you doing just that

View attachment 37686

I don't carry signs or wear shirts. I simply laugh at them thinking they are normal.
Says the one who sees your entire support for same sex marriage being based on a claim for equality. Your entire argument in favor of it centers around YOUR claim that it isn't about an agenda but equal protection.

I've defined my standards of equal protection: if you're going to say no to gays, you'll need a very good reason, a compelling state interest and a valid legislative ends. And I didn't pull them from the air. These are the standards articulated by Justice Kennedy in Romer v. Evans, and in other USSC cases.

Gay marriage bans have none of these.

That's my basis of equal protection. And I don't know enough sibling marriage to have an opinion on the matter.

Gay marriage bans have none based on your OPINION.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

You don't know shit. That's why you support a bunch of deviant faggots getting married. Maybe you can find a spouse.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.
You cite activist judges with the same faggot agenda you have.

He is citing judges who have authority and education.

Both which you lack.

Doesn't change that an ACTIVIST made a decision against the will of the people of many of those states. Seems you should educate yourself on that FACT.
Don't confuse power and authority. They have the power to do it merely because of their position. They do not have the ability to enforce it only to say it. Also, don't confuse power with making correct decisions. Because someone can decide doesn't mean they make the correct decision. In your case, you assume they mean the same thing because you agree with what other faggot lovers with an agenda do.
Gay marriage bans have none based on your OPINION.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

You don't know shit. That's why you support a bunch of deviant faggots getting married. Maybe you can find a spouse.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.
You cite activist judges with the same faggot agenda you have.

Says you. Again, you applying arbitrary labels to anyone who disagrees with you is meaningless. As agreeing with you is meaningless. It defines nothing, legitimizes nothing, nor establishes any rational standard. Its just your personal opinion.

And no one cares.

Now gay marriage being legal in 37 of 50 States? Folks care about that.

Says the definition of activist you stupid motherfucker.

And why is it that bigots seem to have the vocabularies of 12 year old boys?

Why do faggot lovers like you not understand the definition of the term activist? Seems my vocabulary is far greater than yours. Apparently you don't understand the definition of motherfucker either. Look in the mirror and see both that and a faggot loving freak.
I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.
You cite activist judges with the same faggot agenda you have.

Says you. Again, you applying arbitrary labels to anyone who disagrees with you is meaningless. As agreeing with you is meaningless. It defines nothing, legitimizes nothing, nor establishes any rational standard. Its just your personal opinion.

And no one cares.

Now gay marriage being legal in 37 of 50 States? Folks care about that.

Says the definition of activist you stupid motherfucker.

And why is it that bigots seem to have the vocabularies of 12 year old boys?

Why do faggot lovers like you not understand the definition of the term activist? Seems my vocabulary is far greater than yours. Apparently you don't understand the definition of motherfucker either. Look in the mirror and see both that and a faggot loving freak.

I'm beginning to think you're about as real as this: Landover Baptist Where the Worthwhile Worship. Unsaved Unwelcome
You cite activist judges with the same faggot agenda you have.

Says you. Again, you applying arbitrary labels to anyone who disagrees with you is meaningless. As agreeing with you is meaningless. It defines nothing, legitimizes nothing, nor establishes any rational standard. Its just your personal opinion.

And no one cares.

Now gay marriage being legal in 37 of 50 States? Folks care about that.

Says the definition of activist you stupid motherfucker.

And why is it that bigots seem to have the vocabularies of 12 year old boys?

Why do faggot lovers like you not understand the definition of the term activist? Seems my vocabulary is far greater than yours. Apparently you don't understand the definition of motherfucker either. Look in the mirror and see both that and a faggot loving freak.

I'm beginning to think you're about as real as this: Landover Baptist Where the Worthwhile Worship. Unsaved Unwelcome

I've already determined you're worthless.
I'm not citing me. I'm citing 44 of 46 federal rulings which have all indicated that gay marriage bans violate equal protection. And with the USSC preserving EVERY lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans, while at the same time refusing EVERY request for stay from States trying to preserve gay marriage bans.... seems quite likely that the USSC is on the same page I am.

I know gay marriage is winning. That its swaying public opinion, with a sound majority supporting it now. I know gay marriage is legal in 37 of 50 States. And I know it seems quite likely that the USSC will make it 50 of 50 in June.

And apparently, so do you.
You cite activist judges with the same faggot agenda you have.

Says you. Again, you applying arbitrary labels to anyone who disagrees with you is meaningless. As agreeing with you is meaningless. It defines nothing, legitimizes nothing, nor establishes any rational standard. Its just your personal opinion.

And no one cares.

Now gay marriage being legal in 37 of 50 States? Folks care about that.

Says the definition of activist you stupid motherfucker.

And why is it that bigots seem to have the vocabularies of 12 year old boys?

Why do faggot lovers like you not understand the definition of the term activist? Seems my vocabulary is far greater than yours. Apparently you don't understand the definition of motherfucker either. Look in the mirror and see both that and a faggot loving freak.

I understand the definition of 'activist' just fine.

Like I said- why is it bigots like yourself have the vocabulary of 12 year old boys?

Giggling to yourself about how you said 'motherfucker' and f*ggot'.....and your mom didn't catch you.

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