Alabama SC orders judges to stop issuing homosexuals "marriage" licenses.

Guys, go through the web site and the links of EXPLORE TOPICS, so you can satisfy yourselves. I am not worried at all about JAMES and his CLAIMS.

You huckster and indoctrinator. Bet you scam a lot of folks.
There is no debate, just James being a gastric penguin, nothing more.
YOUR 14th amendment is clear in its text, only those with an agenda would pervert it to establish a fiction. I have already give you logical proof as to why it doesn't apply to your current agenda, any person not so caught up in childish emotion, or politics can see the truth. In fact I may devote my next article to this foolishness for the purpose of opening the eyes of our people just a little more.
You have blabbed, nothing else. Try it in a history class in a secondary education or college history class, the professor will grin and say, "For the sake of your grade, I hope this is a joke.'
You must be referring to a college professor of indoctrination. They simply regurgitate the same BS that they were indoctrinated into. Please by all means ask one of them to join the discussion, I always welcome such.
The South lost, was beaten down by force of arms, and so many of the southern leaders said it was over, to make peace. Do so yourself, instead of running around in fantasy land.

"The fact is, no terms of surrender were ever signed by Our President." So what? Does not mean a thing in law today or reality at all. We lost. I say "we" because I lived in the South for decades, and I loved it. You are not in reality.

Professors of indoctrination? Horse crap, son. They are better educated on every aspect of the matter than you can ever hope.
Just because you once lived in a Southern Confederate State does not make you one of us. Glad to know that you left.
If these indoctrination professors are so educated, then by all means, as I have requested invite them in, I doubt the challenge will be accepted, because they know they will be shown to be fools. I have been around for a while "son" and have defeated retired as well as sitting CONstitutional lawyers. I really would like to have at least one if you rise to my challenge concerning the previously posed questions that I posted. So far none have had the education in their constitution to rise to the challenge.
Please do as JAKE requested and visit then you can see that he is a liar for yourselves. There is nothing for sale, there is no advertisements or requests for finding at all.
Guys, go through the web site and the links of EXPLORE TOPICS, so you can satisfy yourselves. I am not worried at all about JAMES and his CLAIMS.

You huckster and indoctrinator. Bet you scam a lot of folks.
There is no "explore topics" at
This idiot JAKE is either a liar, or cannot google properly. My guess is both idiot and liar.
You as an ignorant propagandist and huckster have been exposed.
What this idiot JAKE has done is go to a website established by two Yankees from Indiana aimed to discredit and create confusion for idiots like JAKE who do not know how to use their search engine. The address is, not CSAgovernment you idiot. Good grief, is it any wonder why you cannot grasp simple facts.
Guys, go through the web site and the links of EXPLORE TOPICS, so you can satisfy yourselves. I am not worried at all about JAMES and his CLAIMS.

You huckster and indoctrinator. Bet you scam a lot of folks.
There is no "explore topics" at
This idiot JAKE is either a liar, or cannot google properly. My guess is both idiot and liar.

Imbecile... No way his IQ runs beyond 50.
Guys, go through the web site and the links of EXPLORE TOPICS, so you can satisfy yourselves. I am not worried at all about JAMES and his CLAIMS.

You huckster and indoctrinator. Bet you scam a lot of folks.
There is no "explore topics" at
This idiot JAKE is either a liar, or cannot google properly. My guess is both idiot and liar., a companion site. Nice try, James.

James, a good word of advice. Keys is a dolt and idiot, and he will stab you in the back the second you disagree with him.
Guys, go through the web site and the links of EXPLORE TOPICS, so you can satisfy yourselves. I am not worried at all about JAMES and his CLAIMS.

You huckster and indoctrinator. Bet you scam a lot of folks.
There is no "explore topics" at
This idiot JAKE is either a liar, or cannot google properly. My guess is both idiot and liar., a companion site. Nice try, James.

James, a good word of advice. Keys is a dolt and idiot, and he will stab you in the back the second you disagree with him.
That cheap two bit site is the work of two Yankees with the same level of pathetic intellect as you. You would never see my work posted on that POS site.
You should work with those two.
You each are birds of the same Yankee feather......
Yes, it's encouraging to have fearless judges stand against the black robed tyrants perverting the Constitution and overturning democracy. The homos will blow their lids (or each other) over this.

it's always fun to read the musings of brain dead wackjobs who don't understand our legal system or system of government.

federal decisions take precedence over the states.

this is why you can't have nice things.
Yes, it's encouraging to have fearless judges stand against the black robed tyrants perverting the Constitution and overturning democracy. The homos will blow their lids (or each other) over this.

it's always fun to read the musings of brain dead wackjobs who don't understand our legal system or system of government.

federal decisions take precedence over the states.

this is why you can't have nice things.
Well is this not interesting? We now have a genius entering the discussion, who refers to the "federal decisions" as if a federal
System is still in existence. Please by all means explain the two systems that the framers' cobbled together in the Formation of YOUR CONstitutional system and how those two systems were to operate. This should be no problem for you to exponent us "brain dead wackjobs" who do not understand your CONstitutional system. Please expound on the explanation that I have requested.
Yes, it's encouraging to have fearless judges stand against the black robed tyrants perverting the Constitution and overturning democracy. The homos will blow their lids (or each other) over this.

it's always fun to read the musings of brain dead wackjobs who don't understand our legal system or system of government.

federal decisions take precedence over the states.

this is why you can't have nice things.
Take your time, I'm. Going to go offline for a while, but I will check back on your progress. If you need assistance in finding the info or help in explaining just ask this "brain dead wackjob".
Yes, it's encouraging to have fearless judges stand against the black robed tyrants perverting the Constitution and overturning democracy. The homos will blow their lids (or each other) over this.

it's always fun to read the musings of brain dead wackjobs who don't understand our legal system or system of government.

federal decisions take precedence over the states.

this is why you can't have nice things.
Well is this not interesting? We now have a genius entering the discussion, who refers to the "federal decisions" as if a federal
System is still in existence. Please by all means explain the two systems that the framers' cobbled together in the Formation of YOUR CONstitutional system and how those two systems were to operate. This should be no problem for you to exponent us "brain dead wackjobs" who do not understand your CONstitutional system. Please expound on the explanation that I have requested.
She's correct on both counts: the states are subject to Federal rulings, and you are in fact a brain dead wackjob.
Yes, it's encouraging to have fearless judges stand against the black robed tyrants perverting the Constitution and overturning democracy. The homos will blow their lids (or each other) over this.

it's always fun to read the musings of brain dead wackjobs who don't understand our legal system or system of government.

federal decisions take precedence over the states.

this is why you can't have nice things.

And did you know that no lower federal decision may contradict a SCOTUS Finding? Especially one made as recently as 2013 that has yet to be Overturned by SCOTUS (The only court in the federal system that may overturn a SCOTUS Finding)?

Speaking of brain

So, because Windsor used the 56-times avered Finding in Windsor 2013 that states have the power to define marriage on the question of same-sex marriage in order to strike down part of DOMA (which was the fed trying to define marriage for states), Alabama made the absolutely brave and correct legal decision to respect its discreet community's consensus that marriage is as it has always been defined there: man/woman.
Yes, it's encouraging to have fearless judges stand against the black robed tyrants perverting the Constitution and overturning democracy. The homos will blow their lids (or each other) over this.

it's always fun to read the musings of brain dead wackjobs who don't understand our legal system or system of government.

federal decisions take precedence over the states.

this is why you can't have nice things.
Well is this not interesting? We now have a genius entering the discussion, who refers to the "federal decisions" as if a federal
System is still in existence. Please by all means explain the two systems that the framers' cobbled together in the Formation of YOUR CONstitutional system and how those two systems were to operate. This should be no problem for you to exponent us "brain dead wackjobs" who do not understand your CONstitutional system. Please expound on the explanation that I have requested.

the federal system IS in existence, loon.
Yes, it's encouraging to have fearless judges stand against the black robed tyrants perverting the Constitution and overturning democracy. The homos will blow their lids (or each other) over this.

it's always fun to read the musings of brain dead wackjobs who don't understand our legal system or system of government.

federal decisions take precedence over the states.

this is why you can't have nice things.

And did you know that no lower federal decision may contradict a SCOTUS Finding? Especially one made as recently as 2013 that has yet to be Overturned by SCOTUS (The only court in the federal system that may overturn a SCOTUS Finding)?

Speaking of brain

So, because Windsor used the 56-times avered Finding in Windsor 2013 that states have the power to define marriage on the question of same-sex marriage in order to strike down part of DOMA (which was the fed trying to define marriage for states), Alabama made the absolutely brave and correct legal decision to respect its discreet community's consensus that marriage is as it has always been defined there: man/woman.

you're misstating windsor.

and the federal court specifically ruled on this. the states loons are actually in contempt. but the supreme court will deal with it.

Yes, it's encouraging to have fearless judges stand against the black robed tyrants perverting the Constitution and overturning democracy. The homos will blow their lids (or each other) over this.

it's always fun to read the musings of brain dead wackjobs who don't understand our legal system or system of government.

federal decisions take precedence over the states.

this is why you can't have nice things.
Well is this not interesting? We now have a genius entering the discussion, who refers to the "federal decisions" as if a federal
System is still in existence. Please by all means explain the two systems that the framers' cobbled together in the Formation of YOUR CONstitutional system and how those two systems were to operate. This should be no problem for you to exponent us "brain dead wackjobs" who do not understand your CONstitutional system. Please expound on the explanation that I have requested.
She's correct on both counts: the states are subject to Federal rulings, and you are in fact a brain dead wackjob.
Oh, so we have another cheerleader. Well now cheerleader, I offer you the same challenge. You see for there to exist federal authority, there must exist a federal system, so let's travel down the rabbit hole to discover truth from fiction, we begin with your answering my questions.

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