Alamdouchebag set for a downfall!

GHooks point, that the current regime in Iran might find itself voted out of office, still looks like good news to me.

There is no really good reason for the USA and Iran to be at loggerheads.

Like Kuwait, Iran suffered as a result of the Bath'ist regime.

The USA took that threat off the table.

The mouthy lunatic running that nation at the moment, might very well be voted out of office.

That's good news for the Iranians and for everyone in that region, I think.

Iran needs the world to buy its oil.

Currently, I am informed that Iran's budget requires that the price of oil come in around $93 a barrel.

So the people of Iran are not thrilled with things there now.

Let's hope that a more moderate regime takes over.
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Just like GWB did to the Republicans, Alamdouchebag lost the Parliament to the Reformers and soon the Presidency. The ayatollahs still pull all the strings, but people should not be take it little that Alamdouchebag is going to get voted out!

GHooks point, that the current regime in Iran might find itself voted out of office, still looks like good news to me.

There is no really good reason for the USA and Iran to be at loggerheads.

Like Kuwait, Iran suffered as a result of the Bath'ist regime.

The USA took that threat off the table.

The mouthy lunatic running that nation at the moment, might very well be voted out of office.

That's good news for the Iranians and for everyone in that region, I think.

Iran needs the world to buy its oil.

Currently, I am informed that Iran's budget requires that the price of oil come in around $93 a barrel.

So the people of Iran are not thrilled with things there now.

Let's hope that a more moderate regime takes over.
boot dont let the likes of rhodes get under your are a man....above that kinda bullshit

Make this world a better place and leave it fuckhead. You're a weak piece of trash, a one-trick pony who cannot accept facts, a trolling, even weaker-minded tool than shogun the chimp from whose feces you grew out of.

It looks like you didn't quite grasp the lesson you should have lerned from your last couple of silly "boo hoo shogun" threads, dude. You sure are one who should be complaining about trolling, cocksheeth!

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You don't accept a congratulation from a holocaust denying, Islamofacist, tyranical Hitler wanna-be! :cuckoo:

Except for the minor detail of a lack of slaughter in Iran, right? ;)

Lack of what?

The dictatorship murdered between 20,000 and 40,000 of its own people since its takeover in 1979, and ordered tens of thousands of children under the age of 12 to walk over land mines in the 1980-1988 war against iraq.
Not that there weren't condemnable elements of domestic repression of Iran historically and aren't today, but how is that related to Ahmadinejad's treatment of Iranian Jews?

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