Alamo defenders are cowards--- now

Get'em Gov. Abbott

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott took a firm stance on the proposition, arguing that the “political correctness in our schools” needed to “stop.”

Stop political correctness in our schools. Of course Texas schoolchildren should be taught that Alamo defenders were ‘Heroic’! I fully expect the State Board of Education to agree. Contact your SBOE Member to complain. ⁦@TXSBOE#txlege #tcotShould Texas Schoolchildren Be Taught That Alamo Defenders Were ‘Heroic’?

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) September 6, 2018
Should both points of view about the Alamo be presented to students or only the legend?
We know both points of view. Doesn’t change what our guys did to not being heroic.
I would argue they were not very smart. As is attributed to Patton, you don’t win wars by dying for your country. You win wars by making the other guy die for his. It would have been smarter to fight like the Indians, that is to say hit and run, guerrilla warfare. The people who died at the Alamo would have been better off cutting wide and attacking the supplies that Santa Ana had following to feed and supply his army.

Santa Ana would either have to curtail the suppression of the uprising, or dedicate a significant portion of his army to guarding the supplies. Either way, it would stretch his forces and make them easier to break. The Alamo was never going to be victorious.

It is sort of like Gettysburg. In every victorious battle, Robert E. Lee fought from the defensive. In Gettysburg, he fought on the offense, and suffered the same fate as people had been suffering on the attack for a long time now. Crockett was an Indian fighter. He knew how to fight like an Indian, he knew how to fight small unit raids and that sort of thing. Instead of going for the tactics he knew, he went for the hold up and wait. As I said, stupid. Monty Python’s suicide squad would have been just as effective in the long run.

A few short months later the Texans ended Santa Anna's dreams of conquest.
The only reason the Alamo was lost was because reinforcements didnt show.
It's part of a program to delegitimize Texas' independence. The protesters also want the cities of Austin and Houston to change their names.
Get'em Gov. Abbott

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott took a firm stance on the proposition, arguing that the “political correctness in our schools” needed to “stop.”

Stop political correctness in our schools. Of course Texas schoolchildren should be taught that Alamo defenders were ‘Heroic’! I fully expect the State Board of Education to agree. Contact your SBOE Member to complain. ⁦@TXSBOE#txlege #tcotShould Texas Schoolchildren Be Taught That Alamo Defenders Were ‘Heroic’?

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) September 6, 2018
Should both points of view about the Alamo be presented to students or only the legend?
We know both points of view. Doesn’t change what our guys did to not being heroic.
------------------------------------------------------------ as said in the article , HEROIC is a judgement and opinion and i don't think that 'mexicans' in Texas like their kids being taught that American TEXAN's killing their 'mexican' ancestors is Heroic . So , just change some words in telling History , it works every time and 'mexican' taxpayers that fund the Texas schools in large part in Texas will like the word changes .
The mexicans that don't like Texas history are free to send their children to school in Mexico.
Get'em Gov. Abbott

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott took a firm stance on the proposition, arguing that the “political correctness in our schools” needed to “stop.”

Stop political correctness in our schools. Of course Texas schoolchildren should be taught that Alamo defenders were ‘Heroic’! I fully expect the State Board of Education to agree. Contact your SBOE Member to complain. ⁦@TXSBOE#txlege #tcotShould Texas Schoolchildren Be Taught That Alamo Defenders Were ‘Heroic’?

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) September 6, 2018
Should both points of view about the Alamo be presented to students or only the legend?
We know both points of view. Doesn’t change what our guys did to not being heroic.
------------------------------------------------------------ as said in the article , HEROIC is a judgement and opinion and i don't think that 'mexicans' in Texas like their kids being taught that American TEXAN's killing their 'mexican' ancestors is Heroic . So , just change some words in telling History , it works every time and 'mexican' taxpayers that fund the Texas schools in large part in Texas will like the word changes .
Who gives a shit? If they’re Americans and living in Texas they are luckier than hell those heroic people kept them from being Mexicans.
Get'em Gov. Abbott

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott took a firm stance on the proposition, arguing that the “political correctness in our schools” needed to “stop.”

Stop political correctness in our schools. Of course Texas schoolchildren should be taught that Alamo defenders were ‘Heroic’! I fully expect the State Board of Education to agree. Contact your SBOE Member to complain. ⁦@TXSBOE#txlege #tcotShould Texas Schoolchildren Be Taught That Alamo Defenders Were ‘Heroic’?

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) September 6, 2018
Should both points of view about the Alamo be presented to students or only the legend?

The American history point of view. What's these leftist's slogan? "Forget The Alamo"?

:321: Right there with that.
It's part of a program to delegitimize Texas' independence. The protesters also want the cities of Austin and Houston to change their names.
-------------------------------------------------- and heck , not really up to date but don't 'mexicans' elect other 'mexican' or 'south american' third worlders as Mayors of some of Texas big cities and as 'senators' and 'congress' . And , who is it but 'mexican' lesbian 'loopy valdez' [is it] running for Governor of Texas in the next election i think .
Get'em Gov. Abbott

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott took a firm stance on the proposition, arguing that the “political correctness in our schools” needed to “stop.”

Stop political correctness in our schools. Of course Texas schoolchildren should be taught that Alamo defenders were ‘Heroic’! I fully expect the State Board of Education to agree. Contact your SBOE Member to complain. ⁦@TXSBOE#txlege #tcotShould Texas Schoolchildren Be Taught That Alamo Defenders Were ‘Heroic’?

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) September 6, 2018
Should both points of view about the Alamo be presented to students or only the legend?

The point is they are trying to drop the word "heroic" from it. Stop tying to change it into something else, troll. I see right through you
Was fighting to invoke slavery in Texas heroism?

Worthy of discussion rather than singing a few rounds of “Davey Crockett”
Get'em Gov. Abbott

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott took a firm stance on the proposition, arguing that the “political correctness in our schools” needed to “stop.”

Stop political correctness in our schools. Of course Texas schoolchildren should be taught that Alamo defenders were ‘Heroic’! I fully expect the State Board of Education to agree. Contact your SBOE Member to complain. ⁦@TXSBOE#txlege #tcotShould Texas Schoolchildren Be Taught That Alamo Defenders Were ‘Heroic’?

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) September 6, 2018
Should both points of view about the Alamo be presented to students or only the legend?

The American history point of view. What's these leftist's slogan? "Forget The Alamo"?

:321: Right there with that.

They weren’t Americans
The men at The Alamo fought to the last, and went out swingin'. That's the way to go!
The Alamo was more than Davie Crockett

The Texans were fighting because Mexico banned slavery in the territory

Traditional pictures of the Alamo show the Mexican tricolor with the cactus, eagle and snake replaced by 1824 flying over the Chapel. 1824 stood for the original Mexican constitution which was modeled after the US constitution and contained a bill of rights. Santa Anna declared the constitution of 1824 void and had a new constitution written which
adversely affected the US settlers in Texas. Santa Anna named himself Napoleon of the West and dictator of Mexico.
That was the reason for the revolution.
Get'em Gov. Abbott

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott took a firm stance on the proposition, arguing that the “political correctness in our schools” needed to “stop.”

Stop political correctness in our schools. Of course Texas schoolchildren should be taught that Alamo defenders were ‘Heroic’! I fully expect the State Board of Education to agree. Contact your SBOE Member to complain. ⁦@TXSBOE#txlege #tcotShould Texas Schoolchildren Be Taught That Alamo Defenders Were ‘Heroic’?

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) September 6, 2018
Should both points of view about the Alamo be presented to students or only the legend?
We know both points of view. Doesn’t change what our guys did to not being heroic.
------------------------------------------------------------ as said in the article , HEROIC is a judgement and opinion and i don't think that 'mexicans' in Texas like their kids being taught that American TEXAN's killing their 'mexican' ancestors is Heroic . So , just change some words in telling History , it works every time and 'mexican' taxpayers that fund the Texas schools in large part in Texas will like the word changes .
Who gives a shit? If they’re Americans and living in Texas they are luckier than hell those heroic people kept them from being Mexicans.
---------------------------------------------------------- many will NEVER be Americans though some wishful people and Government will call them 'american' .

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