alan grayson threatens lawsuit on citizenship grounds if ted cruz is the gop nominee

Only shills produce fraudulent docs. They don't exist without shills.

Now that's twice that it's been proven. That you lack the cognitive means to understand that, is simply a wonderful bonus.
Hell, you can't even properly navigate the quotes on this forum, no less, prove a word of your delusions.

Claiming you've proven something because you said it isn't actually proof. You really should know that without me having to tell you.
Who uses the category of "African" for race?
Those of us old enough recall that "race" was: Caucasian, Negro, Oriental, or Indian.
Sorry, that doesn't prove it's a fake. Only proves someone typed, "African," as the race. Don't forget, your contention is the document is a fake, which if true, would have been created around 2007. No one used, "African," as a race then either. For all anyone knows, the person filling out his birth certificate asked Obama's dad what is race is ... he answered, "African" ... and that's what they entered.
Easily explainable. Someone realized "African American" would be an anachronism so they shortened it.
Personally I am happy to believe Obama was born in Hawaii. But I suspect the actual birth certificate lists Frank Marshall Davis as his father, not Barack Obama.

Of course you do.

Because you just believe whatever the hell you want to believe, regardless of the facts.
No doubt you've noticed -- not a single accusation made was proved.
  • Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.
  • Obama's COLB is fake.
  • Obama COLB was produced by shills working for the Hawaiian government.
  • "African" is not a race that would have been typed.
.... and in every single case -- their "proof" is the same -- because they say so. One idiot even claims he proved it twice because he said it twice. :eusa_doh:

In every case... the proof is in the existence of the fact.

The Fact of the Publisher publishing her report that obama told her that he was born in Kenya.
The Fact that Hawaiian law provides for the issuing of fraudulent birth certificates.
The fact that ONLY Shills issue Fraudulent Documents.
The fact that "African" ... is NOT a race. In 1960... "Negro" was the medically used term for 'homey', at the time.
You're fucking deranged. Everything you state there as proof is actually you saying, because you say so.


But then, what else can one expect from a brain-dead hypocritical conservative who says he will help an "illegitimate" candidate become president against the authority of the Constitution? :eusa_doh:

You are on the verge of an essential truth here

Keys is fucking deranged.

I think I saw him once in San Francisco



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Nope, you're still wrong. Hawaii says it an official document of birth and can serves as evidence in a court of law...

This copy serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding/ [HRS 338-13(b), 338-19]
They say that about a lot of foreign born people I hear.
What you "hear" is irrelevant. Lord knows where you hear it?

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for you to prove anything you've claimed....

Prove Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya....

Prove Obama's COLB is not authentic....

Prove it was produced by "shills" working for the state of Hawaii.....
The fact that they can't produce the original document with doctor signature is proof this one is a manufactured fake.
What part of ....

This copy serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding/ [HRS 338-13(b), 338-19]

..... don't you understand?

I'm here to help you. Do you need me to explain it to you?
It's a lie.
proof would be the original document with complete doctor signature.

LOL- as if you would ever accept anything as 'proof'

However, the people who matter- have accepted the proof that the State of Hawaii- people who really matter- like the Secretary of State of Arizona and other Secretaries of States- and of course- the American people.

Your refusal to accept reality is immaterial legally and rationally.
No doubt you've noticed -- not a single accusation made was proved.
  • Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.
  • Obama's COLB is fake.
  • Obama COLB was produced by shills working for the Hawaiian government.
  • "African" is not a race that would have been typed.
.... and in every single case -- their "proof" is the same -- because they say so. One idiot even claims he proved it twice because he said it twice. :eusa_doh:

In every case... the proof is in the existence of the fact.

The Fact of the Publisher publishing her report that obama told her that he was born in Kenya.
The Fact that Hawaiian law provides for the issuing of fraudulent birth certificates.
The fact that ONLY Shills issue Fraudulent Documents.
The fact that "African" ... is NOT a race. In 1960... "Negro" was the medically used term for 'homey', at the time.

LOL- 'key' examples of how Keys not only doesn't know a fact- he loves to lie.
No doubt you've noticed -- not a single accusation made was proved.
  • Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.
  • Obama's COLB is fake.
  • Obama COLB was produced by shills working for the Hawaiian government.
  • "African" is not a race that would have been typed.
.... and in every single case -- their "proof" is the same -- because they say so. One idiot even claims he proved it twice because he said it twice. :eusa_doh:

In every case... the proof is in the existence of the fact.

The Fact of the Publisher publishing her report that obama told her that he was born in Kenya.
The Fact that Hawaiian law provides for the issuing of fraudulent birth certificates.
The fact that ONLY Shills issue Fraudulent Documents.
The fact that "African" ... is NOT a race. In 1960... "Negro" was the medically used term for 'homey', at the time.

LOL- 'key' examples of how Keys not only doesn't know a fact- he loves to lie.
Poor guy. He has a terminal case of conservatism.
The point is-- Ted Cruz was actually born in Alberta, Canada. So how does this make him eligible to be POTUS?

It doesn't make he eligible.

It also doesn't disqualify him.

What disqualifies him is the same thing that disqualified the Brown Clown: He was born to a Foreign National Father.

The Natural Born Citizen clause requires a candidate for President (and Vice President by extension) be born to TWO US Citizen Parents.

Feel Better?
What country was Cruz a citizen of when he was born?
Answer: USA. He is a natural born citizen.
The point is-- Ted Cruz was actually born in Alberta, Canada. So how does this make him eligible to be POTUS?

It doesn't make he eligible.

It also doesn't disqualify him.

What disqualifies him is the same thing that disqualified the Brown Clown: He was born to a Foreign National Father.

The Natural Born Citizen clause requires a candidate for President (and Vice President by extension) be born to TWO US Citizen Parents.

Feel Better?
What country was Cruz a citizen of when he was born?
Answer: USA. He is a natural born citizen.

Born in Canada (Ted was) to one American parent.

But he was natural born an American citizen? LMAO.

Fuck you are stupid. And desperate.
The point is-- Ted Cruz was actually born in Alberta, Canada. So how does this make him eligible to be POTUS?

It doesn't make he eligible.

It also doesn't disqualify him.

What disqualifies him is the same thing that disqualified the Brown Clown: He was born to a Foreign National Father.

The Natural Born Citizen clause requires a candidate for President (and Vice President by extension) be born to TWO US Citizen Parents.

Feel Better?
What country was Cruz a citizen of when he was born?
Answer: USA. He is a natural born citizen.

Born in Canada (Ted was) to one American parent.

But he was natural born an American citizen? LMAO.

Fuck you are stupid. And desperate.
What country was a citizen of when he was born?
When was he naturalized as an American citizen?
Damn you're dumb, s0n.
The point is-- Ted Cruz was actually born in Alberta, Canada. So how does this make him eligible to be POTUS?

It doesn't make he eligible.

It also doesn't disqualify him.

What disqualifies him is the same thing that disqualified the Brown Clown: He was born to a Foreign National Father.

The Natural Born Citizen clause requires a candidate for President (and Vice President by extension) be born to TWO US Citizen Parents.

Feel Better?
What country was Cruz a citizen of when he was born?
Answer: USA. He is a natural born citizen.

Born in Canada (Ted was) to one American parent.

But he was natural born an American citizen? LMAO.

Fuck you are stupid. And desperate.
What country was a citizen of when he was born?
When was he naturalized as an American citizen?
Damn you're dumb, s0n.

Remind me what the fuck all that Republican birther shit was about.

Obama could have been born ANYWHERE to an American citizen who lived in the USA for 10 years at least.

So again, what was the birther bullshit all about?

BTW, Ted aint gonna be elected President no matter where he was born.

But still.......birther redux will be so cool.
How about a kid born in Iraq to an American soldier. Raised a Muslim. Comes to the USA.

Would that be a natural born citizen?
And able to become President?

Hey if all this is true, then the Republican party can seriously expand its search for a Presidential candidate. Maybe there is a one half American out there that you all could support. And that could win a general election. You all dont have one yet. Even with Canadian Ted.
The point is-- Ted Cruz was actually born in Alberta, Canada. So how does this make him eligible to be POTUS?

It doesn't make he eligible.

It also doesn't disqualify him.

What disqualifies him is the same thing that disqualified the Brown Clown: He was born to a Foreign National Father.

The Natural Born Citizen clause requires a candidate for President (and Vice President by extension) be born to TWO US Citizen Parents.

Feel Better?
What country was Cruz a citizen of when he was born?
Answer: USA. He is a natural born citizen.

Born in Canada (Ted was) to one American parent.

But he was natural born an American citizen? LMAO.

Fuck you are stupid. And desperate.
What country was a citizen of when he was born?
When was he naturalized as an American citizen?
Damn you're dumb, s0n.

Remind me what the fuck all that Republican birther shit was about.

Obama could have been born ANYWHERE to an American citizen who lived in the USA for 10 years at least.

So again, what was the birther bullshit all about?

BTW, Ted aint gonna be elected President no matter where he was born.

But still.......birther redux will be so cool.
OK so I challenge you and you deflect. Proving you have nothing.
Cruz will be nominated. Cruz will be elected.
How about a kid born in Iraq to an American soldier. Raised a Muslim. Comes to the USA.

Would that be a natural born citizen?
And able to become President?

Hey if all this is true, then the Republican party can seriously expand its search for a Presidential candidate. Maybe there is a one half American out there that you all could support. And that could win a general election. You all dont have one yet. Even with Canadian Ted.
Cruz was an American citizen the day he was born. That makes him natural born.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
It doesn't make he eligible.

It also doesn't disqualify him.

What disqualifies him is the same thing that disqualified the Brown Clown: He was born to a Foreign National Father.

The Natural Born Citizen clause requires a candidate for President (and Vice President by extension) be born to TWO US Citizen Parents.

Feel Better?
What country was Cruz a citizen of when he was born?
Answer: USA. He is a natural born citizen.

Born in Canada (Ted was) to one American parent.

But he was natural born an American citizen? LMAO.

Fuck you are stupid. And desperate.
What country was a citizen of when he was born?
When was he naturalized as an American citizen?
Damn you're dumb, s0n.

Remind me what the fuck all that Republican birther shit was about.

Obama could have been born ANYWHERE to an American citizen who lived in the USA for 10 years at least.

So again, what was the birther bullshit all about?

BTW, Ted aint gonna be elected President no matter where he was born.

But still.......birther redux will be so cool.
OK so I challenge you and you deflect. Proving you have nothing.
Cruz will be nominated. Cruz will be elected.
Bookmarked for future entertainment.
What law?

[§338-17.8] Certificates for children born out of State. (a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.

(b) Proof of legal residency shall be submitted to the director of health in any manner that the director shall deem appropriate. The director of health may also adopt any rules pursuant to chapter 91 that he or she may deem necessary or proper to prevent fraudulent applications for birth certificates and to require any further information or proof of events necessary for completion of a birth certificate.

(c) The fee for each application for registration shall be established by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 91. [L 1982, c 182, §1]

Yeah, but where does it this law say that the birth certificate would indicate the child was born in Hawaii?

That's where your argument breaks. And you know it you omit any mention of this question about the birth certificate indicating the child was born in Hawaii in any reply. You won't even quote me asking the question.

You always tell me where you know your argument is weakest by what you refuse, over and over, to address. Or even acknowledge exists.

Oh, and how any of that law 'fraudulent'?

where does it say it doesn' seems to me its up to bureaucrat discretion.

That above post by keys got an informative by me....yours never do.

be interesting to know when that law was passed and if it was during Obama pal Neil Abercrombe's governance.
What law?

[§338-17.8] Certificates for children born out of State. (a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.

(b) Proof of legal residency shall be submitted to the director of health in any manner that the director shall deem appropriate. The director of health may also adopt any rules pursuant to chapter 91 that he or she may deem necessary or proper to prevent fraudulent applications for birth certificates and to require any further information or proof of events necessary for completion of a birth certificate.

(c) The fee for each application for registration shall be established by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 91. [L 1982, c 182, §1]

Yeah, but where does it this law say that the birth certificate would indicate the child was born in Hawaii?

That's where your argument breaks. And you know it you omit any mention of this question about the birth certificate indicating the child was born in Hawaii in any reply. You won't even quote me asking the question.

You always tell me where you know your argument is weakest by what you refuse, over and over, to address. Or even acknowledge exists.

Oh, and how any of that law 'fraudulent'?

where does it say it doesn' seems to me its up to bureaucrat discretion.

That above post by keys got an informative by me....yours never do.

be interesting to know when that law was passed and if it was during Obama pal Neil Abercrombe's governance.
You do know that law has nothing to do with Obama, right?
His name is NOT Ted Cruz. It's Rafael Cruz and his father is an admitted illegal alien.
I couldnt help but notice the rabbi didnt or couldnt, answer the question about what the problem was with Obamas birth.

American mother, Muslim father, born in the USA or not makes no difference

American mother, communist father, definitely not born in the USA.

One made a big difference to the GOP. The other doesnt. Why is that?
How about a kid born in Iraq to an American soldier. Raised a Muslim. Comes to the USA.

Would that be a natural born citizen?
And able to become President?

Hey if all this is true, then the Republican party can seriously expand its search for a Presidential candidate. Maybe there is a one half American out there that you all could support. And that could win a general election. You all dont have one yet. Even with Canadian Ted.
Cruz was an American citizen the day he was born. That makes him natural born.
Sorry to burst your bubble.

Yea just like Obama was natural born the day he was born.

You know what the big difference brtween the two is?

One has been called President Obama for almost 8 years.

The other will never see the inside of the WH unless the next President invites him.

I see the difference now.
How about a kid born in Iraq to an American soldier. Raised a Muslim. Comes to the USA.

Would that be a natural born citizen?
And able to become President?

Hey if all this is true, then the Republican party can seriously expand its search for a Presidential candidate. Maybe there is a one half American out there that you all could support. And that could win a general election. You all dont have one yet. Even with Canadian Ted.


Believe it or not, the Constitution doesn't have a religion requirement for the President.

As long as a person is a natural born citizen- as Rabbi points out- born a U.S. citizen- and is at least 35 years old and having been a resident for 14 years of the United States- is eligible.

So that American would have had to have been here for 14 years- and then convinced the majority of voters to vote for her or him.

And then would be President.

If you have a problem with that- well feel free to change the Constitution.

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