Alas: Knight/Dagger


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a modern fairy-tale about an unusual 'knight' who seeks magic amidst a sea of dystopia.


Alas, a UCLA professor of literature and psychology, had a double-identity. By night, he was a bank robber working secretly for the CIA named Shadow. Alas/Shadow was a true knight in modern times. He robbed banks for the CIA to spread media/press and news-stories about modern-day capitalism frailties in federalism and banking, so news-reporters would cite the 'Shadow' as a homegrowm master-thief, but not a terrorist. You see, the CIA assigned Alas to create the right media pockets after 9/11, so Americans would discover in the news that there were forms of capitalism rebelliousness that were divergent from foreign terrorism. That's how Alas, our goodly UCLA professor, donned the mental duality as a CIA master-thief. You'd never guess Alas and Shadow were the same person!


Alas had a girlfriend who worked as a TA and assistant professor at the UCLA psychology department. This gorgeous and brilliant brunette named Talia loved books about espionage and the development of capitalism rhetoric in America and therefore read Robert Ludlum novels. That's why Alas fell in love with her. However, despite her fantastic beauty, Alas never engandered Talia by keeping his double-life with the CIA a successful secret.


Alas and Talia had a beautiful baby named Barbara. She had curly black hair and was adorable and exhibited very extraordinary reading skills from a very young age. Alas and Talia enrolled Barbara in UCLA's online young-and-gifted (YG) program, which involved multimedia and TV. Barbara became the source of Alas' pride and happiness.


Alas inherited a castle from his Danish uncle and moved with Talia and Barbara there. They settled in and hired security knights, maids, and castle-keepers and then had a stable with riding horses constructed. Meanwhile, Alas still worked for the CIA as 'Shadow' but now simply wrote about bank robbery folklore during the Great Depression in America, namely about Bonnie and Clyde. Alas/Shadow was now a castle-man.


ALAS: "I purchased a sword-set, and it's really outstanding, and I'll gift it to my daughter when she grows into adulthood."


However, Barbara cared nothing for swords and instead grew up with a fascination with video-games, especially the classic Sega Genesis set. Alas and Talia noted this and fostered this strange gift in Barbara. In fact, Barbara participated in online game contests and started winning money and prizes. When she was 20, she was recruited by the CIA to work in a special war-games international competition platform set between the children of Israel and Palestine.


ALAS: Our life together is very ideal now.
TALIA: I'm still not a fan of video-games.
ALAS: Barbara is doing very well for the government.
TALIA: Well, I suppose some things yield daggers.
ALAS: Others yield birds!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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