Alberta Premier: “If President Biden had not vetoed that project (Keystone Pipeline), it would be done later this year"

The link is a lie, it's the Alberta premier lol who has always been in favor of the Keystone Pipeline for God's sake lol. Ain't garbage propaganda great?
Alberta is heavily invested in the Chinese owned Canadian tarsands.
Todd Fitzgeralds
Alberta is heavily invested in the Chinese owned Canadian tarsands.

The Province of Alberta owns 90% of the Canadian oil sands, and the First Nations own most of the rest. Most Canadians don’t realize that. They think the oil companies own them all. In fact, they are just leasing them just like you lease an apartment. The rent has been low until now, but that is only until the oil sands plants are paid for, and in the last year a dozen plants have reached payout, which means the rent goes from 2% of the oil value to somewhere between 25% and 40%.
Money is falling from the skies into the Alberta treasury and the federal Liberals are extremely pissed off about it because they think it should all go to Quebec and Ontario which have almost no oil but do vote Liberal. Albertans haven’t voted Liberal since Pierre Trudeau, the father of the current PM was in power and introduced measures to take all the money away from Alberta. The current PM Justin Trudeau thinks producing oil and exporting it should be banned. Canada has far more oil than Russia does but we can’t export it to replace Russian oil due to governments blocking pipelines, facts I have to keep mentioning so everyone knows.
It sucks, but we know how Dimocrats feel about fossil fuels. They want to see prices get sky high until tens of millions of Americans give in and start buying electric cars.

Canadian premier wants to revive Trump-backed Keystone-XL pipeline to replace Russian oil​

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Alberta is a stockholder in TransCanada.
Todd Fitzgeralds


The Province of Alberta owns 90% of the Canadian oil sands, and the First Nations own most of the rest. Most Canadians don’t realize that. They think the oil companies own them all. In fact, they are just leasing them just like you lease an apartment. The rent has been low until now, but that is only until the oil sands plants are paid for, and in the last year a dozen plants have reached payout, which means the rent goes from 2% of the oil value to somewhere between 25% and 40%.
Money is falling from the skies into the Alberta treasury and the federal Liberals are extremely pissed off about it because they think it should all go to Quebec and Ontario which have almost no oil but do vote Liberal. Albertans haven’t voted Liberal since Pierre Trudeau, the father of the current PM was in power and introduced measures to take all the money away from Alberta. The current PM Justin Trudeau thinks producing oil and exporting it should be banned. Canada has far more oil than Russia does but we can’t export it to replace Russian oil due to governments blocking pipelines, facts I have to keep mentioning so everyone knows.

So build your own pipeline to the Atlantic or Pacific.
Biden has shit for brains.
The small amount of Russian oil that came here...did so because it was light sweet crude...easily refined...unlike the tar sands sludge's almost like there are refineries specifically set up for tar sand oil!
The thickest material known to man, pubdupeskul lol. Hitler ran a great economy, right? What we need is Trump and martial law...
What you need is 30 days observation and a prefrontal.

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