Aleppo Obama


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Aleppo is that legacy he has been pursuing.

Even the Washington Post, an arm of the Democratic Party, is savaging him.

That arrogant ass and pompous fool, and coward, drew a red line with Assad and Syria....and today his equally moronic coward & fool, John Kerry, admitted that what was happening in Aleppo was nothing less than a massacre.

Aleppo Obama.

Hell of a Legacy.
The world is seeing the results of what obama/kerry did in Aleppo. Before that, obama/clinton.

Perhaps they will blame Trump.
Aleppo's residents await safe passage...

Aleppo evacuations: From one war zone to another
Thu December 15, 2016 - Evacuations began for thousands of civilians and rebels from Syria's eastern Aleppo on Thursday, but for many, fleeing their homes means leaving one war zone for another.
Most of the civilians will be taken to rebel-controlled area in the neighboring province of Idlib, one of the few remaining footholds rebel groups still have in the country -- and most likely the regime's next target for recapture. Rebel fighters were also being allowed to move there. Approximately 3,000 people and more than 40 wounded were brought out of eastern Aleppo during the first two evacuations on Thursday, the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Syria, Marianne Gasser, said in a statement.

Evacuations are expected to continue throughout the night and into Friday, according to Syrian state TV. But while the world's attention has been focused on Aleppo, Idlib has been pounded with regime airstrikes and dozens of deaths have been reported in recent weeks.


Wounded Syrians and their families gather at the rebel-held al-Amiriyah neighbourhood as they wait to be evacuated to the government-controlled area of Ramoussa on the southern outskirts of the city on December 15, 2016.Russia, Syrian military sources and rebel officials confirmed that a new agreement had been reached after a first evacuation plan collapsed the day before amid fresh fighting. Syrian state television reported that some 4,000 rebels and their families were to be evacuated.​

Latest developments

* Syrian President Bashar al-Assad congratulates Syrians on "liberation" of Aleppo
* But CNN sources on the ground say rebels are still in control of some of the city
* Evacuations have begun, with many civilians bound for Idlib province
* Thousands of others remain in rebel-held Aleppo
* Convoy carrying injured civilians came under fire, leaving one dead and four injured

Grim choice for families

See also:

Bana Alabed, Aleppo girl, pleads to Michelle Obama for help
December 16, 2016 | A 7-year-old Syrian girl who’s been tweeting from war-torn Aleppo with the help of her mother has reached out to first lady Michelle Obama requesting help. Bana Alabed and her mother, Fatemah, have been writing heartbreaking dispatches about their daily lives amid the protracted Syrian Civil War. Their Twitter feed has gained more than 300,000 followers since it was launched in September.
On Friday morning, NBC News correspondent Richard Engel, who previously interviewed Fatemah via webcam, shared a video on social media that the mother and daughter recorded that they hope Michelle Obama will ultimately see. In the 44-second video, Fatemah tries to appeal to Obama on an emotional level, mother to mother. “Hello, this is Fatemah. This message is for the first lady, Mrs. Michelle Obama. I would like to tell you that we are still here in East Aleppo,” she says. “I talk to you as a mother. I know that you have two beautiful daughters and I have three children — one of them is Bana. I implore you to help us and make us in a safer place because we are so afraid, please.” Then Bana adds, “Hello Mrs. Obama. Please help us.”

There was widespread concern for Bana’s safety earlier this month when her Twitter account mysteriously disappeared. When it came back online, the Alabeds tweeted that they were once again in the midst of bombardments. Their social media activity juxtaposes typical childhood moments — like losing teeth or reading “Harry Potter” books — with the horrors of being a civilian caught in the crosshairs of war. Her dispatches have drawn frequent comparisons to Anne Frank’s diary during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. But it’s worth noting that there are key differences, perhaps the most salient being that Bana’s words are being read in real-time whereas Anne’s were read after her death and the Allied victory over the Axis powers.


Bana Alabed is asking for help from U.S. first lady Michelle Obama.​

Though Bana has endeared herself to thousands of people throughout the world, she is just one of the many children in harm’s way amid the devastation of the Syrian civil war. On Wednesday, children at an orphanage in eastern Aleppo shot a video pleading for help fleeing the city. An evacuation of eastern Aleppo ground to a halt on Friday as another cease-fire between rebels and government loyalists fell apart, with accusations of duplicity coming from all sides. Fatemah and Bana Alabed both tweeted additional pleas for help escaping the danger on Friday morning.

Share this message to whole world. #Aleppo ceasefire broke, civilians are in danger. I beg world u do something now to get us out. – Fatemah

— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) December 16, 2016

Please save us now. – Bana #Aleppo

— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) December 16, 2016

Bana Alabed, Aleppo girl, pleads to Michelle Obama for help

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