Aleppo: The Syrian Army Takes Control of 16 Industrial Plants in Handarat


Nov 14, 2012
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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) – backed by Hezbollah (Party of God), National Defense Forces (NDF), and the Al-Ba’ath Brigades (Liwaa Al-Ba’ath) – have captured a total of 16 industrial plants at the Al-Shahel Quarter of the Handarat District in Aleppo City; this success has applied immense pressure on the remaining Islamic Front (Jabhat Al-Islamiyya) militants entrenched inside the Handarat Refugee Camp.

At the Suleimaniyyeh Quarter of Aleppo City, militants from the Islamic Front launched a barrage of hellfire cannons into this predominately Armenian neighborhood, wounding almost a dozen civilians and destroying the roof of an Armenian Orthodox Church. The church also had a nursing-home connected to the building; it was also damaged as a result of the Islamic Front’s bombardment.
Aleppo The Syrian Army Takes Control of 16 Industrial Plants in Handarat
You take control of 16 industrial plants and what do you get?

Another day older and deeper in debt.

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