Alert: Police Chief Mark Kessler Has A Message For All 'Libtards' And John Kerry


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Police Chief Mark Kessler is making national and international headlines today with his strongly opinionated message to as he calls it........all 'libtards' across America. He also expresses his views about the U.N. and especially John Kerry. What ever you say, this man is expressing his 1st and 2nd Amendment rights afforded to us by the founders of the Constitution. I caution you all. There is strong language. The 3 video's you will see are in the order Chief Kessler distributed them in. You have to see this to believe it. Enjoy!

?Fu** All You Libtards Out There?: Vulgar YouTube Rants by a Local Police Chief?and the Mayor Who?s Standing Behind Him | Video |

Video 1:
[ame=]chief Mark Kessler - YouTube[/ame]

Video 2: Chief Kessler followed up that video with another that was titled “Chief Mark Kessler, I’m Sorry For Hurt Feelings”:

The police leader is also on record expressing his dislike of the U.N. and Secretary of State John Kerry. In this clip, he is upset about Kerry’s stated intent to sign the UN arms treaty:
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good. but the mayor and the chief will have retaliations from libtards in power
Kesslern sounds like a latent homosexual to me. Kind of like some of virulent posters here.
That's what we want. A trigger-happy cop with the maturity level of a fifth grader.

Assholes like him are why I don't go to shooting ranges and prefer to go deep in the woods for practice, where these drooling idiots aren't around.
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That's what we want. A trigger-happy cop with the maturity level of a fifth grader.

As opposed to a limp dicked fucktard like yourself who tried, convicted and called for the death of an innocent man all for political ideology.. THAT'S you asshole.
The police leader is also on record expressing his dislike of the U.N. and Secretary of State John Kerry. In this clip, he is upset about Kerry’s stated intent to sign the UN arms treaty:
Chief Mark Kessler, Kerry & UN , can SUCK IT - YouTube

And here we have screaming ignorance of the Constitution. The Executive signs treaties, and then the Senate ratifies or does not ratify.

Read it, and see for yourself.

Obama would not be the first President to sign a treaty that is not supported by the Senate. Read some history, and see for yourself.

We also have screaming ignorance of the treaty. The ATT has nothing to do with confiscating guns. The man has clearly been drinking the piss poured for him by defense contractors who stand to lose millions. This treaty is aimed at arms makers whose arms (helicopters, tanks, missiles, etc.) end up in the hands of terrorists and regimes who are state sponsors of terror. States such as Syria, Iran, and North Korea; the only other countries opposed to this treaty. Hmmmm...

Read it, and see for yourself.

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That's what we want. A trigger-happy cop with the maturity level of a fifth grader.

Assholes like him are why I don't go to shooting ranges and prefer to go deep in the woods for practice, where these drooling idiots aren't around.

Yeah, right.

We assault the maturity of someone else, whilst calling them "assholes" and "drooling idiots."

Nice. Hypocrite much?
I can't help but wonder what the USMB user who calls himself SecondAmendment makes of this cop. :lol:

For those who don't get it, SA luvs guns (hence the username), but positively HATES cops. He spams the shit out of this board with anti-cop topics.
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That's what we want. A trigger-happy cop with the maturity level of a fifth grader.

Assholes like him are why I don't go to shooting ranges and prefer to go deep in the woods for practice, where these drooling idiots aren't around.

thats what Bobby Trippe thought too....

[ame=]Squeal Like A Pig (Deliverance) - YouTube[/ame]
He seems like a very intelligent and stable person. I want HIM pulling me over.
He's very outspoken. Could be a political stunt not that I really disagree with much he says, but the whole thing is kind of unprofessional, and I seriously doubt that his subordinates would tolerate some civilian with a gun in his car. I believe his crew would taze them, beat them up and then throw them in jail.
I can't help but wonder what the USMB user who calls himself SecondAmendment makes of this cop. :lol:

For those who don't get it, SA luvs guns (hence the username), but positively HATES cops. He spams the shit out of this board with anti-cop topics.

That is not him. It is the AnCupAtheist whom you are speaking about. He is banned.

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