Alex Jones & Infowars must pay 14 family members of 8 Sandy Hook Elementary School victims, plus an FBI agent...a collective total of $965 Million

Where were all you free speech advocates when Peter Thiel got Gawker shut down.

Gawker didn’t even lie about Hulk Hogan. They just made him sad.
Good. The First Amendment is not a licence to lie and liable American families who's children were massacred, for fucking profit.
There are children massacred every day, but it is under a different umbrella and accepted due to Progressive Socialist rules. The Potatus in the White House is a murderer and an accessory to murder. And he has made his profit as a corrupted government middleman selling out his own nation.
Then why didn't Trump recover? You fuckers slandered and libeled him for 6 fucking years. But because hes a republican it's ok. But Alex Jones.....OH NO. Bury him LOL

Defamation. What a joke.

I've got a question for you leftist fucks:

If a death is only worth 30 million to a jury when killed in a car accident, why are words worth 965 million?
Jones is scum. trump is nuts.
I don't know if I agree with this, but a jury said it must be so, so that's American justice in action I suppose. No way in hell he could afford it though.
There was a time when I had a certain amount of respect for Alex Jones for speaking truth to power and for doing some actual informative journalistic reporting.

But he lost any respect I had for him with the Sandy Hooks thing and as far as I'm concerned he's reaping what he sowed.
A guy comes up with a concoction that he claims will cure baldness. He goes on the radio and pushes this product with lies after lie. People gullibly buy into it. It turns out what he is selling actually causes you to lose your hair.

That's what Jones did and why he was sued and lost. He sold a product (lies) that did harm people.

The sad part is, he admits in court they were lies but people will still jump to his defense. "Yeah, they were lies but we liked his lies". He will perhaps stay on the radio or some other media and people will still turn in, because while he is a convicted liar, he is their liar.
Biden..Come on folks...hamburger is only up a buck...After the collapse we take Jimmy Kimmel's sickly son and shove it up Jill Biden's ass and sew it up. And it will be bringing some satisfaction when tens of millions of people are poorer.
There are children massacred every day, but it is under a different umbrella and accepted due to Progressive Socialist rules.

Did Alex attack their families too? Did he call their deaths a false flag event for some nafraious plot that he raised money on? Did his followers harass them for years?

Thank you for the talking points from........
"After the collapse we take Jimmy Kimmel's sickly son and shove it up Jill Biden's ass and sew it up."

I mean no disrespect, poster 22lcid, but.......but what the hell are you talking about?
Is this the right chatroom for you?

Doesn't QAnon's Great Awakenings have more suitable content for you?

Promoting the 'sewing of a sick kid into a woman's ass'..... puts you in a notable strata of the MAGA's on this venue.

(insert 'roll-eyes' emoji here)

“This verdict was returned against him personally, and his company,” Mattei said. “And the verdict was for intentional misconduct, the type of conduct that is not dischargeable in bankruptcy. So he’s gonna be on the hook for this for a very, very long time.”
Biden..Come on folks...hamburger is only up a buck...After the collapse we take Jimmy Kimmel's sickly son and shove it up Jill Biden's ass and sew it up. And it will be bringing some satisfaction when tens of millions of people are poorer.

all thats left is whataboutism?
Never going to happen.

1) He does not have, nor will he ever accrue, that much money.

2) He's likely to win a significant lowering of the sum on appeal, as he wasn't allowed to defend himself, other than answering "yes or no" questions.
Defending Alex Jones makes you even more disgusting than I thought you were. How do you live with yourself?

This has nothing to do with ‘free speech.’

The rights enshrined in the First Amendment are not ‘unlimited.’ It is not a right to say anything whatsoever at any time, place, or manner whatsoever and for whatever reason.

“Defamation (libel is written defamation; slander is oral defamation) is the intentional communication of a falsehood about a person, to someone other than that person, that injures the person’s reputation. The injured person may sue and recover damages under state law[.] Being required to pay damages for a defamatory statement restricts one’s freedom of speech; defamation, therefore, constitutes an exception to the First Amendment.”

Then Mayorkas and El Presidente slandered and defamed those 4 border patrolmen on horseback.
Their families and children as a result, were threatened in their communities and at school!!
I'm defending free speech, no matter how repugnant anyone may find it, you fucking fascist dicksmoker.
Everything you say further shows your absolute stupidity. You are so simple minded you cannot understand any concept that cannot be explained in 4 words or less.

The Supreme Court has recognized that the First Amendment permits restrictions upon the content of speech in a “few limited areas,” including obscenity, defamation, fraud, incitement, fighting words, and speech integral to criminal conduct.


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