Alex Jones & Infowars must pay 14 family members of 8 Sandy Hook Elementary School victims, plus an FBI agent...a collective total of $965 Million

"Wtf does his alleged violations of his discovery obligations have to do with the massive (absurd) size of this judgment?"

Here, poster Again, let's walk through this together.

"violating his obligations to the court".....obligated the judge to a default judgment. Accordingly, the jury needed only to believe Jones caused harm to the parents.
So they heard the parents on the stand. They heard what law enforcement saw when they entered the killing floors.

In the end this verdict for almost a billion dollars tells us:

  • That the jury hated Alex Jones;
  • And.... that they thought he grievously harmed the parents;
  • And...they wanted to send a message, to discourage others of that character.

That's it in a nutshell
Are you really that stupid?

If there are legal consequences to free speech, THEN ITS NOT FREE!!!
Pro-fucking-found, magaturd. When do you graduate the 6th grade? :itsok: Here's a few new terms for you to learn: slander & libel. Then study some case law on the repercussions of so-called 'free speech.' Some laws can and do actually trump the BOR, but they were voted into law by We The People.
Oh wow, drama much?

No, he spoke his opinion behind a microphone. First amendment protects his right to free speech. He did nothing more than claim a school shooting wasn't real. Right or wrong, he's got that right.

Either this will be overturned on appeal (if that's even possible) or the first amendment is under attack. We've had "nuclear verdicts" against Trucking companies whose drivers CAUSED A DEATH and they were no more than 30 million. 965 million dollars for words?

If he was screaming lies in the park, sure, no one would care. But Jones deliberately lied to attract an audience to hawk his products.

So, he should and will pay.

And, for you retards who claim that the parents of the murdered kids will not see every single penny... do you retards really think that the parents of the dead kids care about the money?

All they wanted to do was to mourn their kids in peace and this the right-wing blogosphere refused to allow them to do.

Fucking right-wing retards who claim to be all hot about abortions seem to care little about the kids who were murdered or the grieving parents.

You fucking miserable retards. May you and Alex Jones rot in hell.
why not make it 1 billion, he deserves it, he's literally paying the price for his extremism and recklessness

Jones is a POS, pure and simple. If there's one thing wrong with our justice system, it's the fact that it's taken 10 long years to get to this point.

Frankly, I can't even imagine the pain and the horror the Sandy Hook families have had to endure over the last decade. It's been a living nightmare for them which is made worse on the birthdays of their children as they imagine what their kids would be like at 15 or 16 years of age.

My guess is that Jones is going to try to hide his money through accounting trickery and claim that he's bankrupt. In fact, I think he's already been doing that for months now. So, chapter 3 will be prosecuting Jones in criminal court. If Jones thinks that being broke sucks, I'm guessing that prison time will make him reconsider that view.
why not make it 1 billion, he deserves it, he's literally paying the price for his extremism and recklessness
In that case I think the Democrats should pay Trump and his people BILLIONS.

Carter Page

George Papadopoulos

Gen Flynn

And yes, Trump himself.

All these people "died" because of Democrat lies.
Pro-fucking-found, magaturd. When do you graduate the 6th grade? :itsok: Here's a few new terms for you to learn: slander & libel. Then study some case law on the repercussions of so-called 'free speech.' Some laws can and do actually trump the BOR, but they were voted into law by We The People.

LOLOL That is hilarious!!! You talk about slander and libel as if they apply to dead people.

There is no slander if you say you think that these people are actors.

Why weren't democrats found guilty of slander and libel or defamation saying Trump colluded with Russia when they knew it was all a lie? That damaged him. Where is his money?
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Here, poster Again, let's walk through this together.

Your penchant for pretentious posturing can be corrected. For example, you don’t have to refer to fellow posting board members as “poster.” Just use their usernames. It’s ok.
"violating his obligations to the court".....obligated the judge to a default judgment.
No. It didn’t. But let’s say it did. You’re confusing the judgment of liability with the judgment of damages.
Accordingly, the jury needed only to believe Jones caused harm to the parents.
So they heard the parents on the stand. They heard what law enforcement saw when they entered the killing floors.

In the end this verdict for almost a billion dollars tells us:

  • That the jury hated Alex Jones;
Not a valid basis for that absurd a monetary judgment.
  • And.... that they thought he grievously harmed the parents;
Yeah. I’m sure they did. I agree that the parents were likely injured. The question though remains how badly were they injured?
  • And...they wanted to send a message, to discourage others of that character.
I’m sure that’s true in part. They did wish to send a message.
That's it in a nutshell
Most of your post is wrong. So that’s obviously not “it.” Again, a reasonable judge should set aside the monetary judgment as obviously excessive.

This has nothing to do with ‘free speech.’

The rights enshrined in the First Amendment are not ‘unlimited.’ It is not a right to say anything whatsoever at any time, place, or manner whatsoever and for whatever reason.

“Defamation (libel is written defamation; slander is oral defamation) is the intentional communication of a falsehood about a person, to someone other than that person, that injures the person’s reputation. The injured person may sue and recover damages under state law[.] Being required to pay damages for a defamatory statement restricts one’s freedom of speech; defamation, therefore, constitutes an exception to the First Amendment.”

Then why didn't Trump recover? You fuckers slandered and libeled him for 6 fucking years. But because hes a republican it's ok. But Alex Jones.....OH NO. Bury him LOL

Defamation. What a joke.

I've got a question for you leftist fucks:

If a death is only worth 30 million to a jury when killed in a car accident, why are words worth 965 million?
If he was screaming lies in the park, sure, no one would care. But Jones deliberately lied to attract an audience to hawk his products.

So, he should and will pay.

And, for you retards who claim that the parents of the murdered kids will not see every single penny... do you retards really think that the parents of the dead kids care about the money?
Not at all. I said they might not see the money, but it doesn't matter - it's a statement of just how reprehensible the jury found Jones.
All they wanted to do was to mourn their kids in peace and this the right-wing blogosphere refused to allow them to do.

Fucking right-wing retards who claim to be all hot about abortions seem to care little about the kids who were murdered or the grieving parents.

You fucking miserable retards. May you and Alex Jones rot in hell.
Yeah. I don't see how any ideological or cultural concern can drive someone to support ghouls like him.
why not make it 1 billion, he deserves it, he's literally paying the price for his extremism and recklessness

Don't care for Jones or his treatment of Sandy Hook victims, but this judgment is ridiculous.

Note that the libs are all over this thread rather than, say, Pfizer breaking news or Biden saying his son died in Iraq.
And unsurprisingly, the reprehensible right flocks to the defense of Jones.

And unsurprisingly, libs flock to this thread rather than Biden saying his son died in Iraq, or Pfizer admitting THEY KNEW from the beginning their shots never stopped transmission.

Alex Jones will save your midterms. Sure they will. YEP
I cant stand Jones. But if saying stupid shit was enough to cause you to have to give up your prized possessions in this country then every leftist poster in this thread would have to fork over their child porn collection!!
I cant stand Jones. But if saying stupid shit was enough to cause you to have to give up your prized possessions in this country then every leftist poster in this thread would have to fork over their child porn collection!!
Well, if you make your fortune off of libel there's a chance those folks can take you to court for all that you've got. Alex fucked around and found out. 😄
I cant stand Jones. But if saying stupid shit was enough to cause you to have to give up your prized possessions in this country then every leftist poster in this thread would have to fork over their child porn collection!!

A guy comes up with a concoction that he claims will cure baldness. He goes on the radio and pushes this product with lies after lie. People gullibly buy into it. It turns out what he is selling actually causes you to lose your hair.

That's what Jones did and why he was sued and lost. He sold a product (lies) that did harm people.

The sad part is, he admits in court they were lies but people will still jump to his defense. "Yeah, they were lies but we liked his lies". He will perhaps stay on the radio or some other media and people will still turn in, because while he is a convicted liar, he is their liar.

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