Alex Jones Ordered To Pay $4.1 Million In Compensatory Damages. Punitive Damage Amount To Come Tomorrow. Bad Week For Conservatives Only Gets Worse

Yes, you too can sue if someone makes up a derogatory story about you.

In this case that the parents were just actors and their children really weren’t killed

Now, in Jones’ case he repeatedly said it to millions of listeners who, in turn, harassed the parents

The parents should have sued the people harassing them. But they didnt not because that's not where the blame lies but because those people likely didn't have 4 million dollars to pay them.
Great example of what now seems a normal american conundrum.
Frontier Justice of the Democrat { Soros -inspired } persuation.
But there's now finally pushback.Governor DeSantis finally started
opening a can of whoop ass on this unamerican can of worms.
Shady,Unamerican,cocky and belligerent DA's who think they have
some upper hand in stating what laws apply and what don't.
DeSantis sent this Soros-paid trolling State Attorney/Prosecutor
Andrew Warren packin'. On suspension for Violating his oath of
office.For not enforcing State Law.Purposedly violating and neglecting
his sworn duty.To the State.
In order to appease some wrinkled old fart Oligarch.
Enjoy your day
Yes, you too can sue if someone makes up a derogatory story about you.

In this case that the parents were just actors and their children really weren’t killed

Now, in Jones’ case he repeatedly said it to millions of listeners who, in turn, harassed the parents
Unless Jones told listeners to go harass them, Im really uncomfortable with that precedent.

Should SCOTUS judges be allowed to sue (insert Left leaning talk show host) who talked about the Roe decision on air? There was a guy who was plotting to kill Kavanaugh. Can he sue Joy Reid and make the case that her rhetoric surrounding the Roe decision drove that guy to his house and then he can sue MSNBC right because they put her on the air saying it.
Unless Jones told listeners to go harass them, Im really uncomfortable with that precedent.

You might have a point if Jones had stopped selling his lies about the parents once he learned they were being harassed
Or if he told the truth after learning of the harm he was casing

He didn’t
You might have a point if Jones had stopped selling his lies about the parents once he learned they were being harassed
Or if he told the truth after learning of the harm he was casing

He didn’t
You're basing that opinion on "he's saying things I dont like so Im glad he's being punished. "

Can't you make the same argument about most of the political pundits out there? We had a sitting US Congress person advocating publicly for people to harass members of a sitting President's cabinet. People saying things you dont like isnt grounds for a lawsuit.
You're basing that opinion on "he's saying things I dont like so Im glad he's being punished. "

Can't you make the same argument about most of the political pundits out there? We had a sitting US Congress person advocating publicly for people to harass members of a sitting President's cabinet. People saying things you dont like isnt grounds for a lawsuit.
No, he is saying things he knows are not true that is harmful to the parents

Members of Congress are being harassed for things they said and did, NOT things that are being made up about them
Yes, you too can sue if someone makes up a derogatory story about you.

In this case that the parents were just actors and their children really weren’t killed

Now, in Jones’ case he repeatedly said it to millions of listeners who, in turn, harassed the parents
But then when We the People in the form of either The Tea Party
are roundly mocked by Pelosi and Harry Reid or called
" teaba**ers " by Obama it's no biggy.Or the daily regurgitating
of mocking names for MAGA supporters.Or maybe just a high
school teen like Nick Sandmann or Kyle Rittenhouse.
Jones was wrong to persist with his speculations concerning
Sandy Hook.But that was his cup of tea.Uncovering facts that
a MSM is not willing to.A lot of Sandy Hook was unexplainable.
Like the Aurora Theartre shooting.Or the Deadliest Mass shooting
in Modern History in Las Vegas.Still not much new has been uncovered.
When you can see and hear from Guys like FBI's Director Christopher
Wray who basically gave reply's like in the movie - On the Waterfront -
And toady waterfront foreman{ Big Mac } to Johnny Friendly giving his take.
When questioned on the stand as to Union records ...
" Like I said ... we got broke into last night.We aint got no records ".
You're basing that opinion on "he's saying things I dont like so Im glad he's being punished. "

Can't you make the same argument about most of the political pundits out there? We had a sitting US Congress person advocating publicly for people to harass members of a sitting President's cabinet. People saying things you dont like isnt grounds for a lawsuit.

You don't know the difference. No morals for you.
No, he is saying things he knows are not true that is harmful to the parents

Members of Congress are being harassed for things they said and did, NOT things that are being made up about them
Name for us Democrat Member of Congress who is or has
been harassed for things they said.I musta been on vacation.
Harassment is defined as Aggressive pressure or intimidation.
That is entirely what Democrats and the Lamestream Media
plied each and every day towards a President.And those
in his circle.
Name for us Democrat Member of Congress who is or has
been harassed for things they said.I musta been on vacation.
Harassment is defined as Aggressive pressure or intimidation.
That is entirely what Democrats and the Lamestream Media
plied each and every day towards a President.And those
in his circle.

Are you making excuses for the things Trump said and did? You think Trump's a victim.

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