Alex Jones Ordered To Pay $4.1 Million In Compensatory Damages. Punitive Damage Amount To Come Tomorrow. Bad Week For Conservatives Only Gets Worse

No, he is saying things he knows are not true that is harmful to the parents

Members of Congress are being harassed for things they said and did, NOT things that are being made up about them
1. You dont know what he believes. Im not saying he does believe it Im saying neither you nor I have any idea what he actually believes to say otherwise is silly.

2. The political rhetoric (from both sides) makes shit up all the time. The Hand Maids Tale, women will be dying in the streets for lack of abortions if you overturn Roe. etc etc. Has any of that happened? Have people been harassed as a result of that rhetoric? So Im assuming you would support Kavanaugh suing Joe Reid and MSNBC then right? Or how about Kavanaugh's wife? She didnt have anything to do with the Roe decision, but she certainly suffered due to false claims made by political pundits.
Are you making excuses for the things Trump said and did? You think Trump's a victim.
Trumps says stuff as if a Baggy pants comedian working
the Catskills in the 60's.Meaning to be taken lightly.
Trump does not accuse others of being " Racist " or
" White Supremacists ". Seldom too personal.
Normally jocular in nature.
Whereas Biden who has not a funnybone in his skeleton
frame uses mean,personal attacks as do many a Democrat.
Therein lies the difference.
Name for us a nasty snarky personal word Trump used
as Potus.If you can't then kindly shut yer piehole.
1. You dont know what he believes. Im not saying he does believe it Im saying neither you nor I have any idea what he actually believes to say otherwise is silly.

2. The political rhetoric (from both sides) makes shit up all the time. The Hand Maids Tale, women will be dying in the streets for lack of abortions if you overturn Roe. etc etc. Has any of that happened? Have people been harassed as a result of that rhetoric? So Im assuming you would support Kavanaugh suing Joe Reid and MSNBC then right? Or how about Kavanaugh's wife? She didnt have anything to do with the Roe decision, but she certainly suffered due to false claims made by political pundits.

Before Roe vs Wade there were abortionists on back streets of every town in America.
Hundreds of millions for WHAT?

You already did. Your just an asshole as always.
Pain and suffering. Railing and foaming at the mouth about Sandy Hook being a false flag with stage actors.
Go away Freaky. You're really boring me.
2016 election.......Slap yourself in the face and wake up. Dufus.

It does not matter if the Traitor has his sycophantic followers. His recent Golf Tourmanent at Bedmister and Ivana Burial site, the tickets were sold of $1.00 and Tiger Woods turned down $7000,00 -$800,000 just to play.
On another thread, you had all the wing-nuts support a pedophile. Here they are all into a lying scum-bag who added to the sufferings of parents who lost their kids.

But, that's where the party of Lincoln has come down to.

Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater would be considered to liberal for today's Republican Party.
Pain and suffering.
Their child was gunned down in cold blood in their classroom by a dysfunctional liberal school that failed to protect them despite YEARS of warning and they have pain and suffering because some twit on the internet claimed the attacks never happened? Oh Jack, you are ripe! :laughing0301: Whenever I claim pain and suffering here reading your insipid braindead posts, all the mods here ever tell me is the same thing this court should have told those parents: CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL AND JUST IGNORE IT.

Let's face facts, Jack: the only reason this case is there at all is because Jones is just another hated rightwing person pursued and vilified by the out of control marxist Left. Had he been Stephen Colbert or the like, there would be no case going on here at all much less for MILLIONS of dollars just for EXPRESSING HIS FIRST AMENDMENT OPINION.

JUST THINK: If they ever succeed in proving the 2020 election fraud, Trump will have about 1500 cases for pain and suffering and much more from CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, FOX, NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC and others to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars!

But then, people like you are just fine with trampling all over other people's rights just so long as it DOESN'T HAPPEN TO YOU. I wonder what you will think and do next year when it comes time to trample yours?
Their child was gunned down in cold blood in their classroom by a dysfunctional liberal school that failed to protect them despite YEARS of warning and they have pain and suffering because some twit on the internet claimed the attacks never happened? Oh Jack, you are ripe! :laughing0301: Whenever I claim pain and suffering here reading your insipid braindead posts, all the mods here ever tell me is the same thing this court should have told those parents: CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL AND JUST IGNORE IT.

Let's face facts, Jack: the only reason this case is there at all is because Jones is just another hated rightwing person pursued and vilified by the out of control marxist Left. Had he been Stephen Colbert or the like, there would be no case going on here at all much less for MILLIONS of dollars just for EXPRESSING HIS FIRST AMENDMENT OPINION.

JUST THINK: If they ever succeed in proving the 2020 election fraud, Trump will have about 1500 cases for pain and suffering and much more from CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, FOX, NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC and others to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars!

But then, people like you are just fine with trampling all over other people's rights just so long as it DOESN'T HAPPEN TO YOU. I wonder what you will think and do next year when it comes time to trample yours?
Wow. You really are a moron. And here I thought you were just a partisan hack.
So basically, you're just as worthless as Alex Jones is?

Stop responding to my posts.
America's system of jurisprudence, where credible evidence is required, may prove to be the remedy to lowlifes such as Jones.

Dozens of courts rejected the Cry Baby Loser's lie of a stolen "Landslide!" and no Trump toady who blows gas about that fiction on Trumpy media is able to indict a single suspect in their airy-fairy vast conspiracy.

Fox "News" and fantasist Tucky Carlson are being held to account by the reality-disposed. Debarred Giuliani faces further litigation for his lying.

Over 800 Trump goons have been or are being prosecuted in the courts.

Adjudications in Georgia and New York also look promising.
InfoWars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was ordered by a Texas jury to pay $4 million in compensatory damages for defaming Sandy Hook parents Scarlett Lewis and Neil Heslin. The jury in the case was tasked on Thursday with determining compensatory damages for the direct harm the family suffered and awarded a little more than $4 million.

On Friday, the jury will discuss the amount of punitive damages, which is designed to punish Jones to prevent further harm.

Doesn't seem like enough.
That was only compensatory damages to two of the parents. The punitive damages come tomorrow. They will be much larger. Then his problems only get worse. He will be facing perjury charges, which will carry jail time in his case, and the DOJ now has everything on his phone. Including all personal, and business texts, and messages. This will cause problems for other people also.

With some very stiff sentences for January 6 insurrectionists handed down this week, the rejection by Kansas voters of taking away womens rights, and the political victories for Joe Biden. Like I stated. It has been a very bad, not good, losing week for the conservatives.
Yes, we know - still doesn't seem like enough.
Wow. You really are a moron. And here I thought you were just a partisan hack.

OUCH. Pain and suffering Jack. Emotional trauma. Everyone here is my witness. Where are my 4 million dollars? I'm actually the farthest thing from a partisan hack: I hate both parties, just that there is NO GOOD in the democrat party while at least SOME few in the GOP are halfway sane.
Lanza's counterpart is Oswald, and Kennedy was named as the victim, universally reported in the media. Lanza's victims: where is the names list?

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