Alexa...What are my neighbors saying?

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Guess what? Amazon's Alexa is capable of listening in to your conversations and private moments and then sending it back to data harvesters, despite the blithe assurances of Bloomberg's tech editor that could never happen. People are eavesdropping on their neighbors thanks to Alexa. The technology is there. We only need the government (NSA) to capitalize on it
to fulfill some Orwellian Big Brother scenario.

If you like Big Brother monitoring your every private moment then by all means fill your home with electronic monitoring devices from giant multi national corporations like Amazon.
I will pass.
Amazon Admits Alexa Device Eavesdropped On Portland Family | HuffPost
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Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Guess what? Amazon's Alexa is capable of listening in to your conversations and private moments and then sending it back to data harvesters, despite the blithe assurances of Bloomberg's tech editor that could never happen.
If you like Big Brother monitoring your every private moment then by all means fill your home with electronic monitoring devices from giant multi national corporations like Amazon.
I will pass.

No she isn't .
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Guess what? Amazon's Alexa is capable of listening in to your conversations and private moments and then sending it back to data harvesters, despite the blithe assurances of Bloomberg's tech editor that could never happen.
If you like Big Brother monitoring your every private moment then by all means fill your home with electronic monitoring devices from giant multi national corporations like Amazon.
I will pass.

No she isn't .
To be honest, we don't know that for sure.

I'm of the belief that the government (via many of these tech companies) knows everything about us.

If you have ANY modern electronic device, they know everything about you.

We all passed that threshold years ago.

Bush II created THEE most POWERFUL spying system the world has ever known following 9/11, and because of their FEAR, Americans cheered him on all the way.

So the damage is already done, we just need to be aware and be vigilant, but forget about putting that genie back in the bottle.
My sister became upset with me when I harassed 'Alexa', and my sister is a very intelligent person. I laughed because I thought she was joking, but that only upset her more.
Alexa actually sulked!
To be honest, we don't know that for sure.
We don't know what for sure? What are you claiming because we have ample evidence of people listening to their neighbors via Alexa or their neighbors listening to them.
The next step would be for the police or FBI using Alexa to listen in to conversations of persons of interest or even politicians and policy makers.

I'm not alleging we are there yet. Only that it's possible for all this to happen if your home is filled with high tech gizmos that facilitate spying on you.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Guess what? Amazon's Alexa is capable of listening in to your conversations and private moments and then sending it back to data harvesters, despite the blithe assurances of Bloomberg's tech editor that could never happen.
If you like Big Brother monitoring your every private moment then by all means fill your home with electronic monitoring devices from giant multi national corporations like Amazon.
I will pass.

No she isn't .
To be honest, we don't know that for sure.

I'm of the belief that the government (via many of these tech companies) knows everything about us.

If you have ANY modern electronic device, they know everything about you.

We all passed that threshold years ago.

Bush II created THEE most POWERFUL spying system the world has ever known following 9/11, and because of their FEAR, Americans cheered him on all the way.

So the damage is already done, we just need to be aware and be vigilant, but forget about putting that genie back in the bottle.

Don't know that for sure lmfao, no wonder your a demotard.
To be honest, we don't know that for sure.
We don't know what for sure? What are you claiming because we have ample evidence of people listening to their neighbors via Alexa or their neighbors listening to them.
The next step would be for the police or FBI using Alexa to listen in to conversations of persons of interest or even politicians and policy makers.

I'm not alleging we are there yet. Only that it's possible for all this to happen if your home is filled with high tech gizmos that facilitate spying on you.

Oh I can change your mind on how much we are there, problem is you just won't believe any of it.
To be honest, we don't know that for sure.
We don't know what for sure? What are you claiming because we have ample evidence of people listening to their neighbors via Alexa or their neighbors listening to them.
The next step would be for the police or FBI using Alexa to listen in to conversations of persons of interest or even politicians and policy makers.

I'm not alleging we are there yet. Only that it's possible for all this to happen if your home is filled with high tech gizmos that facilitate spying on you.
Dude they already listen to you the " COPS" . it's called STINGRAY, they already hear you standing by the nearest street lights since there are microphones placed with in many street lights already.
It’s worth it as long as I don’t have to turn out the lights myself.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Guess what? Amazon's Alexa is capable of listening in to your conversations and private moments and then sending it back to data harvesters, despite the blithe assurances of Bloomberg's tech editor that could never happen. People are eavesdropping on their neighbors thanks to Alexa. The technology is there. We only need the government (NSA) to capitalize on it
to fulfill some Orwellian Big Brother scenario.

If you like Big Brother monitoring your every private moment then by all means fill your home with electronic monitoring devices from giant multi national corporations like Amazon.
I will pass.
Amazon Admits Alexa Device Eavesdropped On Portland Family | HuffPost

I told my wife I was suspicious of Alexa. She laughed and said "thats ridiculous" and then Alexa laughed and called me a conspiracy theorist.
And Amazon will always, always . use this as their get of the lie card because trendy's are always dumb enough to believe the CEO of a company because why " that CEO wouldn't lie" lmfao . now would you JEFF BEZOS, MARK Z etc..

I'm not sure I believe the conspiracy but it wouldn't be hard to rig the machine up to listen to conversations when it already listens to commands. As a matter of fact my Alexa seems to blink weird colors whenever I say something bad about the FBI. Hmmmm.
I'm not sure I believe the conspiracy but it wouldn't be hard to rig the machine up to listen to conversations when it already listens to commands. As a matter of fact my Alexa seems to blink weird colors whenever I say something bad about the FBI. Hmmmm.


See Alize that any device with the word “Smart” at the beginning of it is kikely capable of reporting information to or being controlled by outside sources other than yourself.

Thst is the exact reason why you’re seeing so many “Smart” appliances, electronics and home services devices. So they can eventually be tied into the SmartGrid system .
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Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Guess what? Amazon's Alexa is capable of listening in to your conversations and private moments and then sending it back to data harvesters, despite the blithe assurances of Bloomberg's tech editor that could never happen.
If you like Big Brother monitoring your every private moment then by all means fill your home with electronic monitoring devices from giant multi national corporations like Amazon.
I will pass.

No she isn't .
Are you fucking naive???

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