Alexander Petrov, Ruslan Boshirov ARE 2 most WANTED TERRORISTS (pUTIN´S) IN THE WORLD TODAY


  • Putler will kill them

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  • Putler will hide them

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Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Alexander Petrov, Ruslan Boshirov ARE 2 most WANTED TERRORISTS (pUTIN´S) IN THE WORLD today, will Putler

1) kill them

2) or hide them?


U.K. Charges 2 Men in Novichok Attack, Saying They’re " Russian" Agents"
"US, France, Germany, Canada back UK spy findings

The U.S., Germany, France and Canada say they back Britain's finding that two suspects in the poisoning of a former spy were Russian military intelligence officers.

In a joint statement, leaders from the four countries joined Britain in reiterating their "outrage" at the use of a chemical nerve agent, Novichok, in March in the southern England city of Salisbury.

Saying Britain's finding has been independently verified, they urged Russia to provide "full disclosure of its Novichok program."

In addition, they said the operation was "almost certainly approved at a senior government level" and pledged to "continue to disrupt together the hostile activities of foreign intelligence networks on our territories."

US, France, Germany, Canada back UK spy findings
How were the Novichok suspects identified?
Police collected 4,000 hours of CCTV and 2,300 exhibits after the near-fatal poisoning of former MI6 mole Sergei Skripal, 66, and his daughter Yulia, 33, in March.

Porton Down scientists said the nerve agent used was Novichok, a deadly chemical invented and manufactured in high-tech labs in Russia.

The government has blamed the Russian state for the attempted assassination of Skripal, an intelligence officer who was jailed in his home country for selling secrets to Britain.

As The Sun revealed, cops believe the Skripals were victims of a bungled hit ordered by the Kremlin and carried out by two assassins who fled the UK the next day.

In July it was reported detectives had identified two Russians as prime suspects.

They are said to have tracked them from CCTV footage and flight records.

A source told the Press Association: “Investigators believe they have identified the suspected perpetrators of the Novichok attack through CCTV and have cross-checked this with records of people who entered the country around that time.

"They are sure they are Russian.”

Sources said investigators were determined to bring a criminal case against those responsible.

The CPS was considering filing a request demanding the Kremlin hand over the two suspects, according to the Guardian.

Officials argued about whether it was worth while when Mr Putin was likely to refuse the request.

It had been thought police were initially reluctant to release details or pictures of the suspects, fearing it would be harder to bring them to justice.

Who are the Salisbury Russian spy poisoning suspects and how did they use Novichok against Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia?
So they admit he was a "mole"; then cry when he gets taken out.... Oh!!! The outrage!!!!
2 new Muscovite deputies , Much like Lugovoy and Kovtun


The two men identified as suspects in the Salisbury nerve agent attack appeared on Russia’s state-funded TV station RT on Thursday, claiming they had visited the “wonderful” English city as tourists to see its cathedral.

The pair, who said their names were Ruslan Boshirov and Alexander Petrov, appeared to resemble men shown in stills from CCTV cameras released by British police investigating the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal, a Russian ex-spy who passed information to the British.

British police say that the names used by the men are aliases and that there is evidence that they are Russian military intelligence agents.

In the interview the men said they had both been in Salisbury and were the people identified in the CCTV stills."

Men claiming to be Salisbury suspects say they were only visiting cathedral

what do you think are they 2 GRU gays- swingers , who visited a little village just to be gang banged for 30 minutes or so ? when Simonyan asked about why they traveled together they said "Its a private information " LOL, the comments the best what i have seen for last 4 years . 5.31 they said "and we decided to finished off our business" ))) LOL such bums

GRU tries to hide behind a gay - version LOL
"FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE Salisbury Novichok ’assassins’ may be LOVERS who were on a trip to the UK during Skripal poisoning, Russian media claims"

Speculation over the nature of their relationship began when they were asked by Russian state TV station RT: "On the (CCTV) video you are shown always together. You were together, lived together, walked everywhere together. What does in fact connect you?”

Boshirov replied: "Let's not pry into our private lives.”

Interviewer 38 year old Margarita Simonyan - who is head of the Kremlin “propaganda” channel later said: “I do not know if they are gays or not.

“They are quite fashionable - with little beards, hair cuts, tight pants, sweaters tight over big biceps.
Bizarre claims about the alleged assassins today arose in Russia that the pair were actually in a relationship
“They did not harass me. Anyway I'm already out of the harassable age."

“Still, I poured them cognac for courage.

“During the interview I told them that the world least of all worries with the question if they slept in one bed or not."

The pair suggested they were ordinary tourists wanting to see - among other sights - Salisbury cathedral and Stonehenge.

They spoke with the Kremlin's propaganda-machine Russia Today on Wednesday in yet another attempt by Vladimir Putin's regime to obscure the narrative surrounding the incident."

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