Aliens Attack Agents at Border with Rocks


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
Border Patrol Swarmed by Angry, Rock-throwing Mob

SAN YSIDRO — A group of about 100 people trying to illegally cross the border Sunday near the San Ysidro port of entry threw rocks and bottles at U.S. Border Patrol agents, who responded by using pepper spray and other means to force the crowd back into Mexico, federal officials said.

Border Patrol: Crowd Confronts Agents

Local border-security advocates were on edge Monday about the incident.
“Obviously, these attempted mass crossing and attacks on our border agents show that our border is not secure,” said Jeff Schwilk of the San Diegans for Secure Borders Coalition. “All the talk in Washington this year of another amnesty for 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants is just encouraging more desperate foreigners to enter our country illegally.”

Illegal immigrant sympathizers said the people were desperate and homeless although had been staying at Mexican migrant camps near the border.
Of course they did. This is what the do. Open fire with an aotomatic. Whoever is still breathing gets on the next bus south.
After living almost 60 years in what passes as AMERICA, until recently all these Mexican illegal Spanish speaking "immigrants" are being seen as victims or heroes, I know something isn't adding up here. It is funny, all these folks claim this is their "homeland" but they have no more claim to this place than Christopher Columbus. It's all just a lie. I was born here, so were my parents. My great grandparents immigrated here from Europe legally and acclimated. But we ALL emigrated here from somewhere else. But all these Mexicans that NEVER have never been up here till recently...? they get a feebie because they aren't white. I get it. I get it, right. Racism my sweet bippy.
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And still, the Rs refuse to deal with the problem. They'll ignore you but write your R congress person and demand they get off their butts and pretend to actually work FOR the US for a change.

And, be sure to follow that first link. There are some real idiots out there and they all have a computer. This is one of the links it led to -

And So It Begins: New York Sending Out Gun Confiscation Notices... |

If you follow THAT link, you come to this -

Robert Farago | The Truth About Guns

A blog that goes a long way toward explaining some of the idiot crap we read from the nutters here.
It's too bad our BP agents are struck with the fear of going to jail if they defended themselves.
Border Patrol Swarmed by Angry, Rock-throwing Mob

SAN YSIDRO — A group of about 100 people trying to illegally cross the border Sunday near the San Ysidro port of entry threw rocks and bottles at U.S. Border Patrol agents, who responded by using pepper spray and other means to force the crowd back into Mexico, federal officials said.

Border Patrol: Crowd Confronts Agents

Local border-security advocates were on edge Monday about the incident.
“Obviously, these attempted mass crossing and attacks on our border agents show that our border is not secure,” said Jeff Schwilk of the San Diegans for Secure Borders Coalition. “All the talk in Washington this year of another amnesty for 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants is just encouraging more desperate foreigners to enter our country illegally.”

Illegal immigrant sympathizers said the people were desperate and homeless although had been staying at Mexican migrant camps near the border.

We have our own unemployed and homeless and cannot afford Mexico's unemployed and homeless. They are not only coming for jobs but for welfare we so compassionately provide them a the expense of the American workers who are already in trouble financially. I see senior citizens getting less food stamps and subsidized housing and energy assistance, etc because of the economy harmed by 11 million scavengers already here.
After living almost 60 years in what passes as AMERICA, until recently all these Mexican illegal Spanish speaking "immigrants" are being seen as victims or heroes, I know something isn't adding up here. It is funny, all these folks claim this is their "homeland" but they have no more claim to this place than Christopher Columbus. It's all just a lie. I was born here, so were my parents. My great grandparents immigrated here from Europe legally and acclimated. But we ALL emigrated here from somewhere else. But all these Mexicans that NEVER have never been up here till recently...? they get a feebie because they aren't white. I get it. I get it, right. Racism my sweet bippy.

The difference between your grand parents and illegal alien is that your grand parents did create jobs and did not get government asistance. They paid their way even if is was with a chicken or a bushel of corn or a ham. Why are the still coming when they know there are no jobs? Because of our social services we so generously hand out. "WE cannot let the poor little children starve"
And still, the Rs refuse to deal with the problem. They'll ignore you but write your R congress person and demand they get off their butts and pretend to actually work FOR the US for a change.

And, be sure to follow that first link. There are some real idiots out there and they all have a computer. This is one of the links it led to -

And So It Begins: New York Sending Out Gun Confiscation Notices... |

If you follow THAT link, you come to this -

Robert Farago | The Truth About Guns

A blog that goes a long way toward explaining some of the idiot crap we read from the nutters here.

Your right ,your one of them.

You cry about repubs,but who controls 2/3 of the Gov.? and have for years now,but its still all the minority parties fault.

Ignorance on parade.
It's too bad our BP agents are struck with the fear of going to jail if they defended themselves.

THEIR hands are tied as far as how far they can go defending the border. Border security is a waste of time and money until enforcement at the workforce level in enforced. Immigration reform must start with businesses who is addicted to cheap labor and run the governemnt at all levels.
I like Hispanics. I am human and a descendent of immigrants. My great grandparents came here legally. Jewish-Catholic Europeans. Immigrated LEGALY. I don’t excuse anyone for NOT doing so. We shouldn’t need a wall or laws to enforce common sense. I despise those arrogant people with a sense of entitlement. Just because your Hispanic parents snuck in doesn’t entitle you to sense of outrage at immigration law. Most ove these Illegal Mexicans have never been here, either. Before, ever. They are not, nor were they ever "home again", please. Don’t be so anecdotal and all in that.
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Just because your Hispanic parent snuck in doesn’t entitle anyone.

You have to be more specific. If they snuck in and "you" were born in the US, then "you" are a US citizen. As of right now, that's what our Constitution says.

It seems the thing to do is to stop the sneaking in before it becomes an issue. An on-going challenge to be sure.

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