aliens don't exist


Aug 15, 2021
1. the path to the planet on which intelligent life is possible about 5 million light years.
2.according to modern classical physics of Einstein
- the speed of light is limited and the time depends on the speed of movement
- a "hole in space" is theoretically possible, but time depends on speed and gravity

3 ... Imagine
Someone creates a hole in space
astronauts jump into this hole and get to the planet instantly .. But the planet is 5 million light years away.
They smoke cigarettes for 3 minutes and immediately return to Earth.

How long will it take?
1. For astronauts 3 minutes
2. For the inhabitants of the Earth = 5 million years + 5 million years + 3 minutes
about 10 million years.

now let's imagine that aliens want to conquer the Earth, they are located 5 million light years from Earth ...
their troops will return to their planet in 10 million years. Their civilization will disappear.

aliens don't exist
1. the path to the planet on which intelligent life is possible about 5 million light years.
2.according to modern classical physics of Einstein
- the speed of light is limited and the time depends on the speed of movement
- a "hole in space" is theoretically possible, but time depends on speed and gravity

3 ... Imagine
Someone creates a hole in space
astronauts jump into this hole and get to the planet instantly .. But the planet is 5 million light years away.
They smoke cigarettes for 3 minutes and immediately return to Earth.

How long will it take?
1. For astronauts 3 minutes
2. For the inhabitants of the Earth = 5 million years + 5 million years + 3 minutes
about 10 million years.

now let's imagine that aliens want to conquer the Earth, they are located 5 million light years from Earth ...
their troops will return to their planet in 10 million years. Their civilization will disappear.

aliens don't exist
If they did this theoretical folding of space and "go through a hole", they could fold it there and back, and time on earth would remain in sync with these astronauts.

Aliens exist, but i doubt they have ever been here.
1. the path to the planet on which intelligent life is possible about 5 million light years.
2.according to modern classical physics of Einstein
- the speed of light is limited and the time depends on the speed of movement
- a "hole in space" is theoretically possible, but time depends on speed and gravity

3 ... Imagine
Someone creates a hole in space
astronauts jump into this hole and get to the planet instantly .. But the planet is 5 million light years away.
They smoke cigarettes for 3 minutes and immediately return to Earth.

How long will it take?
1. For astronauts 3 minutes
2. For the inhabitants of the Earth = 5 million years + 5 million years + 3 minutes
about 10 million years.

now let's imagine that aliens want to conquer the Earth, they are located 5 million light years from Earth ...
their troops will return to their planet in 10 million years. Their civilization will disappear.

aliens don't exist
there maybe someone on a distant planet that thinks like you do ...aliens dont exist .... we are here they are there but each side says aliens dont exist ... does the fact that you exist even give you pause to consider someone far away on another planet exists ... and when it comes to space travel weve only been airborne a little over a hundred yrs ... what if said aliens have been airborn for 10s of thousands of yrs ?
1. the path to the planet on which intelligent life is possible about 5 million light years.
2.according to modern classical physics of Einstein
- the speed of light is limited and the time depends on the speed of movement
- a "hole in space" is theoretically possible, but time depends on speed and gravity

3 ... Imagine
Someone creates a hole in space
astronauts jump into this hole and get to the planet instantly .. But the planet is 5 million light years away.
They smoke cigarettes for 3 minutes and immediately return to Earth.

How long will it take?
1. For astronauts 3 minutes
2. For the inhabitants of the Earth = 5 million years + 5 million years + 3 minutes
about 10 million years.

now let's imagine that aliens want to conquer the Earth, they are located 5 million light years from Earth ...
their troops will return to their planet in 10 million years. Their civilization will disappear.

aliens don't exist

While all of that makes sense, the problem is that, when you're discussing space travel and, in a sense, time travel, and you couple that with the fact that the ones doing the traveling are from some distant galaxy, the rule book goes out the window. If there's another civilization out there, we have exactly zero understanding what their capabilities are.

A light year to us might be 20 minutes to them.

Albert Einstein, while widely regarded as one of the most intelligent men to ever live, might be considered to be mentally retarded by them.

It's fun to talk about but, until one of them shows up to set us straight, it's just as likely as not that aliens exist...
1. the path to the planet on which intelligent life is possible about 5 million light years.
2.according to modern classical physics of Einstein
- the speed of light is limited and the time depends on the speed of movement
- a "hole in space" is theoretically possible, but time depends on speed and gravity

3 ... Imagine
Someone creates a hole in space
astronauts jump into this hole and get to the planet instantly .. But the planet is 5 million light years away.
They smoke cigarettes for 3 minutes and immediately return to Earth.

How long will it take?
1. For astronauts 3 minutes
2. For the inhabitants of the Earth = 5 million years + 5 million years + 3 minutes
about 10 million years.

now let's imagine that aliens want to conquer the Earth, they are located 5 million light years from Earth ...
their troops will return to their planet in 10 million years. Their civilization will disappear.

aliens don't exist
I dont understand why you think that proves aliens dont exist.
While all of that makes sense, the problem is that, when you're discussing space travel and, in a sense, time travel, and you couple that with the fact that the ones doing the traveling are from some distant galaxy, the rule book goes out the window. If there's another civilization out there, we have exactly zero understanding what their capabilities are.

A light year to us might be 20 minutes to them.

Albert Einstein, while widely regarded as one of the most intelligent men to ever live, might be considered to be mentally retarded by them.

It's fun to talk about but, until one of them shows up to set us straight, it's just as likely as not that aliens exist...
I understand what you mean.
from the point of view of Physics, this means that Time for aliens flows in a different way ....
then 5 million years on Earth means one moment for aliens.
all earthlings will die before the aliens get to earth

aliens don't exist
The speed of light is not limited !!!
It’s only limited to us and our understanding

A very advanced race can manipulate worm holes and go anywhere
Humans are only 200,000 yrs old and real science has only occurred the last 300 years

Just imagine a race that is 2 million yrs old
Humans are only 200,000 yrs old and real science has only occurred the last 300 years

Just imagine a race that is 2 million yrs old

Humans are possibly millions of years old.

May be cataclysms have destroyed civilizations that were much advanced than ours ... that possessed a much higher technology than ours ....

Who knows....

290 million years ....Yes sir.

1. the path to the planet on which intelligent life is possible about 5 million light years.
2.according to modern classical physics of Einstein
- the speed of light is limited and the time depends on the speed of movement
- a "hole in space" is theoretically possible, but time depends on speed and gravity

3 ... Imagine
Someone creates a hole in space
astronauts jump into this hole and get to the planet instantly .. But the planet is 5 million light years away.
They smoke cigarettes for 3 minutes and immediately return to Earth.

How long will it take?
1. For astronauts 3 minutes
2. For the inhabitants of the Earth = 5 million years + 5 million years + 3 minutes
about 10 million years.

now let's imagine that aliens want to conquer the Earth, they are located 5 million light years from Earth ...
their troops will return to their planet in 10 million years. Their civilization will disappear.

aliens don't exist

I would not say that in such a categorical way.

You don't know and I don't know.

That doesn't mean there is not life out there.
1. the path to the planet on which intelligent life is possible about 5 million light years.
2.according to modern classical physics of Einstein
- the speed of light is limited and the time depends on the speed of movement
- a "hole in space" is theoretically possible, but time depends on speed and gravity

3 ... Imagine
Someone creates a hole in space
astronauts jump into this hole and get to the planet instantly .. But the planet is 5 million light years away.
They smoke cigarettes for 3 minutes and immediately return to Earth.

How long will it take?
1. For astronauts 3 minutes
2. For the inhabitants of the Earth = 5 million years + 5 million years + 3 minutes
about 10 million years.

now let's imagine that aliens want to conquer the Earth, they are located 5 million light years from Earth ...
their troops will return to their planet in 10 million years. Their civilization will disappear.

aliens don't exist

WRONG, Ace. I wouldn't examine that math of yours too closely.
What makes you so positive? Is that because this is what we understand about the laws of physics, so you have decided this?

All these people's heads are stuck thinking conventionally of conventional time and space AS WE SEE IT, as if there were no other levels to reality.
All these people's heads are stuck thinking conventionally of conventional time and space AS WE SEE IT, as if there were no other levels to reality.
Yeah, I noticed the OP was talking about space travel. . . then talked about the aliens getting back to their home planet, it would be 10 million years later. . .

. . . and I'm like, why don't they just travel back in time then? :dunno: Surely if they have the tech to travel through wormholes they can manage a simple thing like time travel back and forth.


What makes you so positive?

Is that because this is what we understand about the laws of physics, so you have decided this?
Energy is needed to travel in space. Currently we do this with the expulsion of hot gasses. (Hydrogen and oxygen fuel)

We will need a new technology to go faster than what we currently have... diminishing returns after a while.

Currently not even nuclear fission or fusion can expel hot gasses fast enough to get us to a significant portion of light speed in space. Those technologies might have more bang with a smaller amount of mass...but they still are insufficient to propel a person at one gravity for very long. (Might get a week instead of the requisite 2+years to achieve a significant portion) And a larger fusion reaction won't help. Some other means needs to be discovered. Space is a weightless vacuum after all.

Meaning that the energy requirements are about equal to a star.

And our sun is, relatively speaking, a huge beach ball next to a BB from a pellet gun standing in for Earth.
So the chances of interstellar travel happening for anyone are slim to none.
We would blow up the planet playing with such things long before we actually harnessed it effectively.
Energy is needed to travel in space. Currently we do this with the expulsion of hot gasses. (Hydrogen and oxygen fuel)

We will need a new technology to go faster than what we currently have... diminishing returns after a while.

Currently not even nuclear fission or fusion can expel hot gasses fast enough to get us to a significant portion of light speed in space. Those technologies might have more bang with a smaller amount of mass...but they still are insufficient to propel a person at one gravity for very long. (Might get a week instead of the requisite 2+years to achieve a significant portion) And a larger fusion reaction won't help. Some other means needs to be discovered. Space is a weightless vacuum after all.

Meaning that the energy requirements are about equal to a star.

And our sun is, relatively speaking, a huge beach ball next to a BB from a pellet gun standing in for Earth.
So the chances of interstellar travel happening for anyone are slim to none.
We would blow up the planet playing with such things long before we actually harnessed it effectively.
So. . . b/c YOU can't come up with the answers, no one else in the galaxy could have possibly done it.

My, look at the hubris on you boy!


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