Biden Plan Gives 500,000 Immigrant Spouses Amnesty

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President Joe Biden announced Tuesday a program that could grant lawful permanent residency to hundreds of thousands of undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens. "Today, I am providing amnesty for over half a million illegal aliens", declared the President. "Why? Because Congress drags its feet in deciding what to do with over 10 million illegals that I have let come across the border over these last 3 years. Many say that the Supreme Court will overrule my edict, but then, who cares? I mean, they ruled I could not forgive student debt as well, but we just ignored them cuz they are MAGA poopy heads. These people coming across the...........the know, the thing.........border! Yea, these people are coming.........and you know folks......they are here today coming evalanching.................well.........anyway." at which point the mic went dead and the President was led away.

Spoiler: most of them will vote for Trump after they find out Biden's plan for their taxes and the crime in their cities.

Um, no.

The program only applies to people who have

1) Lived in the US for at least 10 years
2) Are married to an American Citizen

In short, people who are ALREADY entitled to a path to citizenship.

As someone who is helping his spouse get permanent legal status, I'm all for it. (Although my wife was here legally, it's taken 7 years to process her asylum claim).
10 years illegally and I do not care who they are married to
First, attacks on family are prohibited.

Second, she had a legitimate claim, she was arrested for attending an illegal church in China.

Third, our application was already in process before Biden made the rule change. It doesn't apply to us because she already had a valid green card.

Fourth, even if all else goes through, it will still be two years before she can apply for citizenship, and passing the test is going to be hard, because her English is spotty on good days.
If she gets citizenship then she can be the gateway for many more family members to game the system thanks to ted kennedy and the 1965 immigration law
Then look it up yourself. It's easy to find.
Yes, invaders arriving got just what citizens had, except people would help citizens. Invaders died in the streets.
I don't have to. My grandparents (and my Dad as a baby) immigrated here in 1925 from Germany.

Not sure what you are babbling about dying in the streets.

Here's the thing. He came here, within four years, he had his citizenship. No fuss, no muss. Did he encounter bias? Sure. No one was happy to see Germans between the World Wars. He changed the way we pronounce the family name and stopped calling himself Ludwig and started calling himself Louis.

He considered returning to Germany in 1930 after he got his US citizenship and the French stopped their occupation of the Rhineland. But when he saw what was going on with the Austrian Mustache man, he took a hard pass.

Now, compare that to the travails of my wife, who came here from China 7 years ago and claimed asylum because she was facing religious persecution. Despite that, she has yet to be able to get a hearing because the asylum courts are so backed up. We got married and decided that a marriage sponsorship was the easier route to take. We had to submit 200 pages of documentation (including pictures) proving that this was a legitimate marriage and we just didn't get married for a green card.
Thats typical lib illogic

Not at all. The problem with you xenophobes is that none of you have had to deal with USCIS in trying to get someone through the hurdles immigrants face in dealing with these issues.

I'm living it right now. I can tell you EXACTLY what it is like, and it's kind of a pain in the ass.

Asylum is a scam to circumvent immigration laws

No, it is a valid law on our books. But the simple way to resolve it is to adequately staff the Asylum courts and free up the logjam of cases. The problem is that most of the people who have claimed asylum would probably get it. Especially ones from countries - like China and Venezuela - that we have declared abusers of human rights.

If she gets citizenship then she can be the gateway for many more family members to game the system thanks to ted kennedy and the 1965 immigration law
Okay, her only relative here is her daughter, who already lives here, and works as a dance teacher on an H1B.
The problem with you xenophobes is that none of you have had to deal with USCIS in trying to get someone through the hurdles immigrants face in dealing with these issues.
There are too many uninvited and unwelcome foreigners abusing our amnesty laws

What was intended to be a trickle has become a flood
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Thats typical lib illogic
Exactly! Libs can say what they want, and conservatives need to shut up.

I was at dinner when a liberal Jew started complaining about antisemitic Trump supporters, and that if you go south, you better hide that you’re Jewish. When I pointed out that there are plenty of Democrat voters right here in DC who were willing to vote for a Farrakhan-praising, antisemite for City Council, another lib put up her hand and said she didn’t want to hear about it.
There are too msny uninvited and unwelcome foreigners abusing our amnesty laws

What was intended to be a trickle has become a flood

Seems to me that you are whining about a problem that you created.

Human Reptile Stephen Miller and Convicted Felon Trump thought that if you could break the Asylum system, people would stop asking for asylum.

Instead, it had the reverse effect. People know that they can wait 4-7 years before they get a hearing instead of the required 180 days, why not ask for it. Then you have 7 years to think of something else.

A valid law thats being scammed by crooked immigration lawyers and their clients

Uh, the only scam I saw was the German couple who claimed Asylum because they couldn't HOme School their kids in Germany. Yet they got asylum for 17 years! (I'm sure the kids graduated by then) and when USCIS finally got ready to deport them, the Christian Right screamed bloody murder.

Compare that to Mrs. B131, who was actually ARRESTED for going to the wrong church.
Exactly! Libs can say what they want, and conservatives need to shut up.

I was at dinner when a liberal Jew started complaining about antisemitic Trump supporters, and that if you go south, you better hide that you’re Jewish. When I pointed out that there are plenty of Democrat voters right here in DC who were willing to vote for a Farrakhan-praising, antisemite for City Council, another lib put up her hand and said she didn’t want to hear about it.
So people in real life are as sick of you as we are?
Compare that to Mrs. B131, who was actually ARRESTED for going to the wrong church.
Sez her and the ambulance chasing immigration lawyer you paid to assemble her asylum request

They have hundreds of excuses on file that they can use

Better that these phony dissidents should stay in china and change the system there rather than America catering to them here
Seems to me that you are whining about a problem that you created.

Human Reptile Stephen Miller and Convicted Felon Trump thought that if you could break the Asylum system, people would stop asking for asylum.

Instead, it had the reverse effect. People know that they can wait 4-7 years before they get a hearing instead of the required 180 days, why not ask for it. Then you have 7 years to think of something else.

Uh, the only scam I saw was the German couple who claimed Asylum because they couldn't HOme School their kids in Germany. Yet they got asylum for 17 years! (I'm sure the kids graduated by then) and when USCIS finally got ready to deport them, the Christian Right screamed bloody murder.

Compare that to Mrs. B131, who was actually ARRESTED for going to the wrong church.
I think the Christian couple was sincerely being persecuted by the godless heathens in Germany

But if millions of Germans used that excuse the answer should be no
Not at all. The problem with you xenophobes is that none of you have had to deal with USCIS in trying to get someone through the hurdles immigrants face in dealing with these issues.

I'm living it right now. I can tell you EXACTLY what it is like, and it's kind of a pain in the ass.

No, it is a valid law on our books. But the simple way to resolve it is to adequately staff the Asylum courts and free up the logjam of cases. The problem is that most of the people who have claimed asylum would probably get it. Especially ones from countries - like China and Venezuela - that we have declared abusers of human rights.

Okay, her only relative here is her daughter, who already lives here, and works as a dance teacher on an H1B.
It should be hard to immigrate here!
I don't have to. My grandparents (and my Dad as a baby) immigrated here in 1925 from Germany.

Not sure what you are babbling about dying in the streets.

Here's the thing. He came here, within four years, he had his citizenship. No fuss, no muss. Did he encounter bias? Sure. No one was happy to see Germans between the World Wars. He changed the way we pronounce the family name and stopped calling himself Ludwig and started calling himself Louis.

He considered returning to Germany in 1930 after he got his US citizenship and the French stopped their occupation of the Rhineland. But when he saw what was going on with the Austrian Mustache man, he took a hard pass.

Now, compare that to the travails of my wife, who came here from China 7 years ago and claimed asylum because she was facing religious persecution. Despite that, she has yet to be able to get a hearing because the asylum courts are so backed up. We got married and decided that a marriage sponsorship was the easier route to take. We had to submit 200 pages of documentation (including pictures) proving that this was a legitimate marriage and we just didn't get married for a green card.
My half brother married a Chinese national. They married in China. She had her American citizenship in less than a year.

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