aljazeera gore plagiarizes MLK Montgomery speech


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
president swiftboat is actually coming around with this shit again.....

"How long?" he replied, "Not long! Because no lie can live forever.… How long? Not long! Because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice. How long? Not long!"

loser, climate changes is caused by hurricanes. there were no hurricanes before global warming.

thousands of inner city murders, let's save the polar bears.

And in every one of these historic struggles, those fighting for justice, faced with a seemingly endless and implacable resistance, came to doubt that victory would ever come. In the bleakest hours of the U.S. civil rights struggle, Martin Luther King Jr. answered some of his followers who plaintively asked how long it would be before they won.

this proves that civil rights is caused by global warming. al gore is still a zero.

he would be right if a hurricane hovered over ground zero in perpetuity. i'm saving extra CO2 in case he's wrong.
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