Aljazeera highly respected News gathering org??

of course you would......liberals are anti-American after all....and now you are all about 'respecting' Aljajeera news....:cuckoo:

Former VP Al Gore is just the latest disgusting example.....not only a hypocrit for selling out to Oil but also selling out to a known anti-American, anti-Semitic-biased news (albeit soft-peddling compared to its Arab division) company....:eusa_hand:

haven't you ever heard of stealth jihad....?

FOX is owned by an Aussie and a Saudi.

Let me know how "Pro-American" that is..ace.

it's not pro-American.....i know that FOX has been influenced by the rich Saudi prince who is the largest shareholder (7%) of News Corp (parent company of FOX)....think how much MORE will be influenced in the Aljazeera network...

fyi ABC is also partly owned by the same Saudi well as Citicorp, Apple, Four Seasons hotels, etc. and the guy donates alot of money to Islamic-related projects in America...stealth jihad is alive and well.....

Have you watched it?
Sharia Law combined with the U.S. Constitution is the only long term hope for America........... :cool:

how do you figure....?
The Imam explains it very well......... :cool:

[ame=]Feisal Abdul Rauf says America is "a Sharia Compliant State" - YouTube[/ame]

LOL.....Rauf the 'equivocator'...sounds good but he still believes in anti-American do you...

Sharia calls for the domination of non-Muslims.......Imman Rauf was the guy behind putting up the Mosque on top of Ground Zero....

Rauf has stated before that the only law Muslims need is the Koran and the Hadith.....a state based on that can only be a theocracy....

Rauf...the so-called 'moderate' the personification of soft jihad...
Al Jazeera is highly respected by some people the same way Fox News and The Daily Pisser, er, Daily Caller, and the Washington Times and MSNBC and the Huffington Post and Rachel Maddow and Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter and Chris Mathews are each highly respected by their respective people.

"Highly respected" has replaced "objective" in today's manufactured bullshit industry we call media.
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There's Al Jazeera and Al Jazeera America.

Al Jazeera America is probably the most unbiased news source I've found in a long time. The other? Well....not so much. By a damn sight.

Of course you won't find "unbiased" on any opinion show that features only ONE opinion. To wit: name just one MSNBC opinion show where there is an opinion opposing the White House dictated chorus Obama lackeys.

When did you ever see Chris Matthews with a Republican/conservative guest, and if you did, can you show where he let his victim utter a word without being interrupted?

When did you ever see Ed Schultz with a Republican/conservative guest, and if you did, can you show where he let his victim utter a word without being interrupted?

When did you ever see Lawrence O'Donnell with a Republican/conservative guest, and if you did, can you show where he let his victim utter a word without being interrupted?

On FOX O'Reilley, Hannity, Van Susteren always welcome guests of Democratic/progressive persuation. Sometimes opposing views are the ONLY opinions on these shows.

Fair and balanced? FOX, yes, others a resounding NO!

I can't say anything about Al Jazeera because I have not seen their broadcasts.


Where I live the cable provider featured Al Jazeera free of charge for one month. I tuned in a few times, but the time was too short to form a firm opinion.

BTW, it is on channel 513 if you know where to look for it.

I chose not to subscribe to it.

FOX is owned by an Aussie and a Saudi.

Let me know how "Pro-American" that is..ace.

it's not pro-American.....i know that FOX has been influenced by the rich Saudi prince who is the largest shareholder (7%) of News Corp (parent company of FOX)....think how much MORE will be influenced in the Aljazeera network...

fyi ABC is also partly owned by the same Saudi well as Citicorp, Apple, Four Seasons hotels, etc. and the guy donates alot of money to Islamic-related projects in America...stealth jihad is alive and well.....

Have you watched it?

no....but i don't have to.....a dog can't change its spots....
I'll take Al Jazeera over Fox any day.

What kinda 'Merican ARE you??!!!!

[ame=]Fox News Babes - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Fox New Reporters Accidental Upskirts - YouTube[/ame]​
NOW YOU IDIOTS proclaiming you are "watching" Al Jazeera English... READ what has happened!!!


Gimme a break.
I'll take Al Jazeera over Fox any day.

What kinda 'Merican ARE you??!!!!

[ame=]Fox News Babes - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Fox New Reporters Accidental Upskirts - YouTube[/ame]​

I bet you have a camera on your shoe RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Looking UP your OWN crotch and getting excited!!!
Al Jazerra a hightly respected news outlet?

In the ME I'm sure it is. After all showing folks getting their heads cut off is high entertainment in that neck of the woods.

Anywhere else? Not so much.
it's not pro-American.....i know that FOX has been influenced by the rich Saudi prince who is the largest shareholder (7%) of News Corp (parent company of FOX)....think how much MORE will be influenced in the Aljazeera network...

fyi ABC is also partly owned by the same Saudi well as Citicorp, Apple, Four Seasons hotels, etc. and the guy donates alot of money to Islamic-related projects in America...stealth jihad is alive and well.....

Have you watched it?

no....but i don't have to.....a dog can't change its spots....
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
it's not pro-American.....i know that FOX has been influenced by the rich Saudi prince who is the largest shareholder (7%) of News Corp (parent company of FOX)....think how much MORE will be influenced in the Aljazeera network...

fyi ABC is also partly owned by the same Saudi well as Citicorp, Apple, Four Seasons hotels, etc. and the guy donates alot of money to Islamic-related projects in America...stealth jihad is alive and well.....

Have you watched it?

no....but i don't have to.....a dog can't change its spots....
So you own slaves and still beat your girlfriend?

Good to know.

Al Jazerra a hightly respected news outlet?

In the ME I'm sure it is. After all showing folks getting their heads cut off is high entertainment in that neck of the woods.

Anywhere else? Not so much.

As is lynching black folks or dragging them around attached to pickup trucks in the south.

What's your point?
I'll take Al Jazeera over Fox any day.

of course you would......liberals are anti-American after all....and now you are all about 'respecting' Aljajeera news....:cuckoo:

Former VP Al Gore is just the latest disgusting example.....not only a hypocrit for selling out to Oil but also selling out to a known anti-American, anti-Semitic-biased news (albeit soft-peddling compared to its Arab division) company....:eusa_hand:

haven't you ever heard of stealth jihad....?

So how are you enjoying being in the minority so far, wingnut?
that's according to Andrea Mitchell @mitchellreports

"The fact is that @aljazeera stands all around the world as a highly respected internati'l newsgathering org" #mitchellreports
6:49 PM - 31 Jan 13

HMMM... maybe Andrea and the others MEMEing "highly respected" might want to talk to this person..

Al-Jazeera has long been suspected of lacking objectivity in its reporting of the Middle East. Now one of its most prominent journalists and director of their Beirut office, Ghassan Bin Jeddo, has resigned because of this.

According to Lebanese newspaper, As-Safir, which first broke the story yesterday, Bin Jeddo resigned in protest against Al Jazeera’s coverage of the recent uprisings throughout the Arab world, saying:

Bin Jeddo says..?
Al Jazeera has abandoned professionalism and objectivity, turning from a media source into an operation room that incites and mobilizes."

The following is from

This fear was certainly omnipresent in the George W. Bush administration,especially with regard to media coverage of casualties from the wars in Iraq andAfghanistan. Not only did the Department of Defense have a strict policy banning photographs of dead American soldiers (or their coffins), but also the uninhibited andgraphic coverage of the wars by Arab media outlets, Al-Jazeera in particular, has resultedin outrage among some American policy-makers. In one sense, the Bush administration’sfears of the images were justified.

A quantitative analysis examining media consumptionin the Middle East conducted by Nisbet, Nisbet, Scheufele, and Shanahan (2004) foundthat viewers of pan-Arab satellite television channels were more likely to hold anti-American views and to be against the war in Iraq. Mohammad Ayish (2002) also foundthat sensationalism and highlights of images of casualties and consequences were prominent among Al Jazeera’s coverage of American and Israeli military efforts in theMiddle East, offering one possible explanation for the correlation between consumptionof pan-Arab media and anti-Americanism in the Middle East..

The Geopolitics of the News: The Case of the Al Jazeera Network | Shawn Powers -

NOW for you simple folks that still cling to your cliched notion Al_Jazeera is an unbiased newsgathering like Andrea, Matt, et.all that used that MEME~~~
THEY ARE NOT UNBIASED! The spout as much venom against the USA/Israel as if they were Al-Queda themselves!!!

You think it's odd that Arab Muslims would not be in favor of Christian and atheist Westerners invading a neighbor and killing other Arab Muslims?

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