All Electric Chrysler by 2028

We probably should keep using fossil fuels for transport, and reserve the energy for data centers. That need will, I project, continue to grow.




Why Energy Is A Big And Rapidly Growing Problem For Data Centers​


ON top of this? The STATE will then pass laws, to seize control of your vehicle, taking away your autonomy. . . .

Another conspiracy comes true. New UK law will mandate electric car chargers be connected to the internet so they can be shut off or monitored remotely.​

Someone is going to have to make inexpensive EVs to get them into more hands. There are so many millions of people who don't need 400 miles per charge, who drive under 30 miles to work. A charge lasts 3-4 days. Those cars/people are going to make the difference on pollution. I'm not paying $50k for any vehicle.
Someone is going to have to make inexpensive EVs to get them into more hands. There are so many millions of people who don't need 400 miles per charge, who drive under 30 miles to work. A charge lasts 3-4 days. Those cars/people are going to make the difference on pollution. I'm not paying $50k for any vehicle.
Change is good.

That is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard anyone say.

About par for the course for you.

If change is good, then let's change cars to run on horse poop! I mean, change is good, right?

REAL change, numbnut, comes GRADUALLY or through CHOICE. You cannot know if a change will be good or not until you actually try it first and see how it works. Until then, you do not know. ITMT, you hold your cards as a fallback in case things turn out not as expected, not leap blindly into something 100% with no turning back.

THEN YOU OFFER CHOICE. If the change is GOOD, then people will choose it! Any other way is just FORCED GOVERNMENT TYRANNY.

The ultimate humor would be that after investing TRILLIONS into electric everything and FORCING it upon people at a far higher cost, we either get hit by an EMP knocking out the whole electric grid or the Earth begins its slide into the NEXT ice age making the entire effort for NAUGHT, with people begging for heat and having too much ice. :21:
VW is a major car brand that I have never owned. I never hear good things about them. A lot of fit and finish issues, and they also had that major gas mileage scandal recently.

I'd like to see Honda more active. Volvo is getting into EVs, which would be my dream, but way too expensive.
I had a 2011 VW Jetta TDI scandal year model. It was solid and got really good fuel mileage.
When yo0u are ready to buy I'm sure you will find something in your budget range.
If you consider that Volvo is a Chinese owned company I wouldn't tell you not to buy one.

Where is all the electricity going to come from to charge all these EVs? Windmills? :lol:

And the lithium, cobalt, etc., to make the batteries? Slave labor?
Relative to the bold good ole ass spanking recolonization of Sub Saharan Africa. Oh and they will get our old gas engine cars along with mass landfills, dumps, waste and no electricity, indoor plumbing, nor drinking water from a facet. A White Man's Greed Runs a World in Need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess you don't agree with most of the other brands that will be producing only electric. Some have announced building only 20% of non-electric sooner than 2028.
Times are changing and they all are going the same way.

Good. Should be an interesting experiment. Used vehicles will become increasingly more valuable. And quickly the companies will have a choice....comply, and die.....or, go back to ICE power.
The entire world will stop driving petrol fueled vehicles in the future which is right around the corner. Don't let it get you down. Those who drive EV's now say they made a good choice. Hard to find someone who doesn't like what they bought.

Other than that Finnish guy who blew his Tesla up.

Another auto maker announces all their cars will be electric.
Change is good.

"Chrysler, the 96-year-old brand owned by Stellantis that is best known today for its minivans, will become an all-electric brand by 2028.
The company made the announcement as it introduced the Chrysler Airflow Concept, an all-wheel drive electric SUV concept equipped with two electric motors and a battery designed to travel 350 miles to 400 miles on a single charge."

I think it remains a hard, undeniable fact, that electric vehicle technology is still a very long way from being ready for anything but a niche market.

There is simply no way in Hell that it will be ready for mainstream use by 2028, or 2030, or 2035, or any of the other deadlines by which various automakers have pledged to abandon the internal combustion engine.

It is not going to happen. Period.

Long past 2035, the majority of vehicles on the road, and the majority of new vehicles being manufactured and sold will still be powered by internal combustion engines, and that is what the vast majority of motorists are going to need in order to meet their needs.

And any company that wants to have any significant presence in the automobile-manufacturing industry will still be mostly making internal-combustion-engined vehicles.
Good. Should be an interesting experiment. Used vehicles will become increasingly more valuable. And quickly the companies will have a choice....comply, and die.....or, go back to ICE power.
Hey, who said you had to buy an EV? Others will. Guaranteed.
In about 10 years it will only be aging baby boomers driving their old model-T like fossil fuel vehicles shaking their fists at all the young whippersnappers in their fancy new electric cars.
I like the zero emissions aka no more smog check fees.
Hey, who said you had to buy an EV? Others will. Guaranteed.

Oh, I won't, trust me. A hybrid I definitely will at some point. Some of the hypercar technology will work its way down to mere supercars, which I can afford.
The last time that I saw a conversation here about electric cars, it was said that they take hours to charge whenever they need it. You would think that reason alone would be enough to stick with what is already out there.

God bless you always!!!


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