All footage is real. This could happen to you. To anyone...

The war on drugs is a lost war. The rich go to the doctor, the poor to the junkie, I see this often, moving in both worlds. What to do is the tougher question, a show on Current or Science Channel (?) recently portrayed the drug problem in rural Kentucky with drugs from Florida and the consequences. Unreal is the only reaction, women in jail for up to seven years for selling drugs, families divided by an act of compulsion and profit. And Florida doctors dispensing prescriptions like candy. But then I think of the more upper class folk (?) we see at dinner parties high on wine vodka or whatever. Limbaugh could condemn drug users while he did same. It seems to me a losing battle, I can't tell you how many times riding my bicycle a car would pass with the powerful smell of marijuana. It may be necessary to move to a brave new world to solve what seems impossible to solve. It has lots I think to do with personality and I'll be darned if I know solution.
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I watched the videos. The Police (as they are trained to do) entered the premises loudly instructing the occupants they were police with search warrants. In the first cam video I could not tell what the occupant was holding but is was obviously a weapon of some sort.
In the second cam video they actually announced before they breached and while we did not see the actual shooting we did see officers first pass by the spot where the occupant eventually ended up on the floor which indicated the occupant may have been hiding and attempted to ambush the officers.
In the last one we saw nothing of the shooting but again the officers announced before entering the premises and I did recognize the sound of a semi-auto AK being rapidly fired. The police don't carry AKs.

The first video is of a guy who gets shot and killed because they awoke him from his sleep and he came out with a golf club cause he thought there were intruders in his house.

The second video you can't tell but the video shows a para military police force busting into a non violent suspect. Part of the problem here is the police love to do their No Knock raids for no reason.

The third video is of a 2 tour marine getting shot from 71 round fired from the police. There were NO AKS. All the gun fire you here are from ar 15 and other weapons from the POLICE ONLY.

The reason this stuff happens is because of people like you who blindly make excuses for the police and their actions.
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I watched the videos. The Police (as they are trained to do) entered the premises loudly instructing the occupants they were police with search warrants. In the first cam video I could not tell what the occupant was holding but is was obviously a weapon of some sort.
In the second cam video they actually announced before they breached and while we did not see the actual shooting we did see officers first pass by the spot where the occupant eventually ended up on the floor which indicated the occupant may have been hiding and attempted to ambush the officers.
In the last one we saw nothing of the shooting but again the officers announced before entering the premises and I did recognize the sound of a semi-auto AK being rapidly fired. The police don't carry AKs.

The first video is of a guy who gets shot and killed because they awoke him from his sleep and he came out with a golf club cause he thought there were intruders in his house.

The second video you can't tell but the video shows a para military police force busting into a non violent suspect. Part of the problem here is the police love to do their No Knock raids for no reason.

The third video is of a 2 tour marine getting shot from 71 round fired from the police. There were NO AKS. All the gun fire you here are from ar 15 and other weapons from the POLICE ONLY.

The reason this stuff happens is because of people like you who blindly make excuses for the police and their actions.

Hate to tell ya this but I heard AK fire mixed with the other fire at the beginning and yes I can differentiate between what the cops use and AK rounds going of. As for the no knock raids being done for no reason. The only thing i can say to that is. :cuckoo:
They have to get a warrant first and in order to get a warrant they have to provide a judge with a compelling need for the warrant.

One other thing, all I have here is your and the OPs word, back it up with facts from official sources including background on each individual that the cops might have had, prior arrests, if any, history of psychiatric issues, if any, etc, etc, etc so I can make an informed decision. Oh and since you and the OP made the assertion the burden of proof is on you two.
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You heard wrong. If there was a AK47 then it was being fired by the police Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

No-knock warrant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The number of no-knock raids has increased from 3,000 in 1981 to more than 50,000 in 2005, according to Peter Kraska, a criminologist at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Kentucky

There must be a good reason to carry out 50,000 no knocks in 2005, right?????
They have to justify their budget somehow. Why not bust some doors down???

I watched the videos. The Police (as they are trained to do) entered the premises loudly instructing the occupants they were police with search warrants. In the first cam video I could not tell what the occupant was holding but is was obviously a weapon of some sort.
In the second cam video they actually announced before they breached and while we did not see the actual shooting we did see officers first pass by the spot where the occupant eventually ended up on the floor which indicated the occupant may have been hiding and attempted to ambush the officers.
In the last one we saw nothing of the shooting but again the officers announced before entering the premises and I did recognize the sound of a semi-auto AK being rapidly fired. The police don't carry AKs.

The first video is of a guy who gets shot and killed because they awoke him from his sleep and he came out with a golf club cause he thought there were intruders in his house.

The second video you can't tell but the video shows a para military police force busting into a non violent suspect. Part of the problem here is the police love to do their No Knock raids for no reason.

The third video is of a 2 tour marine getting shot from 71 round fired from the police. There were NO AKS. All the gun fire you here are from ar 15 and other weapons from the POLICE ONLY.

The reason this stuff happens is because of people like you who blindly make excuses for the police and their actions.

Hate to tell ya this but I heard AK fire mixed with the other fire at the beginning and yes I can differentiate between what the cops use and AK rounds going of. As for the no knock raids being done for no reason. The only thing i can say to that is. :cuckoo:
They have to get a warrant first and in order to get a warrant they have to provide a judge with a compelling need for the warrant.

One other thing, all I have here is your and the OPs word, back it up with facts from official sources including background on each individual that the cops might have had, prior arrests, if any, history of psychiatric issues, if any, etc, etc, etc so I can make an informed decision. Oh and since you and the OP made the assertion the burden of proof is on you two.
First, thanks for providing the information you did provide. Now, let's see. Since no know was authorized by the courts one would understand their usage is going to escalate especially if you have ever been involved in a pre announced forced entry that doesn't mean things can't go terribly wrong on both sides. That's a no brainer. Besides 50,000 in country with Millions upon millions of people, yup, that covers the vast majority......... Now I agree the officer who fired on the guy with the golf club may have reacted too swiftly to an apparent threat, unfortunately that was a trained reflex, don't blame the officers, blame should be applied where it belongs, to those who sought and authorized the warrant under seemingly false pretenses.
As for the other one I still swear I hear an AK and I do know the cops don't carry them. Now is it possible it's an H&K or some other modified rifle firing the same ammo? Yes so I don't really know
Oh and I'm also unfamiliar with your sources which brings up possible credibility issues.
Oh and I'm also unfamiliar with your sources which brings up possible credibility issues.

Your also unfamiliar with the sound of an AK47 which you were so sure about your ability to "differentiate"

If you want more evidence then just google "man with golf club gets shot by cop" and "marine gets gunned down by SWAT"


you can just go on and keep thinking that the militarization of the police force doesn't exist and live in blissful ignorance
Oh and I'm also unfamiliar with your sources which brings up possible credibility issues.

Your also unfamiliar with the sound of an AK47 which you were so sure about your ability to "differentiate"

If you want more evidence then just google "man with golf club gets shot by cop" and "marine gets gunned down by SWAT"


you can just go on and keep thinking that the militarization of the police force doesn't exist and live in blissful ignorance

I asked some valid questions and you get all pissy. I also stated I was unfamiliar with your sources which brings up POSSIBLE credibility issues, (don't read to well do ya). And I had forgotten that some other modified European made long arms sound quite similar to AKs and that some of those weapons are used by our police forces........ so shoot me...... :eusa_whistle:

Interesting how you react when your dogma is being questioned and or challenged, anger and dismissiveness. Yup, perfect way to win over adherents, well, mentally and emotionally unstable adherents at least.
The videos are nonetheless disturbing. Yeah, we don't have all the facts; we don't know what the police knew or were told. However, we do see that they bust in with overwhelming force. In the first video, it appears that they shot first and asked questions later. Yeah, the guy had something in his hand, but it appears that the police didn't give the guy an opportunity to drop the object. It wasn't being held like a firearm; it looked more like he was holding a bat or club but none of the officers were within swinging distance. He was standing in a well-lit area and was shot. Again, not having all the facts, but it doesn't look good for the police department.

In the second video, one would think that after busting down the doors and seeing that it was a family with a wife, a kid and the husband that the police could have toned it down once they assessed the situation. Again, it appears that they went in pretty heavy-handed. We don't know why the dog was shot. If the dog was barking but not advancing, that's what all dogs do. But if the dog was attacking, then I don't see how the police had any other choice but to shoot it. Still, you would think that they could have used a non-lethal weapon like a stun gun. But we don't know what really happened because it was off camera.

In the third video, it seems that everyone at the door wanted to get a shot in. I don't know if lethal force was necessary; however, it still looks bad because it appears that officers in the back wanted to step up and squeeze off a round rather than to let the lead officers take charge. Not knowing that department's procedures, it's hard to criticize. However, that type of behavior usually results in friendly fire situations on the battlefield; I think the same would apply to a law enforcement situation.
The militarization of the police agencies is a very scary thing. The Founders would be ashamed of us for allowing such tyranny/

Many moons ago, when I was active on another political message board, my sig line read:

"Tyranny never comes to your door unless it is wearing a badge."
Fucking stoners whining about the war on drugs. Pathetic losers.

Yeah your right. Those fucking losers deserve to have guys on adrenaline highs kick in their doors and point machine guns at their children and then shoot their family pets.

All in the name of The War on Some Drugs
Render yourself non-culpable. Get on with the important things in life. Fucking losers on film...

What? Are you saying these people that attempted to defend themselves & their families from intruders in their homes deserved it or were "culpable"???

The videos offer no "backstory" nor proof of guilt, innocence, or culpability.
This thread blows puke. Huge chunks of puke.

You want back story?

How about the police raiding the home of the mayor because someone used his address as a drop?

Police Raid Berwyn Heights Mayor's Home, Kill His 2 Dogs

Md. mayor's home raided, dogs killed - US news - Crime & courts -

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Police Raid Maryland Mayor's Home and Kill Dogs‬‏[/ame]

He was not guilty, never charged, and the police admit that he never knew about, or saw, the marijuana, yet they broke into his house, threw him and his family to the floor, and killed his dogs.

Want to know the best part? That sheriff still says the SWAT team was justified.
I watched the videos. The Police (as they are trained to do) entered the premises loudly instructing the occupants they were police with search warrants. In the first cam video I could not tell what the occupant was holding but is was obviously a weapon of some sort.
In the second cam video they actually announced before they breached and while we did not see the actual shooting we did see officers first pass by the spot where the occupant eventually ended up on the floor which indicated the occupant may have been hiding and attempted to ambush the officers.
In the last one we saw nothing of the shooting but again the officers announced before entering the premises and I did recognize the sound of a semi-auto AK being rapidly fired. The police don't carry AKs.

The first video is of a guy who gets shot and killed because they awoke him from his sleep and he came out with a golf club cause he thought there were intruders in his house.

The second video you can't tell but the video shows a para military police force busting into a non violent suspect. Part of the problem here is the police love to do their No Knock raids for no reason.

The third video is of a 2 tour marine getting shot from 71 round fired from the police. There were NO AKS. All the gun fire you here are from ar 15 and other weapons from the POLICE ONLY.

The reason this stuff happens is because of people like you who blindly make excuses for the police and their actions.

Hate to tell ya this but I heard AK fire mixed with the other fire at the beginning and yes I can differentiate between what the cops use and AK rounds going of. As for the no knock raids being done for no reason. The only thing i can say to that is. :cuckoo:
They have to get a warrant first and in order to get a warrant they have to provide a judge with a compelling need for the warrant.

One other thing, all I have here is your and the OPs word, back it up with facts from official sources including background on each individual that the cops might have had, prior arrests, if any, history of psychiatric issues, if any, etc, etc, etc so I can make an informed decision. Oh and since you and the OP made the assertion the burden of proof is on you two.

If you heard an AK the police never found it. The claim is that someone shot at them, but, even though they found legal weapons in his house, they never found one that had been fired.
What? Are you saying these people that attempted to defend themselves & their families from intruders in their homes deserved it or were "culpable"???

The videos offer no "backstory" nor proof of guilt, innocence, or culpability.
This thread blows puke. Huge chunks of puke.

You want back story?

How about the police raiding the home of the mayor because someone used his address as a drop?

Police Raid Berwyn Heights Mayor's Home, Kill His 2 Dogs

Md. mayor's home raided, dogs killed - US news - Crime & courts -

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Police Raid Maryland Mayor's Home and Kill Dogs‬‏[/ame]

He was not guilty, never charged, and the police admit that he never knew about, or saw, the marijuana, yet they broke into his house, threw him and his family to the floor, and killed his dogs.

Want to know the best part? That sheriff still says the SWAT team was justified.

Don't you know that mayor is a pathetic stoner loser?? According to Cali Girl at least.
Watching the 3rd video where Guerina was killed makes me think that there's gotta be a better way to conduct a house search than bursting into a home like storm troopers while people are sleeping.

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