All I know is my gut says maybe.

Welcome to USMB, cowman. Hope you like it here.

I think I will.

I never really liked political forums that made you feel like you were shuttled through a slaughter yard with your views and expressions so carefully monitored as you progressed constantly toward that inevitable ban.
Welcome to USMB, cowman. Hope you like it here.

I think I will.

I never really liked political forums that made you feel like you were shuttled through a slaughter yard with your views and expressions so carefully monitored as you progressed constantly toward that inevitable ban.
When I get mad, I just go to the sewing room and work on a charity quilt. Works like magic, prevents me from saying stupid stuff, and a shelter child or wounded soldier eventually gets something nice. Works like a charm. Newbie rep coming your way. :)
Hey, how's it going? Heard about this place on BTF. Not really sure what to make of it yet... I see a lot of people I really respect and a lot that I'd probably inject with rabies if given the chance.

An utterly enigmatic first post, concise & titillating. Welcome.
Baseball Think Factory ring any bells?
Hey, how's it going? Heard about this place on BTF. Not really sure what to make of it yet... I see a lot of people I really respect and a lot that I'd probably inject with rabies if given the chance.

Gracious, what a quaint way to put it. I have a solid list of ten I'd inject. Welcome aboard.
Granny says welcome to the board an'...

... dat might be yer poots ya smellin' from havin' too much gas...

... take ya some Beano an' dey'll be no gas.
is this the 'boy was i drunk last night' defense......o it was just a on housewives of new jersey or what
is this the 'boy was i drunk last night' defense......o it was just a on housewives of new jersey or what

What else could it have been? A heartfelt confession of criminal intent on a first post to a political message board?

You may be onto something there! Or just way, way off.

Hope you don't consider this place below you. BTW, go fuck yourself.

Gladly, thank's for the welcome.
folds....flaps...what the difference besides least he didn't mention meat curtains...welcome to what I think is great place with some crazy sick me...wootles!!

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