All kidding aside, Biden did not look or sound good AT ALL today.

How can democrats manage things so Joe wins the election but then immediately drops dead?

What a delicate balance they must strike.
The real question is what do they do if he collapses with exhaustion between now and election day?
Well, then Kamel Toe Harris takes over, most likely.
Hmmm could Kamala pick Barack Obama to be Vice President or is that against the rules?
Of course it is, the Vice President has to be eligible to serve as president, Obama has already hit the Constitutional limit of two terms. That's why the democrats couldn't run Bill Clinton for a third term.
Bill Clinton bought his dream retirement home at Epstein's Island and he's staying there for good!
which point? That American Service members who die or get wounded in combat are suckers and losers?
No. The point that you don't require proof of anything as long as it slanders and hurts the president.
It's the hypocritical leftist standard. You would be severely butt hurt if that standard was used against you
or your hero politician.
If his wife really loved him she'd be happy with his half century sucking off the taxpayer dime and tell him to retire.

These people are like Roman emperor families or English Tudors. They have no problem throwing each other to the wolves or chopping each others' heads off, even your own husband, brother or cousin. Power is all and all is power.

The main reason the bidens want the presidency is to protect them from getting charged with crimes. The biden family is totally corrupt yet the media still protects them.
No. The point that you don't require proof of anything as long as it slanders and hurts the president.

I have seen all the proof needed when TrumpO called John McCain a loser for getting shot down and captured. I never agreed with McCain and his politics but I respect his service in a war I opposed when it was being waged.

But over 90% of Republicans gave Trump a pass when he called McCain a loser, and was caught on tape bragging about grabbing pussy when he feels like it because he is a celebrity.

his McCain attack is proof enough for me that when added to what has been reported and confirmed by four sources - sure I can see Trump hating on fallen soldiers.

and he has not denied that he refused to go to the cemetery for the Battle of Belleau Wood. It was raining - but other true Americans went - maybe because they don’t have much hair to mess up.

your Trump is a mess. The sooner you admit it the better off we all will be.
No. The point that you don't require proof of anything as long as it slanders and hurts the president.

I have seen all the proof needed when TrumpO called John McCain a loser for getting shot down and captured. I never agreed with McCain and his politics but I respect his service in a war I opposed when it was being waged.

But over 90% of Republicans gave Trump a pass when he called McCain a loser, and was caught on tape bragging about grabbing pussy when he feels like it because he is a celebrity.

his McCain attack is proof enough for me that when added to what has been reported and confirmed by four sources - sure I can see Trump hating on fallen soldiers.

and he has not denied that he refused to go to the cemetery for the Battle of Belleau Wood. It was raining - but other true Americans went - maybe because they don’t have much hair to mess up.

your Trump is a mess. The sooner you admit it the better off we all will be.
Ya while you support SENILE Biden, he can not take questions he will not see the press and when he does he passes out the questions to be asked.
No. The point that you don't require proof of anything as long as it slanders and hurts the president.

I have seen all the proof needed when TrumpO called John McCain a loser for getting shot down and captured. I never agreed with McCain and his politics but I respect his service in a war I opposed when it was being waged.

But over 90% of Republicans gave Trump a pass when he called McCain a loser, and was caught on tape bragging about grabbing pussy when he feels like it because he is a celebrity.

his McCain attack is proof enough for me that when added to what has been reported and confirmed by four sources - sure I can see Trump hating on fallen soldiers.

and he has not denied that he refused to go to the cemetery for the Battle of Belleau Wood. It was raining - but other true Americans went - maybe because they don’t have much hair to mess up.

your Trump is a mess. The sooner you admit it the better off we all will be.

Obviously you are a tad slow boyo......Our beloved President called McCain a loser for losing to dat dumbass obama.

The democrats hated mccain until he turncoated on the President.

The b.s. you have fallen for with a lot of other dupes has been denied by all those who were actually present.

What man has not grabbed some pussy in his seem a little too sensitive.

Anyhow, shit for brains name your sources. I will not be waiting with bated breath.

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The point Sleepy Joe's fake news can have you believing Trump said that....

Trouble is the “Sleepy Joe” attack is stale and wont change any voter minds to switch from Biden to the orange buffoon. That’s all you got against Biden from today..

But the news ‘fake or not’ that came out today that Trump says American soldiers getting killed and wounded in war are losers and suckers will hurt Trump more than the sleepy joe attack will hurt Biden.

You're the real sucker for believing Fake News. We get it. But come on, how are you going to look over him being Sleepy Joe? Dude can't even talk without being Drunky Joe.
What man has not grabbed some pussy in his seem a little too sensitive.

I see you promote sexual assault. Figures. I have raised three daughters. Two are biological - but it sure made me proud and happy. when the youngest - now 26 a stepdaughter I have raised for twenty years -
started calling me “dad” when she was sixteen. I have three grandsons, one granddaughter and one great grandson.

all my offspring would surely consider you a pervert and sexual predator for condoning crude and obnoxious sexual

And it’s good that you consider Bolton to be worth listening to:

Bolton said that the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed more than 186,000 Americans, underscores the risk of Trump's thought process.

"I think one of the major difficulties Donald Trump has as president is he doesn't think strategically, he doesn't have a philosophy, he doesn't think along policy terms and he certainly doesn't think strategically," Bolton said.

"And the handling of the coronavirus pandemic tragically has reflected the utter lack of strategy beginning in January and continuing right through until today in September," Bolton said. "And I think it's made it much worse than it could have been and could foreshadow even more damage."

A new forecast from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington predicts that U.S. deaths from Covid-19 will top 400,000 by end of the year.

Bolton said that the president earlier this year "at first didn't want to hear about a virus coming from China, about "a pandemic could harm the economy in the US, which he saw as his ticket to reelection."

Bolton added, "So I think we lost a lot of time at the beginning. I think we then overreacted in some cases under reacted and others, all of which shows thinking that's far from strategic."

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“He was prone to say from time to time: ‘What did they get out of it? What was the worth of the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan?’” Bolton said. “That is a kind of insensitivity that Trump does have, there’s no doubt about it.”​

Why would a Trump cult member cite John Bolton to come to the aid of the cult master these days?

LOL Bolton today says Trump was prone to say from time to time: ‘What did they get out of it? What was the worth of the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan?’”

Bolton said. “That is a kind of insensitivity that Trump does have, there’s no doubt about it.”

Bolton goes on to say he didn’t hear certain comments in France but adds, “Now, did he say those things to other people later in the day? It’s certainly possible.”

Why is it certainly possible? Bolton has the answer to that as well;

“I don’t think he really holds anybody in high regard except his family.”

You shoulda read the Breitbart link:

Bolton Says Trump Remarks on Military ‘Despicable’ If Accurate
September 4, 2020, 10:33 AM EDT​

But Bolton, who published a book earlier this year that was heavily critical of his former boss, said the alleged remarks sounded accurate.​

“I have not heard anybody say, ‘Oh, that doesn’t sound like the Donald Trump I know,’” Bolton said in the interview. Bolton said the remarks may have stemmed from Trump’s skepticism of U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.​

“He was prone to say from time to time: ‘What did they get out of it? What was the worth of the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan?’” Bolton said. “That is a kind of insensitivity that Trump does have, there’s no doubt about it.”​

Bolton was on the 2018 trip to Paris with Trump but said he didn’t hear the president disparage the dead Marines himself.​

“I didn’t hear him say those things,” he said, adding later he probably would have included the remarks in his book if he had. “Now, did he say those things to other people later in the day? It’s certainly possible.”​

Asked whether Trump has high regard for the military, Bolton said, “I don’t think he really holds anybody in high regard except his family.”​

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Good enough for me:


The b.s. you have fallen for with a lot of other dupes has been denied by all those who were actually present.

Who’s day went better yesterday? .... the guy Trump dolts refer to as Sleepy JOE .......or the one that FOXNEWS confirmed we got Troop hater Trump as CinC.

Jennifer Griffin, Fox's national security correspondent, said on Friday that two former senior Trump administration officials confirmed to her that Goldberg's report was true in regard to disparaging veterans and not wanting to visit the cemetery.​
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“He was prone to say from time to time: ‘What did they get out of it? What was the worth of the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan?’” Bolton said. “That is a kind of insensitivity that Trump does have, there’s no doubt about it.”​

Why would a Trump cult member cite John Bolton to come to the aid of the cult master these days?

LOL Bolton today says Trump was prone to say from time to time: ‘What did they get out of it? What was the worth of the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan?’”

Bolton said. “That is a kind of insensitivity that Trump does have, there’s no doubt about it.”

Bolton goes on to say he didn’t hear certain comments in France but adds, “Now, did he say those things to other people later in the day? It’s certainly possible.”

Why is it certainly possible? Bolton has the answer to that as well;

“I don’t think he really holds anybody in high regard except his family.”

You shoulda read the Breitbart link:

Bolton Says Trump Remarks on Military ‘Despicable’ If Accurate
September 4, 2020, 10:33 AM EDT​

But Bolton, who published a book earlier this year that was heavily critical of his former boss, said the alleged remarks sounded accurate.​

“I have not heard anybody say, ‘Oh, that doesn’t sound like the Donald Trump I know,’” Bolton said in the interview. Bolton said the remarks may have stemmed from Trump’s skepticism of U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.​

“He was prone to say from time to time: ‘What did they get out of it? What was the worth of the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan?’” Bolton said. “That is a kind of insensitivity that Trump does have, there’s no doubt about it.”​

Bolton was on the 2018 trip to Paris with Trump but said he didn’t hear the president disparage the dead Marines himself.​

“I didn’t hear him say those things,” he said, adding later he probably would have included the remarks in his book if he had. “Now, did he say those things to other people later in the day? It’s certainly possible.”​

Asked whether Trump has high regard for the military, Bolton said, “I don’t think he really holds anybody in high regard except his family.”​

Bolton just said he was there and he doesn't recall Trump saying anything even remotely close to it. On to the next fake news story, or should I say the old moldy failed playbook you guys use every single election.

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