All Lives Matter. If You Put a Color in Front of it You Are a Racist.

Black Lives aren’t “at risk”, at least not from police.
I've read that, by percent of population, Blacks are more likely to be killed by police than are whites. Are you saying that is not true?

I have seen that data. Why it occurs is the question. Is it purely because cops are racist? Is it because per capita blacks commit far more crime than whites so therefore there is a greater chance for negative encounters? Or is it a combination of both?

Personally, I think it is a combination of both. But the media will never say this, nor will BLM.
That is a big part of my frustration with what is going on in America today. The media singles out certain black lives that are lost to stir up outrage, that divide us, that fulfill their political agenda, and most importantly garner them money and ratings.

Yet other black lives that are lost (the appalling violence and murder in cities like Chicago and Baltimore) are completely ignored.

It is clear if blacks are killing blacks their lives do not matter because their deaths do not further a political agenda. The media utterly ignore it. When a man like David Dorn is murdered by looters there is silence or scorn directed at his widow because it does not further a political agenda.

BLM is utterly silent on the vastly greater death toll generated by black on black crime because it does not further their political agenda.

So my message to the media and BLM is this: If all black lives matter prove it. Show that you will not accept the indiscriminate murder of blacks by police or anyone else.

I would like to believe that will happen, but I know it will not. This isn't about black lives, it is about politics pure and simple.


The Group "Black Lives Matter" does not care about black lives....unless doing so gives them an anti-American political angle,

No surprise since the money man behind them is George Soros.

WASHINGTON, DC: George Soros has given Black Lives Matter and the Antifa related revolutionary movement more than $100 million dollars. The Soros run Open Society Foundations is on record with giving Black Lives Matter $33 million dollars this year alone. This is in concert with an array of funding for a variety of Democrat and DNC related left-wing groups across the country.
Black Lives aren’t “at risk”, at least not from police.
I've read that, by percent of population, Blacks are more likely to be killed by police than are whites. Are you saying that is not true?

I have seen that data. Why it occurs is the question. Is it purely because cops are racist? Is it because per capita blacks commit far more crime than whites so therefore there is a greater chance for negative encounters? Or is it a combination of both?

Personally, I think it is a combination of both. But the media will never say this, nor will BLM.

I believe its a combination of both coupled with the fact that the news media only focuses on bad news. If people see only negative images, that becomes their reality. None of us are really immune to that.
If we actually look at crime statistics and population, we can see that for all these years actual violent crimes are committed by a very small percentage of the population, wether they be Black or white. We have been trained to only focus on who commits the most crime.
However, it only takes a few bad ones to affect many. A bigger problem is whats happening in our schools where kids are being taught that they are owed and they can disrespect their teachers. This lack of discipline ends up being a breeding ground for future crime
Black Lives aren’t “at risk”, at least not from police.
I've read that, by percent of population, Blacks are more likely to be killed by police than are whites. Are you saying that is not true?

I have seen that data. Why it occurs is the question. Is it purely because cops are racist? Is it because per capita blacks commit far more crime than whites so therefore there is a greater chance for negative encounters? Or is it a combination of both?

Personally, I think it is a combination of both. But the media will never say this, nor will BLM.
Or is it a self-fulfilling prophecy?
  • Blacks commit the same number of crimes per capita but, since cops are more likely to stop and search them, more of them are caught.
  • Blacks commit the same number of crimes per capita but, since prosecutors are more likely to throw the book at Blacks, their records look worse.
  • The record of Blacks is worse than others so cops are more likely to stop and search them and prosecutors are more likely to throw the book at them
Black Lives aren’t “at risk”, at least not from police.
I've read that, by percent of population, Blacks are more likely to be killed by police than are whites. Are you saying that is not true?

I have seen that data. Why it occurs is the question. Is it purely because cops are racist? Is it because per capita blacks commit far more crime than whites so therefore there is a greater chance for negative encounters? Or is it a combination of both?

Personally, I think it is a combination of both. But the media will never say this, nor will BLM.
Or is it a self-fulfilling prophecy?
  • Blacks commit the same number of crimes per capita but, since cops are more likely to stop and search them, more of them are caught.
  • Blacks commit the same number of crimes per capita but, since prosecutors are more likely to throw the book at Blacks, their records look worse.
  • The record of Blacks is worse than others so cops are more likely to stop and search them and prosecutors are more likely to throw the book at them

You are asking some interesting questions. What I think we both can agree on is the need for Criminal Justice Reform.

As for black crime, blacks per FBI data are more than 3x as likely to commit a violent crime per capita as whites. Violent crime defined as rape, murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault or armed robbery.

Blacks are 13% of the U.S. Population yet commit over half the homicides in this Country. That is appalling.

I do not think the questions you raise can remotely account for the vast differences in crime between blacks and whites. I find it unfortunate that when differences exist the automatic reflex response from the media and those in the Left is to say the cause is always 100% racism, usually with zero facts to back it up.

I think racism is a factor, but far from the only factor. Cops rightly need to protect their communities and themselves. In many communities blacks are committing most of the crime. Both cops and the black community have a shared responsibility for the problems that exist.

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