All Lives Matter

Black on Black crime has nothing to do with BLM. Thats why I think you whites are retarded. You cant even get your shit straight.

Reported for racism towards white people. (See? It actually does exist.)
"All lives matter"

On the flipside of the poster is an anti-abortion message.
Black on Black crime has nothing to do with BLM. Thats why I think you whites are retarded. You cant even get your shit straight.
He's not saying black on black crime is to do with BLM, though - he's saying that if BLM actually cared about black lives (rather than the money, power and fame) they'd knuckle down and get to the root cause of why there's so much black on black crime (and deaths) and come up with tangible and practical solutions to help their fellow blacks out.

What they do does not help their black race.

What they (BLM) do doesn't do nothing, lots is happening due to them but it can argued most of it is either tokenism or flat out counter-productive.
He's not saying black on black crime is to do with BLM, though - he's saying that if BLM actually cared about black lives (rather than the money, power and fame) they'd knuckle down and get to the root cause of why there's so much black on black crime (and deaths) and come up with tangible and practical solutions to help their fellow blacks out.

What they do does not help their black race.

What they (BLM) do doesn't do nothing, lots is happening due to them but it can argued most of it is either tokenism or flat out counter-productive.
"he's saying that if BLM actually cared about black lives (rather than the money, power and fame) they'd knuckle down and get to the root cause of why there's so much black on black crime (and deaths) and come up with tangible and practical solutions to help their fellow blacks out."

His opinion is also retarded as BLM was started as a protest to cops killing Black kids. That has jack shit to do with Black on Black crime. We already have groups working on BOB crime.
"he's saying that if BLM actually cared about black lives (rather than the money, power and fame) they'd knuckle down and get to the root cause of why there's so much black on black crime (and deaths) and come up with tangible and practical solutions to help their fellow blacks out."

His opinion is also retarded as BLM was started as a protest to cops killing Black kids. That has jack shit to do with Black on Black crime. We already have groups working on BOB crime.
I agree that's how they were started up, but they've mutated and evolved into something totally different now.

For a start their aims and especially their political aims have nothing to do with cops killing black kids.

I've no doubt there's other groups working on black on black crime - as they should - but the whole premise in their name "black lives matter" indicates that they care about black lives, but is it only black lives in certain circumstances?
BLM? We're obviously not talking about the same thing.
I agree that's how they were started up, but they've mutated and evolved into something totally different now.

For a start their aims and especially their political aims have nothing to do with cops killing black kids.

I've no doubt there's other groups working on black on black crime - as they should - but the whole premise in their name "black lives matter" indicates that they care about black lives, but is it only black lives in certain circumstances?
You really have no clue what youre talking about. Read their mission statement.

"#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives."
What BLM says they support and what they actually do are two entirely different things.
Why is it such an offensive thing to say that? It's not saying everybody else except black people's lives matter, it's saying that all lives matter including the blacks.

Because it's deliberately designed to sideline black lives matter.

Literally someone comes along and says "hey, black people are having a hard time in the US, we're going to go on a civil rights campaign and call it "black lives matter".

So some racists go "we don't like that, let's say "all lives matter" so they don't get what they want. We like black people being at the bottom of the pile"

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