ALL MLB players take a knee in honor of BLM movement

Post #2: "there are three players standing." Yes, the rest are (genuflecting [italics]) for christ's sake, like they did in Bethesda. blm is a racist marxist-socialist terror group which aggressively flaunts the flipside of democracy. In this case, group coercion. Can anyone else sense the Theologian in all of this? Neither the overspiritualization of the socius, nor blm will suffice to dampen racism in the US.: other blacks are now distancing from blm's ambiguous use of "private" and "public." They are the intelligent ones, and that may show in November.

Is there a badger2 translator in the house? :rolleyes-41:
Get woke, go broke.

Keep pissing off the patriots of this country and see what it gets you. You might want to be aware that support for BLM in now down to 50% and dropping.

And the latest Rasmussen polling out today showed support for Trump among Blacks is now up to 43%.

Go look it up yourself.

The Dotard is losing Florida by 13 points:

63% support BLM movement:

What else you got Tardo. Rasmussen? LoL!!
Dunno man, I think Black support for Drumpf is likely more around 97%!! :auiqs.jpg:

Registered voter polling, better luck next time.
And many stayed on that knee during the Anthem in LA.


Did Donnie tweet about it yet? :D

You say "ALL" yet in your picture there are three players standing.

do you know what the word "all" means?

That was the ANTHEM - Do you know how to click a link?


I see two standing.

I watched both openings. 1/3 to 1/4 of the players stayed on their knee during the Anthem.


baseball is barely a sport, I don't ever watch it, I just keep seeing people standing when I was promised all took a knee.

Baseball doesn't care what you think .. And CAN YOU READ?

ALL MLB players take a knee in honor of BLM movement

And many stayed on that knee during the Anthem in both LA and DC.

I can read, and more importantly can see. the thread title does not match the evidence presented.

Dude, you're an entirely lost cause .. See ya :bye1:
Get woke, go broke.

Keep pissing off the patriots of this country and see what it gets you. You might want to be aware that support for BLM in now down to 50% and dropping.

And the latest Rasmussen polling out today showed support for Trump among Blacks is now up to 43%.

Go look it up yourself.

The Dotard is losing Florida by 13 points:

63% support BLM movement:

What else you got Tardo. Rasmussen? LoL!!
Dunno man, I think Black support for Drumpf is likely more around 97%!! :auiqs.jpg:

Registered voter polling, better luck next time.

All of them are likely (and registered) voter polling. Rasmussen doesn't robocall black people. They only robocall retarded old white people with landlines. ;)
Get woke, go broke.

Keep pissing off the patriots of this country and see what it gets you. You might want to be aware that support for BLM in now down to 50% and dropping.

And the latest Rasmussen polling out today showed support for Trump among Blacks is now up to 43%.

Go look it up yourself.

The Dotard is losing Florida by 13 points:

63% support BLM movement:

What else you got Tardo. Rasmussen? LoL!!
Dunno man, I think Black support for Drumpf is likely more around 97%!! :auiqs.jpg:

Registered voter polling, better luck next time.

All of them are likely (and registered) voter polling. Rasmussen doesn't robocall black people. They only robocall retarded old white people with landlines. ;)

You can go with that but lying to yourself and believing that shit probably isn't very good for your mental health.
Get woke, go broke.

Keep pissing off the patriots of this country and see what it gets you. You might want to be aware that support for BLM in now down to 50% and dropping.

And the latest Rasmussen polling out today showed support for Trump among Blacks is now up to 43%.

Go look it up yourself.

The Dotard is losing Florida by 13 points:

63% support BLM movement:

What else you got Tardo. Rasmussen? LoL!!
Dunno man, I think Black support for Drumpf is likely more around 97%!! :auiqs.jpg:

Registered voter polling, better luck next time.

All of them are likely (and registered) voter polling. Rasmussen doesn't robocall black people. They only robocall retarded old white people with landlines. ;)

You can go with that but lying to yourself and believing that shit probably isn't very good for your mental health.

At least my mind is healthy enough to know that Dipsy Doodle doesn't have a 43% approval rating with blacks. :poke:
And many stayed on that knee during the Anthem in both LA and DC.


Did Donnie tweet about it yet? :D

Bro, you can score some easy points with dumbass democrats if you kneel. Pretending to be woke is super popular right now. Also, there are more people standing in that picture than kneeling.
And many stayed on that knee during the Anthem in LA.


Did Donnie tweet about it yet? :D

You say "ALL" yet in your picture there are three players standing.

do you know what the word "all" means?

That was the ANTHEM - Do you know how to click a link?


I see two standing.

I watched both openings. 1/3 to 1/4 of the players stayed on their knee during the Anthem.


baseball is barely a sport, I don't ever watch it, I just keep seeing people standing when I was promised all took a knee.

Baseball doesn't care what you think .. And CAN YOU READ?

ALL MLB players take a knee in honor of BLM movement

And many stayed on that knee during the Anthem in both LA and DC.

I can read, and more importantly can see. the thread title does not match the evidence presented.

Dude, you're an entirely lost cause .. See ya :bye1:

yet I still can tell the difference between "standing" and "kneeling" go figger.
And many stayed on that knee during the Anthem in both LA and DC.


Did Donnie tweet about it yet? :D

Fucking scumbags. Looks like MLB is going to be out for me very soon. Used to see several games a year and spend $$$. Won't happen from here to eternity. Fucking BLM terrorist have ruined baseball.
And many stayed on that knee during the Anthem in LA.


Did Donnie tweet about it yet? :D

You say "ALL" yet in your picture there are three players standing.

do you know what the word "all" means?

That was the ANTHEM - Do you know how to click a link?


I see two standing.

I watched both openings. 1/3 to 1/4 of the players stayed on their knee during the Anthem.

ALL didn't take a knee. Real Americans stood.

baseball is barely a sport, I don't ever watch it, I just keep seeing people standing when I was promised all took a knee.

Baseball doesn't care what you think .. And CAN YOU READ?

ALL MLB players take a knee in honor of BLM movement

And many stayed on that knee during the Anthem in both LA and DC.
We know that some of the Caucasian players and even some of the more mature Black players did NOT want to take a knee, but they knew that if they didn't, life in the locker room for them would be hell. So they caved -- as would I and most people.

I would not be surprised if teachers start taking the knee at the beginning of each school day. Of course, some of the more mature Blacks realize how patronizing that would be, but they have to keep their mouth shut lest they be called a Tom. (Most schools no longer even require students to pledge allegiance to the flag each morning.)

No wonder people from Norway (President Trump's choice for immigrants) do not want to come here!
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There's a difference between taking a symbolic knee and kneeling during the anthem.

Those that kneed during the anthem are cowardly cucks in my opinion. If I were playing baseball in Japan or even China, I'd stand for their anthem. If not, then I shouldn't be there. One shouldn't need to disrespect so many who have sacrificed so much in order to show support for others.

When I lived in Canada during middle school I always stood every morning out of respect for their anthem at school. Not because I had to, but because it was the right thing to do.
We know that some of the Caucasian players and even some of the more mature Black players did NOT want to take a knee, but they knew that if they didn't, life in the locker room for them would be hell. So they caved -- as would I and most people.

I would not be surprised if teachers start taking the knee at the beginning of each school day.
Of course, some of the more mature Blacks realize how patronizing that would be, but they have to keep their mouth shut lest they be called a Tom. (Most schools no longer even require students to pledge allegiance to the flag each morning.)

No wonder people from Norway (President Trump's choice for immigrants) do not want to come here!

As a high school teacher I can tell you that we are strongly encourage to stand. Personally I will never stand, sit, etc. for the pledge. I don't care if my co-workers do so or not, it wont prevent me from standing at attention.

Most of my students have stood for the anthem throughout the years-white, black, asian, hispanic, etc. Only a few don't. The only kid this year that didn't stand for the anthem was in a wheel chair.
The good thing though is that the hats are still being removed.....for now.

God bless you always!!!

I watched and enjoyed MLB baseball and NFL football last year and even the abbreviated, short-lived XFL football.
The kneelers and BLM have totally spoiled that for me. I'm sure that both MLB and NFL will suffer financial loss. Sports used to be an island of sanity among the insanity of so much politics.

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