All Politicians Are Non-Essential: Therefore, All Government Is Non-Essential


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Could anything on this earth be less essential than a politician? I think not. Throughout history, the politician has been the scum of the earth; the worst form of human, even lower than any car salesman or lawyer; well, most lawyers, as the most common vocation of high level politicians is the “law.” Of course, there is good reason for this, for in order to work around laws, one must be intimately familiar of all loop holes in said “law.”

Some of those politicians are well known, mostly because of the carnage they inflicted on mankind. Some examples would include Genghis Kahn, Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot, Kim Jong II, Winston Churchill, and Adolf Hitler to name just a few. I would add most U.S. presidents, and many in the U.S. Congress as well, simply because as a whole, they have been responsible for more innocent people being murdered than any other of those named. And of course, last but not least, Satan himself was certainly a consummate politician, and fits in nicely with this bunch.

Politicians all have many of the same characteristics. The three that stand out most are lying, cheating, and stealing. They have other horrible characteristics as well, and these are of course related, in that they by proxy are rapists, torturers, and murderers. Also, a politician’s life’s work is to gain power over everyone else. This is quite the list of qualifications. Some politicians are not as bad as others, but it is not for a lack of trying.

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Thanks for the eloquent validation of what I said several weeks ago.
We elect politicians to serve the will of the people, then we let them make themselves our royalty.
Nobody is above the law, but politicians and Mexicans.
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Could anything on this earth be less essential than a politician? I think not. Throughout history, the politician has been the scum of the earth; the worst form of human, even lower than any car salesman or lawyer; well, most lawyers, as the most common vocation of high level politicians is the “law.” Of course, there is good reason for this, for in order to work around laws, one must be intimately familiar of all loop holes in said “law.”

Some of those politicians are well known, mostly because of the carnage they inflicted on mankind. Some examples would include Genghis Kahn, Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot, Kim Jong II, Winston Churchill, and Adolf Hitler to name just a few. I would add most U.S. presidents, and many in the U.S. Congress as well, simply because as a whole, they have been responsible for more innocent people being murdered than any other of those named. And of course, last but not least, Satan himself was certainly a consummate politician, and fits in nicely with this bunch.

Politicians all have many of the same characteristics. The three that stand out most are lying, cheating, and stealing. They have other horrible characteristics as well, and these are of course related, in that they by proxy are rapists, torturers, and murderers. Also, a politician’s life’s work is to gain power over everyone else. This is quite the list of qualifications. Some politicians are not as bad as others, but it is not for a lack of trying.

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Thanks for the eloquent validation of what I said several weeks ago. in real estate sales/developer?
Could anything on this earth be less essential than a politician? I think not. Throughout history, the politician has been the scum of the earth; the worst form of human, even lower than any car salesman or lawyer; well, most lawyers, as the most common vocation of high level politicians is the “law.” Of course, there is good reason for this, for in order to work around laws, one must be intimately familiar of all loop holes in said “law.”

Some of those politicians are well known, mostly because of the carnage they inflicted on mankind. Some examples would include Genghis Kahn, Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot, Kim Jong II, Winston Churchill, and Adolf Hitler to name just a few. I would add most U.S. presidents, and many in the U.S. Congress as well, simply because as a whole, they have been responsible for more innocent people being murdered than any other of those named. And of course, last but not least, Satan himself was certainly a consummate politician, and fits in nicely with this bunch.

Politicians all have many of the same characteristics. The three that stand out most are lying, cheating, and stealing. They have other horrible characteristics as well, and these are of course related, in that they by proxy are rapists, torturers, and murderers. Also, a politician’s life’s work is to gain power over everyone else. This is quite the list of qualifications. Some politicians are not as bad as others, but it is not for a lack of trying.

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Thanks for the eloquent validation of what I said several weeks ago.
You made a strong case against career politicians and a strong case for strict term limits, but did not even attempt to support the second part of your premise that Government in non-essential. I like the interstate highway system, TVA, Air Traffic Control, FDA inspection of meats and other food, real fond of the National Weather Service pretty much all the time and there are many other programs and accomplishments that have helped move us into the future. I don't like every thing they do or every thing they spend my tax dollars on while accomplishing little or nothing. Nobody does, but the most backward countries on earth are the ones that have never been able to put a somewhat stable effective government in place. Am I wrong?
Could anything on this earth be less essential than a politician? I think not. Throughout history, the politician has been the scum of the earth; the worst form of human, even lower than any car salesman or lawyer; well, most lawyers, as the most common vocation of high level politicians is the “law.” Of course, there is good reason for this, for in order to work around laws, one must be intimately familiar of all loop holes in said “law.”

Some of those politicians are well known, mostly because of the carnage they inflicted on mankind. Some examples would include Genghis Kahn, Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot, Kim Jong II, Winston Churchill, and Adolf Hitler to name just a few. I would add most U.S. presidents, and many in the U.S. Congress as well, simply because as a whole, they have been responsible for more innocent people being murdered than any other of those named. And of course, last but not least, Satan himself was certainly a consummate politician, and fits in nicely with this bunch.

Politicians all have many of the same characteristics. The three that stand out most are lying, cheating, and stealing. They have other horrible characteristics as well, and these are of course related, in that they by proxy are rapists, torturers, and murderers. Also, a politician’s life’s work is to gain power over everyone else. This is quite the list of qualifications. Some politicians are not as bad as others, but it is not for a lack of trying.

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Thanks for the eloquent validation of what I said several weeks ago.
You made a strong case against career politicians and a strong case for strict term limits, but did not even attempt to support the second part of your premise that Government in non-essential. I like the interstate highway system, TVA, Air Traffic Control, FDA inspection of meats and other food, real fond of the National Weather Service pretty much all the time and there are many other programs and accomplishments that have helped move us into the future. I don't like every thing they do or every thing they spend my tax dollars on while accomplishing little or nothing. Nobody does, but the most backward countries on earth are the ones that have never been able to put a somewhat stable effective government in place. Am I wrong?
He is a libertarian who thinks the country can be run on it's own w/o a govt.
Could anything on this earth be less essential than a politician? I think not. Throughout history, the politician has been the scum of the earth; the worst form of human, even lower than any car salesman or lawyer; well, most lawyers, as the most common vocation of high level politicians is the “law.” Of course, there is good reason for this, for in order to work around laws, one must be intimately familiar of all loop holes in said “law.”

Some of those politicians are well known, mostly because of the carnage they inflicted on mankind. Some examples would include Genghis Kahn, Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot, Kim Jong II, Winston Churchill, and Adolf Hitler to name just a few. I would add most U.S. presidents, and many in the U.S. Congress as well, simply because as a whole, they have been responsible for more innocent people being murdered than any other of those named. And of course, last but not least, Satan himself was certainly a consummate politician, and fits in nicely with this bunch.

Politicians all have many of the same characteristics. The three that stand out most are lying, cheating, and stealing. They have other horrible characteristics as well, and these are of course related, in that they by proxy are rapists, torturers, and murderers. Also, a politician’s life’s work is to gain power over everyone else. This is quite the list of qualifications. Some politicians are not as bad as others, but it is not for a lack of trying.

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Thanks for the eloquent validation of what I said several weeks ago.

Politicians have existed since the beginning of time only because the great majority of the citizenry is essentially "born" wanting someone else to be in charge of their lives. Therein lies the vacuum of power eternally exploited by politicians and the primary source of their being enabled to do whatever they wish, whenever they choose to do . . . to us, the people. We the people want someone else to be responsible for the big picture of our civilization so that we can be free of said forms of burdens and thus be free to play with our smart devices or whatever the equivalent of the given historical era. Politicians exist only because we want/need them too. Without them we'd be solely responsible for our own nations and our own lives. Terrifying thought that, eh? It's kind of like a herd of cows and a butcher. Masses of people watch daily as politicians select a few of their herd brethren for slaughter at market. By and large the rest of us continue to graze, not really all that concerned, until the butcher comes calling for us or someone we love.
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Could anything on this earth be less essential than a politician? I think not. Throughout history, the politician has been the scum of the earth; the worst form of human, even lower than any car salesman or lawyer; well, most lawyers, as the most common vocation of high level politicians is the “law.” Of course, there is good reason for this, for in order to work around laws, one must be intimately familiar of all loop holes in said “law.”

Some of those politicians are well known, mostly because of the carnage they inflicted on mankind. Some examples would include Genghis Kahn, Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot, Kim Jong II, Winston Churchill, and Adolf Hitler to name just a few. I would add most U.S. presidents, and many in the U.S. Congress as well, simply because as a whole, they have been responsible for more innocent people being murdered than any other of those named. And of course, last but not least, Satan himself was certainly a consummate politician, and fits in nicely with this bunch.

Politicians all have many of the same characteristics. The three that stand out most are lying, cheating, and stealing. They have other horrible characteristics as well, and these are of course related, in that they by proxy are rapists, torturers, and murderers. Also, a politician’s life’s work is to gain power over everyone else. This is quite the list of qualifications. Some politicians are not as bad as others, but it is not for a lack of trying.

More at the link-

Thanks for the eloquent validation of what I said several weeks ago.

Politicians have existed since the beginning of time only because the great majority of the citizenry is essentially "born" wanting someone else to be in charge of their lives. Therein lies the vacuum of power eternally exploited by politicians and the primary source of their being enabled to do whatever they wish, whenever they choose to do . . . to us, the people. We the people want someone else to be responsible for the big picture of our civilization so that we can be free of said forms of burdens and thus be free to play with our smart devices or whatever the equivalent of the given historical era. Politicians exist only because we want/need them too. Without them we'd be solely responsible for our own nations and our own lives. Terrifying thought that, eh? It's kind of like a herd of cows and a butcher. Masses of people watch daily as politicians select a few of their herd brethren for slaughter at market. By and large the rest of us continue to graze, not really all that concerned, until the butcher comes calling for us or someone we love.
While the citizens carry on with making a living a representative is voted in. Simple.
While the citizens carry on with making a living a representative is voted in. Simple.
Simple? Only sorta- I've yet to be shown where the "law" can determine an elected empty suit can say who or what is essential or to whom essential applies. Politicians are the least essential in society- that is a fact.
The least amongst the voters is politicians in terms of essential. Making a living is the most essential.
Words mean things or they don't. Either they all count or none count. Empty suits don't have the authority to redefine words in any legal document I've seen and I've asked several times for anyone here to cite it for me-

So, to the authors (and my) point- they are NOT essential = non essential.

Essential are needs. Needs are, in order of importance: air, water, food, clothing and shelter. The last two are optional depending on environment, and require "making a living" to acquire. EVERYTHING else is a *desire or a want* and NO ONE, especially an elected empty suited narcissist has the authority, nor the legal power, to determine the wants and desires for others- = job (making a living) NOT essential- but, those same empty suited narcissists demand a pay check from the ones they claim to be not as essential as another-

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