All schools need to be built like prisons.

There was armed security at the school before the shooting. The crazy bastard shot the guard then went in the building.
You're a teacher. Are you armed?

They won't let you have a gun will they?

Who is responsible for your own security?

Every teacher should be fucking armed.
Why does the United States have so many who have such "depravity and utter lack of regard for human life"? Compared to other countries we don't have any more or less "degeneration of the family".
Liberal policies and the celebration of the destruction of the nuclear family. Couple that with the never ending 'me, me, me' mentality that was further exasperated by Hollywood and the women's lib movement that popularized the notion that individual happiness superseded parental responsibility. There are many issues that need addressing, in regards to both males and females. Sadly liberal trash have even muddied that pool.
The founding fathers did not authorize every citizen carry WMD's. They only had single shot muskets. If you feel you need 100 round magazines to defend against fellow citizens, then you are the problem. Even Kyle Rittenhouse only needed 6 shots to escape a huge mob chasseing him.

All weapons need to be limited to 10 rounds & not able to replace magazines. I don't care if they are "Full Auto" because that only decreases accuracy & waste their ammo faster.
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The founding fathers did not authorize every citizen carry WMD's. They only had single shot muskets. If you feel you need 100 round magazines to defend against fellow citizens, then you are the problem. Even Kyle Rittenhouse only needed 6 shots to escape a huge mob chasseing him. All weapons need to be limited to 10 rounds & not able to replace magazines.
Read up on privateers. They allowed citizens to purchase, own, and operate the most powerful weapons of war available, cannons. Try again.
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Locking automatically school room doors only unlocked by the teachers.

You must buzz in in order to come on to school property.

A guard shack that inspects cars as they come onto the property.
There's higher murder rates in
You people are insane. Instead of trying to fix problems with external nonsense, we need to address the real issue at hand. The real issue at hand is the depravity and utter lack of regard for human life that these shooters have. Sadly the degeneration of the family coupled with the natural tendency of liberal depravity, people will blame inanimate objects and avoid the destructive policies.
There are higher murder rates in conservative run areas.
Read up on privateers. The allowed citizens to purchase, own, and operate the most powerful weapons of war available, cannons. Try again.
Then why can't NK, Iran & any wacko have Nukes?

Cannons, were not concealed, took a long time to load & fire, so people can escape.
Liberal policies and the celebration of the destruction of the nuclear family. Couple that with the never ending 'me, me, me' mentality that was further exasperated by Hollywood and the women's lib movement that popularized the notion that individual happiness superseded parental responsibility. There are many issues that need addressing, in regards to both males and females. Sadly liberal trash have even muddied that pool.

looks like youre shame dumping, aka psycholigical projection.
You people are insane. Instead of trying to fix problems with external nonsense, we need to address the real issue at hand. The real issue at hand is the depravity and utter lack of regard for human life that these shooters have. Sadly the degeneration of the family coupled with the natural tendency of liberal depravity, people will blame inanimate objects and avoid the destructive policies.
In other words, ban abortion and don't do shit.
Open up mental health facilities for those who are extreme. No multiple types of doctors and a staff that is doable in common sense numbers. Not to warehouse but a clean environment and to keep the potentially dangerous ones locked up. Different levels in different buildings of the psyche hospital. No lawyers costing the taxpayers bookoo dollars. This will reduce a good percentage. The costs need to be monitored.
We armed our teachers almost a decade ago.

"Missouri is the 10th state to pass a law allowing school employees to carry guns since the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012. The legislation requires the state Department of Public Safety to create training guidelines for schools that want to designate an employee as a "school protection officer," according to the Associated Press."

Hear of any teachers in Missouri shooting students, or negligent discharges, or teachers leaving their guns laying around the schools in the last eight years?

Me either...
We armed our teachers almost a decade ago.

Hear of any teachers in Missouri shooting students, or negligent discharges, or teachers leaving their guns laying around the schools in the last eight years?

Me either...

Funny, I don't hear of any school shootings in Missouri either.

Is there a connection?

Does the Lincoln Project have a comment, HandleTheTruth ?
There's higher murder rates in

There are higher murder rates in conservative run areas.
In in the liberal run shithole cities that are found in otherwise red states. You folks are disingenuous to an extreme.
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Liberal policies and the celebration of the destruction of the nuclear family. Couple that with the never ending 'me, me, me' mentality that was further exasperated by Hollywood and the women's lib movement that popularized the notion that individual happiness superseded parental responsibility. There are many issues that need addressing, in regards to both males and females. Sadly liberal trash have even muddied that pool.
There are liberal policies and "celebration of the destruction of the nuclear family" in other countries too. What's the missing piece here? If we think real hard, we might come up with it.

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