all that education and "I leaked nothing to nobody" = Susan Rice

Ah, the last refuge = equivocate

The Dems have W....


When W was in office, the Dems loved him - more precisely, his BIG BIG BIG BIG SPENDING.
Hey... prove that statement OK?
Because I guess people forget these events COST MONEY!!!! Do remember these events?
Also where was there "big spending"???? Prove that ok and when you do take in account these events!
Double negative.

"If she didn't leak nothing to nobody", by definition, she leaked something to somebody.

What a stupid cvnt.

This thread absolutely reeks of desperation.

And you rubes may have the better part of another four years of this.

And you snowflakes have the better part of 8 years of Trump.

Odd that Trump greenlit the Keystone XL pipeline. Obama tried to use State Department regulations to lie that it could not be built.

Fuck Obama.

Your post is nothing more than untruths and invective.

Try harder.
Susan Rice admitted to nothing illegal. She had the credentials to view the material and there was nothing illegal about viewing it. Trump supporters flail away in a desperate attempt to change the narrative from Russia.
Also where was there "big spending"??


You are arguing W was NOT a BIG BIG BIG SPENDER???


No Child Left Behind
Socializing Senior Drugs (by lying about the estimated cost)

W outspent LBJ on a % increase basis. W was the biggest spender of all time before O trounced him on that too...

Also where was there "big spending"??


You are arguing W was NOT a BIG BIG BIG SPENDER???


No Child Left Behind
Socializing Senior Drugs (by lying about the estimated cost)

W outspent LBJ on a % increase basis. W was the biggest spender of all time before O trounced him on that too...

And what events did LBJ have to contend with?
Did he have a recession? An $8 Trillion dot com bust courtesy of Clinton! Oh a minor event known as 9/11! Killed 3,000 cost trillions. Created new Cabinet!
OH and by the way no president has ever had the worst hurricane SEASONS not just hurricanes... killed 3,000 cost over a trillion!
What events of those magnitude ever occurred in ANY president's administration?
And of course you and your ignorant ilk totally uninformed about the 9/18/08 economic attack. Which almost brought down the entire world' s economies!
Again none of these events have ever occurred at the same presidential terms in history!
And what events did LBJ have to contend with?

After participating in the assassination of his boss, LBJ then used Vietnam to funnel weapons to Israel, who was 100% behind the assassination of JFK because JFK wasn't giving Israel weapons. When Israel got enough free weapons from LBJ, Israel, with LBJ's blessing, started the '67 and took the Heights, the Bank, and the Strip, and held them.

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

LBJ then went on TV and lied his rear off about Israel defending itself, knowing Israel was the aggressor.

When MLK opposed Vietnam, LBJ had him offed too, and framed a Klansman for it...

Son of Dr. King Asserts L.B.J. Role in Plot

Essentially, W and LBJ are one and the same, both completely treasonous big spending murderers who lied about everything and murdered anyone who noticed. Both did enormous harm to the US. Both did not have a molecule of patriotism to the US. Both were just 100% sold out for Iscariot silver and favorable Zionist media coverage.
And what events did LBJ have to contend with?

After participating in the assassination of his boss, LBJ then used Vietnam to funnel weapons to Israel, who was 100% behind the assassination of JFK because JFK wasn't giving Israel weapons. When Israel got enough free weapons from LBJ, Israel, with LBJ's blessing, started the '67 and took the Heights, the Bank, and the Strip, and held them.

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

LBJ then went on TV and lied his rear off about Israel defending itself, knowing Israel was the aggressor.

When MLK opposed Vietnam, LBJ had him offed too, and framed a Klansman for it...

Son of Dr. King Asserts L.B.J. Role in Plot

Essentially, W and LBJ are one and the same, both completely treasonous big spending murderers who lied about everything and murdered anyone who noticed. Both did enormous harm to the US. Both did not have a molecule of patriotism to the US. Both were just 100% sold out for Iscariot silver and favorable Zionist media coverage.

Change your tin foil because it seems to have quite a few rips and letting those strange incantations like "Kenneth, what is the frequency"... into your 99% empty brain cells.
Quoting the CIA's own dossier is now somehow....

When a sub human cannot refute, he resorts to insults and dodges the issue...
Quoting the CIA's own dossier is now somehow....

When a sub human cannot refute, he resorts to insults and dodges the issue...
Talk about dodging!!!
Please refute that these events HAD NO AFFECT on Americans!
NONE of these had ANY affect according to you!
None of these have ever occurred in any other president and YOU totally ignore them!
NOW that is really having a closed mind!
Simple question. Did these events occur or not?

What did those things have to do with

1. SOCIALIZING SENIOR DRUGS - and flooding our high schools with taxpayer funded Lore Tabs
2. $1 trillion to the Education bureaucracy called "No Child Left Behind," which resulted in fresh all time low test scores in 2008?
3. tripling the funding of the National Endowment of the Arts
4. First response to 911 = UNIONIZING baggage screeners, doubling their pay for doing nothing

Trying to defend W is impossible. You cannot even identify ONE THING actually CONSERVATIVE done by W.... NOT ONE.

What did those things have to do with

1. SOCIALIZING SENIOR DRUGS - and flooding our high schools with taxpayer funded Lore Tabs
2. $1 trillion to the Education bureaucracy called "No Child Left Behind," which resulted in fresh all time low test scores in 2008?
3. tripling the funding of the National Endowment of the Arts
4. First response to 911 = UNIONIZING baggage screeners, doubling their pay for doing nothing

Trying to defend W is impossible. You cannot even identify ONE THING actually CONSERVATIVE done by W.... NOT ONE.

But again you never never addressed the events that occurred.
So now I'm going to address your grossly uninformed statements!
1) Socializing Senior drugs...
Idiot! YOU KNOW nothing about the 2003 Medicare Modernization ACT! NOTHING other then what the extremely biased MSM reports.
Did you know before this there were nearly 500 Medicare contractors handling the 1 billion claims submitted by Medicare providers? Of course not! you are ignorant.
Today after the removal of nearly 500 contractors the Medicare billing process is very well defined and operates considerably less expensively then before!
AGAIN you stupidly have NO Idea of what the 2003 Act also provided. Called Medicare Advantage Plans. Dummies like you have no idea of how tremendously cost
saving this development has done for Medicare. Again totally ignorant people like you don't evidently have access to the internet.

2) $1 trillion for No Child left behind"? I agree this was a mistake and was a gross error in deference to Ted Kennedy. And GWB was wrong in kowtowing to these kind.
I agree. But $1 trillion?

FACTS: Education Spending Up 64% Under No Child Left Behind But Test Scores Improve Little
1997 - $33.52 billion
1998 - $35.67 billion
1999 - $38.31 billion
2000 - $38.44 billion
2001 - $42.06 billion
2002 - $56.17 billion
2003 - $63.25 billion
2004 - $67.21 billion
2005 - $71.47 billion
2006 - $100.04 billion (due to a jump in Federal Family Education Loans)
2007 - $67.12 billion
2008 - $68.57 billion
2009 - $138.00 billion (regular spending of $39.88 billion plus $98.23 billion under the Recovery Act)
2010 - $63.00 billion

The total amount from 2001 to 2008 is $493 billion. NOT $1 trillion! Please get your hyperbole out of this discussion!

3) Tripling the funding of the arts????
FACTS please!!! National Endowment for the Arts Appropriations History | NEA
National Endowment for the Arts Appropriations History
2001 $104,769,000
2002 $115,220,000
2003 $115,731,000
2004 $120,971,000
2005 $121,263,000
2006 $124,406,353
2007 $124,561,844
2008 $144,706,800

Where is the "tripling"??? How do you get 300% growth from 2001 $104 million to 2008 $144 million? NO WHERE TRIPLING!

See this is the problem with idiots like you you can't seem to do ANY research and get your FACTS!!!

What an idiot! Use the Internet before you spout any figures because everything you said is so bad ass wrong ! So inaccurate!
Today after the removal of nearly 500 contractors the Medicare billing process is very well defined and operates considerably less expensively then before!

At least for America's high school kids, who now can buy Lore Tab for pennies on the dollar for what Uncle Sam paid...

"President Bush said on Friday that the sharp increase in the projected cost of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit "

So WHY did it cost so much more than expected????

Because the little faggot traitor LIED about the cost...

"An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged."

THAT is the real W, so obsessed with ruining America to get the AARP's support he addicted our kids to pills and lied to socialize as a "conservative."

The sooner W is put in front of a firing squad, the better off America's future will be...
Record-low SAT scores a wake-up call -

That's 2011, but there were record lows in 2008 too. W flushed a trillion into the left wing socialist sewer known as public education, and America got nothing good for it.

WHERE ARE YOUR FACTS??? W flushed $1 trillion????
Education Spending Up 64% Under No Child Left Behind But Test Scores Improve Little
2001 $42.06
2002 $56.17
2003 $63.25
2004 $67.21
2005 $71.47
2006 $100.04
2007 $67.12
2008 $68.57

WHERE IS THERE $1 trillion in that? GEEZ your education sucks as you can' even do simple arithmetic!
ADD the above figures from 2001 to 2008 if you can't here is the total: $535 billion NOT NO f...king $1 TRILLION!!
Your education is truly showing!
Affirmative Action at work.

Um, your pathetic excuse of an educated Dem female just confessed to breaking the law. Despite hundreds of thousands of dollars given to her for her "education," she still speaks Ebonics....

Ban preferences and quotas now
That gal can talk ghetto. Too bad she's married to a white devil.

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