All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

More than $150 million – that's what the Palestinian Authority paid to the families of terrorists in 2020. Their "Pay to Slay" policy is still in force, using your American tax dollars to fund terror campaigns.

In 2018, Congress passed the Taylor Force Act to cut off certain economic aid to the Palestinians to stop the practice of rewarding terrorism. Now, more legislation is needed to finish the task.

Taylor Force's family is hoping Congress can go a step further to try and end those payments.

(full article online)

Trade registry data for a Turkish real estate company recently sanctioned by the US Treasury shows that a Jordanian Hamas financier acquired Turkish nationality and changed his name to a Turkish one, most likely to avoid scrutiny and to facilitate easy travel.

Unlike previous governments in Turkey, the Erdoğan administration made it easy for foreigners to acquire citizenship if they invested or purchased real estate in Turkey. The change, a radical departure from decades-long citizenship and immigration practices, was advertised as a step to attract investment in the Turkish economy.

That also helped many Islamist associates of Erdoğan, especially in the Muslim Brotherhood network and its Palestinian offshoot Hamas in various countries, to quickly obtain Turkish nationality. It is not clear how many Muslim Brotherhood members and Hamas militants benefited from this program as the government has not been forthcoming with detailed figures.

Not only did Muslim Brotherhood operatives benefit from this scheme, but some members of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) also obtained Turkish nationality. Nordic Monitor previously published a story revealing how Marwan M Salih Salih, an Iraqi national who was sanctioned for ISIS links, acquired Turkish citizenship and changed his name to Polat Devecioğlu.

(full article online)

In 2018, Congress passed the Taylor Force
We need a Shireen Abu Akleh Act. She was a US citizen killed by Israel. That would only be fair.

In fact (to my knowledge) Israel has killed four US citizens without a peep from our government.

Ilhan Omar was right. congress does forget who they represent.
We need a Shireen Abu Akleh Act. She was a US citizen killed by Israel. That would only be fair.

In fact (to my knowledge) Israel has killed four US citizens without a peep from our government.

Ilhan Omar was right. congress does forget who they represent.
It would only be fair for the FBI to eventually come and talk to you as you continue to incite with lies about Israel. That would only be fair. They want to see the evidence you have and so do I.

You do know that there is no evidence that IDF was the one to shoot the Journalist..
To you, lying is like breathing. Except that in your case, instead of oxygen you inhale more and more what is toxic out there.

PROVE that it was an Israeli who shot her.

What? You can't?

Neither could the PA.

Now what?
It would only be fair for the FBI to eventually come and talk to you as you continue to incite with lies about Israel. That would only be fair. They want to see the evidence you have and so do I.

You do know that there is no evidence that IDF was the one to shoot the Journalist..
To you, lying is like breathing. Except that in your case, instead of oxygen you inhale more and more what is toxic out there.

PROVE that it was an Israeli who shot her.

What? You can't?

Neither could the PA.

Now what?
Get off that crap. It is Israel's MO.
At funerals for Palestinian terrorists, there is a strange disconnect: flags broadcast what media coverage buries.

On the one hand, flags cover the bodies of Palestinian fatalities, plainly confirming the deceased’s terror organization membership. On the other hand, despite the highly visible insignias, major Western news agencies cover up the Palestinian casualty’s terror affiliations.

Consider the following Agence France Presse photograph and caption:

Mourners carry the flag-draped body of a Palestinian youth, killed during clahes [sic] with Israeli troops in the town of Yabad near Jenin a day earlier, during his funeral in the same town on June 2, 2022. The Israeli security forces have stepped up their operations in the West Bank in recent months, carrying out almost daily raids to arrest suspects after a spate of deadly attacks inside Israel. JAAFAR ASHTIYEH / AFP
Oddly, AFP’s caption cited the “flag-draped body,” but made no reference to which flag, although that information is highly relevant to the events. In this particular image, a folded Palestinian flag partially covers the casualty. More visibly, on the body’s lower half, lies the flag of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a designated terrorist organization. The appearance of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade’s symbol on the man’s body signifies that he was a member of the terrorist organization.

Translation: “Martyr, Jihad warrior, hero; Bilal Awad Kabha; One of the Jihad warriors of al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades”
Indeed, the organization claimed Bilal Kabha, the casualty, as one of its own.

AFP did not deem this basic fact newsworthy. The omission of Kabha’s terror organization is particularly striking given the news agency’s inclusion of other biographical information, however inaccurate. Though Palestinian media have reported that Kabha was 24, AFP’s caption described him as “a Palestinian youth.”

(full article online)

At funerals for Palestinian terrorists, there is a strange disconnect: flags broadcast what media coverage buries.

On the one hand, flags cover the bodies of Palestinian fatalities, plainly confirming the deceased’s terror organization membership. On the other hand, despite the highly visible insignias, major Western news agencies cover up the Palestinian casualty’s terror affiliations.

Consider the following Agence France Presse photograph and caption:

Mourners carry the flag-draped body of a Palestinian youth, killed during clahes [sic] with Israeli troops in the town of Yabad near Jenin a day earlier, during his funeral in the same town on June 2, 2022. The Israeli security forces have stepped up their operations in the West Bank in recent months, carrying out almost daily raids to arrest suspects after a spate of deadly attacks inside Israel. JAAFAR ASHTIYEH / AFP
Oddly, AFP’s caption cited the “flag-draped body,” but made no reference to which flag, although that information is highly relevant to the events. In this particular image, a folded Palestinian flag partially covers the casualty. More visibly, on the body’s lower half, lies the flag of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a designated terrorist organization. The appearance of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade’s symbol on the man’s body signifies that he was a member of the terrorist organization.

Translation: “Martyr, Jihad warrior, hero; Bilal Awad Kabha; One of the Jihad warriors of al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades”
Indeed, the organization claimed Bilal Kabha, the casualty, as one of its own.

AFP did not deem this basic fact newsworthy. The omission of Kabha’s terror organization is particularly striking given the news agency’s inclusion of other biographical information, however inaccurate. Though Palestinian media have reported that Kabha was 24, AFP’s caption described him as “a Palestinian youth.”

(full article online)

Nice word salad. The Palestinian flag is unaffiliated.
Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan was elected on Tuesday as a Vice-President of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

There are 21 vice presidents. It is not a big deal. And his predecessor, Danny Danon, also held the role one year.

But watching the terror groups and their fans freak out is a wonderful thing to behold.

Hamas issued a statement saying the appointment is an affront to the feelings of our people and to those who love peace and justice in the world. It also considered the appointment an affront to the international system

Walid Al-Awad, a member of the Political Bureau of the Palestinian People's Party, said Erdan's appointment "contradicts the moral and political values stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations."

Best of all was the PFLP terror group, which "considered that the appointment of the criminal representative of the Zionist entity to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, as Vice-President of the United Nations General Assembly, represented a black day in the history of the United Nations, and constituted a blow to the values on which its charter was founded. "

It added that "this is clear evidence of the influence of the Zionist lobby on centers of power and influence in this world. "

According to the PFLP, antisemitism is one of the UN's core values. Which isn't really that far from the truth!

I just find it hilarious that anyone can claim that Jews have taken over the UN!

Keep in mind that this same antisemitic PFLP is linked to numerous Palestinian "human rights" groups. And no human rights professional ever finds anything negative to say about the terrorist, antisemitic PFLP.

[ Violence, only against the Jews being sovereign over their ancient homeland. But it is about Islam, never about the so called Palestinians ]

Mahmoud Al-Habbash described the duty of the Palestinian to “defend” not only itself, Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, but nothing less than “Islam, the Koran and the entire Islamic nation.”

(full article online)

[ 1903 Russia creates the "Protocols". Then it continues to go against Jews, and then Israel any which way it could ]

Kennan Institute scholar Izabella Tabarovsky wrote in a 2019 essay for Fathom that the Soviet Union’s campaign against Zionism and Jews “succeeded at emptying Zionism of its meaning as a national liberation movement of the Jewish people and associating it instead with racism, fascism, Nazism, genocide, imperialism, colonialism, militarism and apartheid.” Not surprisingly, students on college and university campuses across the United States often hear similar if not identical rhetoric from anti-Zionist groups like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Solidary for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP).

The Soviets’ decades-long anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist campaign was multi-faceted and not limited to statements from the Soviet government itself. Anywhere that Communist cells were active, on any radio broadcast controlled by Moscow, in any printing house receiving instructions from the Kremlin, the demonization of Zionism featured prominently and was always related to specific current events in order to keep the embers of the world’s oldest hatred aglow.

This campaign also went beyond mere rhetoric. At times, it involved outright judicial murder. In 1951, for example, leading Czech communist Rudolf Slansky was imprisoned and, under extreme torture, falsely confessed to involvement in a Zionist conspiracy, for which he received the death penalty. In 1952, on the “Night of the Murdered Poets,” Stalin executed 13 pro-Soviet Jewish intellectuals for supposed loyalty to Israel and the “imperialist camp.” These are only two of many examples.

(full article online)


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