All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Veterans participating in the Veteran Games. Photo: Beit Halochem UK. – Some 70 British military veterans with disabilities are competing this week against their Israeli counterparts in the fourth annual Veteran Games.

The week-long event is being hosted by the IDF Disabled Veterans’ Organization in conjunction with Beit Halochem UK (BHUK) at the Beit Halochem rehab, recreation and sports center in Tel Aviv.

(full article online)

Arabic media is upset at this tweet from Mohammed al-Dhirabi, a trainer in the Council of Arab Economic Unity of the League of Arab States, who is visiting Israel.

Watanserb reported it this way:

Bragging about his Zionization, the Bahraini coach accredited to the Council of Arab Economic Unity of the League of Arab States, Muhammad Al Dhirabi, published a picture of him performing a Talmudic prayer next to a number of Jewish extremists at the Al-Buraq Wall, which the Zionists call “the Western Wall.”

Al-Dhirabi appeared in the photo, wearing a white cloak and a red shemagh, next to the wall, accompanied by a group of extremist Jews, performing their prayers.

The tweet is a greeting of Shabbat Shalom to all Jews.

Notice that the Jews have no problem with a Muslim praying at the Kotel with them. The contrast with the Muslim insistence that no Jews pray (or even visit) the Temple Mount could not be more striking.

Taking your BS on the road? Looks like it.

There is no Palestine. There are Arabs who want all the land "conquered " by Muslims to be only in the hands of Muslims.

Prime example !!!!!!

TranJordan was given to Hashemite Arab Muslims out of the Mandate for Palestine. Nobody cried, or shot a bullet.

Egypt and Jordan had Gaza and Judea and Samaria for 19 years. Not a cry, not a bullet.

There are Arabs who are peaceful people. There are Arabs who are terrorists.

You always cheer for the terrorists who love to kill Jews.
Jews had been a minority in Palestine and transjordan for 2000 years.
Jews had been a minority in Palestine and transjordan for 2000 years.
And indigenous people have been the minority since the European invasion of the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, et. for the past 500 years.

And the Copts and Berbers, and Yazidis, and Kurds, etc have been a minority in their homelands since the Muslim invasion from the 7th Century on.

So, your point is....Once one gets invaded and becomes a minority, one ceases to have rights to the land and ceases to be the indigenous people to the land.

Tell that to thousands of Indigenous peoples around the world.
And indigenous people have been the minority since the European invasion of the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, et. for the past 500 years.

And the Copts and Berbers, and Yazidis, and Kurds, etc have been a minority in their homelands since the Muslim invasion from the 7th Century on.

So, your point is....Once one gets invaded and becomes a minority, one ceases to have rights to the land and ceases to be the indigenous people to the land.

Tell that to thousands of Indigenous peoples around the world.
Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham. Sargon was an Arab.
Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham. Sargon was an Arab.
You have truly not decided when Arabs first arrived in Ancient Canaan. It does not make them Indigenous. Nor memorable at any time until they invaded after the 7th Century CE.
You have truly not decided when Arabs first arrived in Ancient Canaan. It does not make them Indigenous. Nor memorable at any time until they invaded after the 7th Century CE.
Syria was Arab before there were any Jews. Abraham and Moses had Arab wives. Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria around 600 BC.
Syria was Arab before there were any Jews. Abraham and Moses had Arab wives. Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria around 600 BC.
Yawn. Seriously you cannot have your masters send you anything better than a repeat performance of what has been debunked or made unimportant?

Show me where the Greeks, the Romans the Byzantine, the Muslims themselves gave a darn about any of these groups you refer to.

Show me early Muslim writing where they refer to any Arabs living in Ancient Canaan which actually made a difference to history.

Grab at straws. Very weak straws. With some places there are no straws at all. Nothing.

Invaders to not get to call themselves the indigenous people of the land SIMPLY because the indigenous people are Jewish and those invaders cannot allow Jews to become sovereign of their ancient homeland.
Yawn. Seriously you cannot have your masters send you anything better than a repeat performance of what has been debunked or made unimportant?

Show me where the Greeks, the Romans the Byzantine, the Muslims themselves gave a darn about any of these groups you refer to.

Show me early Muslim writing where they refer to any Arabs living in Ancient Canaan which actually made a difference to history.

Grab at straws. Very weak straws. With some places there are no straws at all. Nothing.

Invaders to not get to call themselves the indigenous people of the land SIMPLY because the indigenous people are Jewish and those invaders cannot allow Jews to become sovereign of their ancient homeland.
The Akkadians were Arabs, dunce.

Over the Shavuot holiday, Arab set fire to cherry orchards in Gush Etzion, near the Hatmar Etzion army base. This is not the first time the cherry orchards have been targeted. It is expected that on Monday, we will have an update as to the actual damage.

Despite the terror-arson, the cherry picking festival recently began and goes on until the end of June. See you there.


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