All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Well, they can print it themselves at no expense,

Yes, they can.

or they can borrow it to be repaid with interest.

Or borrow it and just pay the interest.

I don't understand why we take the most expensive route to the same ends.

Because printing it isn't "to the same ends".
What is the difference? They get their money either way.

"The AIPAC network's multimillion-dollar spending operation to punish Democrats who stray even one step away from unconditional support for the Israeli occupation makes sense considering how politically untenable such stances would be otherwise," Rojas and Shahid wrote. They pointed to a recent Gallup poll showing that for the first time, a majority of Democratic voters now sympathize with Palestinians more than with Israelis.
Doesn't know how inflation happens
If you print money and dump it in the economy you get inflation.

If someone else prints it and you borrow it and dump in the economy you get inflation.

Same difference.

Except when you print it yourself you don't owe anybody anything.

International community criticizes Israel after police violently raid Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque​


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