All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Territorial Acquisition
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
Vladimir Lenin, 1870-1924, Soviet revolutionary & leader

I assume you are speaking of the:

Treaty of Lausanne, (1923), final treaty concluding World War I. It was signed by representatives of Turkey (successor to the Ottoman Empire) on one side and by Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Greece, Romania, and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (Yugoslavia) on the other. The treaty was signed at Lausanne, Switzerland, on July 24, 1923, after a seven-month conference.
SOURCE: Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
Last Updated: Dec 14, 2023 • Article History
Category: History & Society

If I am wrong, then please correct me.


The Treaty of Lausanne contains over 120 Articles. "Palestine" is not mentioned even once in the Treaty.

"Palestine" was the name of the territory brought under a Mandate created by the Allied Powers.

1. This Order may be cited as "The Palestine Order in Council, 1922."
The limits of this Order are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.

This is the opening paragraph of a Memorandum (DEC 2012) written by the UN Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs.
The "Government of Palestine" was the entity that the High Commissioner" governed Palestine with the aid of Councils consisting exclusively of British officials." "In 1923, a third attempt was made to establish an institution through which the Arab population of Palestine could be brought into cooperation with the government." Every attempt made prior to the Treaty of Lausanne and after the Treaty of Lausanne went into effect inclusion of the Arabs was rejected (for one reason of another) by the Arab Higher Commission (AHC).


No one attacked Palestinian at any time after 1918 and before 1948. There were several internal uprisings orchestaed by the Arab Provocators and later NAZI Collaborators like the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, but there was no incursion into the Territory under the Administration of the High Commissioner. But, the only attack by external powers was in May 1948 by the Arab League Forces from the adjacent Arab States. And while the Arab League Forces said they were a set of benevolent interventionist, they took control of territory and never gave it back (no self-governance). Jorand Annexed their holdings in 1950 and the Egyptians set-up an Military Governorship.


International Law does not require a real estate title. Israel established a provisional government established by the Jewish Agency (David Ben-Gurion)

The political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states. Even before recognition the state has the right to defend its integrity and independence, to provide for its conservation and prosperity, and consequently to organize itself as it sees fit, to legislate upon its interests, administer its services, and to define the jurisdiction and competence of its courts. The exercise of these rights has no other limitation than the exercise of the rights of other states according to international law.

International Law does not care what you want.

ARTICLE 6 The recognition of a state merely signifies that the state which recognizes it accepts the personality of the other with all the rights and duties determined by international law. Recognition is unconditional and irrevocable.
ARTICLE 7 The recognition of a state may be express or tacit. The latter results from any act which implies the intention of recognizing the new state.

The attempts by the various anti-Israeli entities to disestablish the State of Israel is, in itself, a form of recognition. The anti-Israeli Entities, (no matter what the reasoning) cannot diseestablish a state that does not exist.

( ∑ • Ω )

UN Resolution 273 (III) Admission of Israel to Membership in to UN. (11 MAY 1949)


Most Respectfully,
If I had a dollar for every time Tinmore denied there ever was a UN Resolution I’d be a Millionaire 💵

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