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" Political Science Double Standards Pushed By Both Opposite Sides "

* Public Civics Must Clarify Rites ( Not Rights ) Versus Liberties *

Freedoms are only allowed to the point that the exercise of those freedoms does not infringe on the rights of others.
There are negative and positive rites , as well as negative and positive liberties .

It would be mostly true that negative liberties can be exercised unless they violate an ability of others to exercise negative liberties ; however , the term rites cannot be applied in generality since positive rights , which provide positive liberties , necessarily to some extent infringe on the negative liberties of others .

* Moralists Must Adhere With Us Republic Standards And Not Mob Rules *
Organized Religions have historically infringed on the rights of others - both of those who are members of that religion and those who are not.
There is not a difference between religion and creed and while sectarian humanism refers to edicts and tenets of its beliefs as a religion rather than a creed , secular humanism refers to edicts and tenets of its beliefs as a creed rather than a religion , however both are religions with a creed and neither a religion of secular humanism , nor a religion of sectarian humanism is entitled to violate the principles of non violence and individualism according to the foundations of us republic and its constitution , by aspiring to invoke populism for democracy as tyranny by collective majority against independence of the individual .

* Vast Opportunities for Informed Consent For Political Science First Principles *
Organized Religions demonize everyone who is not a member and therefore justify violations of their rights and persecutions.
Both the prurient and the puritanical too often confuse the literal meaning of an after life , which is genetic perpetuity , with the means by which to achieve it .

The principle of individualism expects that self ownership and self determination be entitled to the individual , and both the left and the right too often unknowingly revile entitlements of autonomy for citizens in us republic .

* Clarify Abuse In The Context Of Principles For Non Violence And Individualism And Not Simply An Offense Of Insult *
People may believe whatever they want, but when an organization promotes the abuse of others, that organization must be terminated.
Self defense is an allowable action according to principles of non violence , while emphasizing a common standard for its self evident elements should be compromised neither by a religion for secular humanism nor a religion for theistic humanism .

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Freedoms are only allowed to the point that the exercise of those freedoms does not infringe on the rights of others.

Organized Religions have historically infringed on the rights of others - both of those who are members of that religion and those who are not.

Organized Religions demonize everyone who is not a member and therefore justify violations of their rights and persecutions.

People may believe whatever they want, but when an organization promotes the abuse of others, that organization must be terminated.
Freedoms are only allowed to the point that the exercise of those freedoms does not infringe on the rights of others.

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