All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are correct. Under Article 77, the trusteeship system should have taken responsibilities for the territories that were subject to the Mandate.

Palestine was supposed to be under UN administration. Where were they?

You can't blame the Palestinians for the UN dropping the ball.

Having said that, while the Recommendation did not actually require it, → it was always envisioned that both the Provisional Jewish Government and the Provisional Arab Government would accept independence. How wrong the were.
When the independence of either the Arab or the Jewish State as envisaged in this plan has become effective and the declaration and undertaking, as envisaged in this plan, have been signed by either of them, sympathetic consideration should be given to its application for admission to membership in the United Nations in accordance with Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations.
The UN Palestine Commission (UNPC) had foreseen this eventuality but were not equipped to handle the Arab League Invasion. By the time the Armistice Arrangements had been agreed upon, the Arab League forces (under the color of law), there was on undefined territory under the Armistice Arrangements. The Arab League had taken what they could with the long-range intent to keep it.

The Arab League were, in fact, the external nations acquiring territory by force. Jordan's approach was to seize the territory, occupy it, and then Annex it.

Egypt's approach was only slightly different. They to seized the territory and occupied it. However, the Egyptians Annex developed an alternative. They established a Military Governorship with a puppet government (which the Egyptians dissolved in 1959).

Most Respectfully,
When the independence of either the Arab or the Jewish State as envisaged in this plan has become effective, blah, blah, blah.
There was no resolution 181. Without Palestinian approval, the UN would have to violate its own charter to implement the plan.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, P F Tinmore, Toddsterpatriot, et al,

BLUF: There was no Government of Palestine after mid-night 14/15 May 1948.

No Arab signers?
Palestine was not a party to the conflict. Therefore it was not a party to the armistice.
Plus, there was no Arab land in Palestine.

With the exception of the Liaison and Advisory role the Jewish Agency played, the British High Commissioner and Councils were devoid of any Arab Palestinian participation. Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine. This was a completely opposite approach taken by the Jewish Agency; which participated in every aspect of government and was ready to hit the ground running when the Provisional Government was needed and formed.

Most Respectfully,
So, if the Palestinians had no sovereignty, who was expected to sign resolution 181?
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, P F Tinmore, Toddsterpatriot, et al,

BLUF: There was no Government of Palestine after mid-night 14/15 May 1948.

No Arab signers?
Palestine was not a party to the conflict. Therefore it was not a party to the armistice.
Plus, there was no Arab land in Palestine.

With the exception of the Liaison and Advisory role the Jewish Agency played, the British High Commissioner and Councils were devoid of any Arab Palestinian participation. Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine. This was a completely opposite approach taken by the Jewish Agency; which participated in every aspect of government and was ready to hit the ground running when the Provisional Government was needed and formed.

Most Respectfully,
Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine.
A British pre condition was for the Palestinians to agree with their settler colonial project. The Palestinians did not agree to it then and they don't agree to it now.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, P F Tinmore, Toddsterpatriot, et al,

BLUF: There was no Government of Palestine after mid-night 14/15 May 1948.

No Arab signers?
Palestine was not a party to the conflict. Therefore it was not a party to the armistice.
Plus, there was no Arab land in Palestine.

With the exception of the Liaison and Advisory role the Jewish Agency played, the British High Commissioner and Councils were devoid of any Arab Palestinian participation. Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine. This was a completely opposite approach taken by the Jewish Agency; which participated in every aspect of government and was ready to hit the ground running when the Provisional Government was needed and formed.

Most Respectfully,
Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine.
A British pre condition was for the Palestinians to agree with their settler colonial project. The Palestinians did not agree to it then and they don't agree to it now.

The “condition” you mention has nothing to do with settler colonialism.

The Arab Palestinians have to agree to the self determination of the Jewish people in the homeland of the Jewish people.

For someone who talks about the rights of peoples to self-determination all the time, you sure don’t seem to understand the concept.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, P F Tinmore, Toddsterpatriot, et al,

BLUF: There was no Government of Palestine after mid-night 14/15 May 1948.

No Arab signers?
Palestine was not a party to the conflict. Therefore it was not a party to the armistice.
Plus, there was no Arab land in Palestine.

With the exception of the Liaison and Advisory role the Jewish Agency played, the British High Commissioner and Councils were devoid of any Arab Palestinian participation. Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine. This was a completely opposite approach taken by the Jewish Agency; which participated in every aspect of government and was ready to hit the ground running when the Provisional Government was needed and formed.

Most Respectfully,
So, if the Palestinians had no sovereignty, who was expected to sign resolution 181?

Um. The self-governing institutions which the Arab Palestinians should have participated in, which would have led to a government which would have led to the fulfillment of the requirements for Statehood, which release the Mandate from its duties and which would have led to a functioning and sovereign State.

You know, the exact same way Israel did it. And Jordan. And Syria, Iraq, Lebanon. And for that matter, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

These steps are HOW States get made according to contemporary international law.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, P F Tinmore, Toddsterpatriot, et al,

BLUF: There was no Government of Palestine after mid-night 14/15 May 1948.

No Arab signers?
Palestine was not a party to the conflict. Therefore it was not a party to the armistice.
Plus, there was no Arab land in Palestine.

With the exception of the Liaison and Advisory role the Jewish Agency played, the British High Commissioner and Councils were devoid of any Arab Palestinian participation. Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine. This was a completely opposite approach taken by the Jewish Agency; which participated in every aspect of government and was ready to hit the ground running when the Provisional Government was needed and formed.

Most Respectfully,
Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine.
A British pre condition was for the Palestinians to agree with their settler colonial project. The Palestinians did not agree to it then and they don't agree to it now.

You acknowledge that the Arabs-Moslems you call “Pal’istanians” had no sovereignty. That tends to dismantle your silly claim to the “settler colonialism” slogan.

You actually suggest that the Arabs-Moslems were simply squatters whose landlord, (the Ottoman Turks), abandoned the property.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, P F Tinmore, Toddsterpatriot, et al,

BLUF: There was no Government of Palestine after mid-night 14/15 May 1948.

No Arab signers?
Palestine was not a party to the conflict. Therefore it was not a party to the armistice.
Plus, there was no Arab land in Palestine.

With the exception of the Liaison and Advisory role the Jewish Agency played, the British High Commissioner and Councils were devoid of any Arab Palestinian participation. Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine. This was a completely opposite approach taken by the Jewish Agency; which participated in every aspect of government and was ready to hit the ground running when the Provisional Government was needed and formed.

Most Respectfully,
So, if the Palestinians had no sovereignty, who was expected to sign resolution 181?

Um. The self-governing institutions which the Arab Palestinians should have participated in, which would have led to a government which would have led to the fulfillment of the requirements for Statehood, which release the Mandate from its duties and which would have led to a functioning and sovereign State.

You know, the exact same way Israel did it. And Jordan. And Syria, Iraq, Lebanon. And for that matter, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

These steps are HOW States get made according to contemporary international law.
You spend too much time in Israeli bullshit propaganda. Israel was not at all like the other countries.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, P F Tinmore, Toddsterpatriot, et al,

BLUF: There was no Government of Palestine after mid-night 14/15 May 1948.

No Arab signers?
Palestine was not a party to the conflict. Therefore it was not a party to the armistice.
Plus, there was no Arab land in Palestine.

With the exception of the Liaison and Advisory role the Jewish Agency played, the British High Commissioner and Councils were devoid of any Arab Palestinian participation. Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine. This was a completely opposite approach taken by the Jewish Agency; which participated in every aspect of government and was ready to hit the ground running when the Provisional Government was needed and formed.

Most Respectfully,
So, if the Palestinians had no sovereignty, who was expected to sign resolution 181?

Um. The self-governing institutions which the Arab Palestinians should have participated in, which would have led to a government which would have led to the fulfillment of the requirements for Statehood, which release the Mandate from its duties and which would have led to a functioning and sovereign State.

You know, the exact same way Israel did it. And Jordan. And Syria, Iraq, Lebanon. And for that matter, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

These steps are HOW States get made according to contemporary international law.
You spend too much time in Israeli bullshit propaganda. Israel was not at all like the other countries.

What are the other countries like?
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, P F Tinmore, Toddsterpatriot, et al,

BLUF: There was no Government of Palestine after mid-night 14/15 May 1948.

No Arab signers?
Palestine was not a party to the conflict. Therefore it was not a party to the armistice.
Plus, there was no Arab land in Palestine.

With the exception of the Liaison and Advisory role the Jewish Agency played, the British High Commissioner and Councils were devoid of any Arab Palestinian participation. Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine. This was a completely opposite approach taken by the Jewish Agency; which participated in every aspect of government and was ready to hit the ground running when the Provisional Government was needed and formed.

Most Respectfully,
So, if the Palestinians had no sovereignty, who was expected to sign resolution 181?

Um. The self-governing institutions which the Arab Palestinians should have participated in, which would have led to a government which would have led to the fulfillment of the requirements for Statehood, which release the Mandate from its duties and which would have led to a functioning and sovereign State.

You know, the exact same way Israel did it. And Jordan. And Syria, Iraq, Lebanon. And for that matter, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

These steps are HOW States get made according to contemporary international law.
You spend too much time in Israeli bullshit propaganda. Israel was not at all like the other countries.

What are the other countries like?
All of the other countries had their normal inhabitant stay in their countries. In Palestine most of the people were removed in a settler colonial project. Those who remained became foreigners in their own land.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, P F Tinmore, Toddsterpatriot, et al,

BLUF: There was no Government of Palestine after mid-night 14/15 May 1948.

No Arab signers?
Palestine was not a party to the conflict. Therefore it was not a party to the armistice.
Plus, there was no Arab land in Palestine.

With the exception of the Liaison and Advisory role the Jewish Agency played, the British High Commissioner and Councils were devoid of any Arab Palestinian participation. Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine. This was a completely opposite approach taken by the Jewish Agency; which participated in every aspect of government and was ready to hit the ground running when the Provisional Government was needed and formed.

Most Respectfully,
Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine.
A British pre condition was for the Palestinians to agree with their settler colonial project. The Palestinians did not agree to it then and they don't agree to it now.

The Palestinians did not agree to it then and they don't agree to it now.

And how's that workin' out for them? DURR.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, P F Tinmore, Toddsterpatriot, et al,

BLUF: There was no Government of Palestine after mid-night 14/15 May 1948.

No Arab signers?
Palestine was not a party to the conflict. Therefore it was not a party to the armistice.
Plus, there was no Arab land in Palestine.

With the exception of the Liaison and Advisory role the Jewish Agency played, the British High Commissioner and Councils were devoid of any Arab Palestinian participation. Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine. This was a completely opposite approach taken by the Jewish Agency; which participated in every aspect of government and was ready to hit the ground running when the Provisional Government was needed and formed.

Most Respectfully,
Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine.
A British pre condition was for the Palestinians to agree with their settler colonial project. The Palestinians did not agree to it then and they don't agree to it now.

The Palestinians did not agree to it then and they don't agree to it now.

And how's that workin' out for them? DURR.
Ask Israel. They are spending hundreds of millions of dollars just trying to shut up the Palestinians. Maybe they are afraid of the message.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, P F Tinmore, Toddsterpatriot, et al,

BLUF: There was no Government of Palestine after mid-night 14/15 May 1948.

No Arab signers?
Palestine was not a party to the conflict. Therefore it was not a party to the armistice.
Plus, there was no Arab land in Palestine.

With the exception of the Liaison and Advisory role the Jewish Agency played, the British High Commissioner and Councils were devoid of any Arab Palestinian participation. Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine. This was a completely opposite approach taken by the Jewish Agency; which participated in every aspect of government and was ready to hit the ground running when the Provisional Government was needed and formed.

Most Respectfully,
Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine.
A British pre condition was for the Palestinians to agree with their settler colonial project. The Palestinians did not agree to it then and they don't agree to it now.

The Palestinians did not agree to it then and they don't agree to it now.

And how's that workin' out for them? DURR.
Ask Israel. They are spending hundreds of millions of dollars just trying to shut up the Palestinians. Maybe they are afraid of the message.

Ask Israel. They are spending hundreds of millions of dollars just trying to shut up the Palestinians.

And yet, their, and your, whining continues, non-stop.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, P F Tinmore, Toddsterpatriot, et al,

BLUF: There was no Government of Palestine after mid-night 14/15 May 1948.

No Arab signers?
Palestine was not a party to the conflict. Therefore it was not a party to the armistice.
Plus, there was no Arab land in Palestine.

With the exception of the Liaison and Advisory role the Jewish Agency played, the British High Commissioner and Councils were devoid of any Arab Palestinian participation. Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine. This was a completely opposite approach taken by the Jewish Agency; which participated in every aspect of government and was ready to hit the ground running when the Provisional Government was needed and formed.

Most Respectfully,
Why, because the Arab Higher Committee emphatically refused to participate in the construction of self-government in Palestine.
A British pre condition was for the Palestinians to agree with their settler colonial project. The Palestinians did not agree to it then and they don't agree to it now.

The Palestinians did not agree to it then and they don't agree to it now.

And how's that workin' out for them? DURR.
Ask Israel. They are spending hundreds of millions of dollars just trying to shut up the Palestinians. Maybe they are afraid of the message.

It's not a "colonial" project. Many Jews had no choice but to go to Israel, like my parents, grandparents and uncles, who were forced out of Poland after WW2. Or the Ethiopian Jews during a drought in Africa. Or Soviet Jews after the Soviet Union broke up. They had no other safe haven. Also, Israel is the Jews' ancestral homeland, from which they gave the Bible to the world. Even now, all the Palestinian cities and towns in the West Bank are derived from Hebrew names: Jericho (moon), Shechem (portion), Bethlehem (House of Bread), Hebron (friend), and Bethel (House of Gd). What about Jerusalem (which in Hebrew means City of Peace)? In Arabic it's called al-Kuds. Kuds is derived from Mikdas (temple, or the Temples of Solomon and Herod). Your Bible might have maps of Palestine, but in the actual text it's called Eretz Yisrael (or the Land of Israel). As I heard a preacher on TBN once say, "The promise of giving the land of Israel to the Jews is mentioned more often in the Bible than even the promise of salvation, that's how important it is." Israel now speaks the same language (Hebrew), and has the same currency (shekels), that it had during Biblical times. We also shouldn't imagine that the land was completely devoid of Jews from 70 CE to the 1800's. This is the period when the Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) was started in Tiberias and Sefad.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH, for heaven sake...

You know as well as I do, that the Arab Palestinians (oh about 90%) never even lived within the sovereignty of Israel. They would have to be about 70 years old or more.

It is not about patriotism, or "right of return" or for ideological reasons. It is all about wanting what the Israeli has, about getting something for nothing. It is about the accumulation of wealth.

Ask Israel. They are spending hundreds of millions of dollars just trying to shut up the Palestinians. Maybe they are afraid of the message.

What is the message?

No one is trying to gag the Arab Palestinian and their precious message.

The Arab Palestinian has adequately demonstrated who they are and what kind of people they are.

◈ They are a people that hide behind noncombatants to protect themselve.
◈ They believe their cause justifies terrorism (the any and all means message - without limitations).
◈ They believe that the assault on the Olympic Compound was justified.
◈ They believed the bus massacre on the coast road, and machinegunning children was justified.
◈ They believe that the many suicide bombings were justified.
◈ They believe it is justified to hijack commerical aircraft was justified.
◈ They believe that indiscriminate roket fire is justified.
◈ They believe that kidnap and murder is justified.

◈ etc, etc, etc...​

They are a people that believed in "criminal acts" directed against Israel, intended or calculated to create "terror" in the minds of the citizenry and general public and coerce the government to compromise Israel sovereignty and security is justified. They are people that believe it is proper for them to operate in Jihadism, Fedayeen Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence.
  • Fatah: Temple Mount is "a completely Islamic site to which the Jews have no right"
  • Hamas justified the murder of Israeli with Al-Aqsa libel: "While blessing this heroic operation, we emphasize that harming the Al-Aqsa Mosque is a red line and that this operation is a response to warnings regarding the danger of what the occupation is currently doing, and what it intends to do at the Al-Aqsa Mosque."
Senior PLO official: Killing Israelis is not “terror”; it’s not “criminal”- it’s “legitimate” Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, July 3, 2018

This is truly who they are judged by their actions and deeds.

When we think about the message that the Arab Palestinian is sending, we need to look at it closely; remembering that technically the Armistice Arrangements concerning Lebanon and Syria have never been discharged. → the 1948/49 Israeli War of Independence has never officially ended (shall remain in force until a peaceful settlement between the Parties is achieved).

Most Respectfully,
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly
I'm crying
Last edited:
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH, for heaven sake...

You know as well as I do, that the Arab Palestinians (oh about 90%) never even lived within the sovereignty of Israel. They would have to be about 70 years old or more.

It is not about patriotism, or "right of return" or for ideological reasons. It is all about wanting what the Israeli has, about getting something for nothing. It is about the accumulation of wealth.

Ask Israel. They are spending hundreds of millions of dollars just trying to shut up the Palestinians. Maybe they are afraid of the message.

What is the message?

No one is trying to gag the Arab Palestinian and their precious message.

The Arab Palestinian has adequately demonstrated who they are and what kind of people they are.

◈ They are a people that hide behind noncombatants to protect themselve.
◈ They believe their cause justifies terrorism (the any and all means message - without limitations).
◈ They believe that the assault on the Olympic Compound was justified.
◈ They believed the bus massacre on the coast road, and machinegunning children was justified.
◈ They believe that the many suicide bombings were justified.
◈ They believe it is justified to hijack commerical aircraft was justified.
◈ They believe that indiscriminate roket fire is justified.
◈ They believe that kidnap and murder is justified.

◈ etc, etc, etc...​

They are a people that believed in "criminal acts" directed against Israel, intended or calculated to create "terror" in the minds of the citizenry and general public and coerce the government to compromise Israel sovereignty and security is justified. They are people that believe it is proper for them to operate in Jihadism, Fedayeen Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence.
  • Fatah: Temple Mount is "a completely Islamic site to which the Jews have no right"
  • Hamas justified the murder of Israeli with Al-Aqsa libel: "While blessing this heroic operation, we emphasize that harming the Al-Aqsa Mosque is a red line and that this operation is a response to warnings regarding the danger of what the occupation is currently doing, and what it intends to do at the Al-Aqsa Mosque."
Senior PLO official: Killing Israelis is not “terror”; it’s not “criminal”- it’s “legitimate” Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, July 3, 2018

This is truly who they are judged by their actions and deeds.

When we think about the message that the Arab Palestinian is sending, we need to look at it closely; remembering that technically the Armistice Arrangements concerning Lebanon and Syria have never been discharged. → the 1948/49 Israeli War of Independence has never officially ended (shall remain in force until a peaceful settlement between the Parties is achieved).

Most Respectfully,
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly
I'm crying

Did Israel give you its book of talking points when you worked for the government?
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH, for heaven sake...

You know as well as I do, that the Arab Palestinians (oh about 90%) never even lived within the sovereignty of Israel. They would have to be about 70 years old or more.

It is not about patriotism, or "right of return" or for ideological reasons. It is all about wanting what the Israeli has, about getting something for nothing. It is about the accumulation of wealth.

Ask Israel. They are spending hundreds of millions of dollars just trying to shut up the Palestinians. Maybe they are afraid of the message.

What is the message?

No one is trying to gag the Arab Palestinian and their precious message.

The Arab Palestinian has adequately demonstrated who they are and what kind of people they are.

◈ They are a people that hide behind noncombatants to protect themselve.
◈ They believe their cause justifies terrorism (the any and all means message - without limitations).
◈ They believe that the assault on the Olympic Compound was justified.
◈ They believed the bus massacre on the coast road, and machinegunning children was justified.
◈ They believe that the many suicide bombings were justified.
◈ They believe it is justified to hijack commerical aircraft was justified.
◈ They believe that indiscriminate roket fire is justified.
◈ They believe that kidnap and murder is justified.

◈ etc, etc, etc...​

They are a people that believed in "criminal acts" directed against Israel, intended or calculated to create "terror" in the minds of the citizenry and general public and coerce the government to compromise Israel sovereignty and security is justified. They are people that believe it is proper for them to operate in Jihadism, Fedayeen Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence.
  • Fatah: Temple Mount is "a completely Islamic site to which the Jews have no right"
  • Hamas justified the murder of Israeli with Al-Aqsa libel: "While blessing this heroic operation, we emphasize that harming the Al-Aqsa Mosque is a red line and that this operation is a response to warnings regarding the danger of what the occupation is currently doing, and what it intends to do at the Al-Aqsa Mosque."
Senior PLO official: Killing Israelis is not “terror”; it’s not “criminal”- it’s “legitimate” Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, July 3, 2018

This is truly who they are judged by their actions and deeds.

When we think about the message that the Arab Palestinian is sending, we need to look at it closely; remembering that technically the Armistice Arrangements concerning Lebanon and Syria have never been discharged. → the 1948/49 Israeli War of Independence has never officially ended (shall remain in force until a peaceful settlement between the Parties is achieved).

Most Respectfully,
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly
I'm crying

Did Israel give you its book of talking points when you worked for the government?

He has eyes and ears and a brain. He could see for himself all the terrible things the PLO has done over the years.
You spend too much time in Israeli bullshit propaganda. Israel was not at all like the other countries.

You have no reasonable argument to make concerning the lack of participation of Arab Palestinians in forming their own government and sovereignty, so you maneuver back into the really, really, lame "Israeli bullshit" excuse.

It is Arab Palestine which has not managed to act like other countries and pursue the steps necessary to creating territorial sovereignty.

But I agree that Israel is "not like other countries" -- no other existing nation has EVER had its reality or its right to exist questioned the way Israel has.
All of the other countries had their normal inhabitant stay in their countries. In Palestine most of the people were removed in a settler colonial project. Those who remained became foreigners in their own land.

Oh please, give me a break. There was something like 5 million people displaced in the Yugoslav wars.
The Palestinians did not agree to it then and they don't agree to it now.

It is an inherent right of a peoples to self-determination. That right to self-determination is not subject to the agreement of other peoples.
I'm also going to add this idea that "Israel is different from other countries" is one of the hallmarks of antisemitism, specifically. There are two unique features of antisemitism as it relates to other hatreds and forms of discrimination: that Jews are judged by a different standard from all others and that Jews are accused of a "cosmic evil".

Tinmore is fond of making use of the former: trying to persuade us that there is something unique or special about the events leading to Israeli independence or the actions of the Israeli government since.

There is not. If one is to have an objective understanding of wars of independence, especially of an ethnic or cultural nature, in the context of this particular conversation, one can easily see that displacements and refugees are common and "normal". Yet, Tinmore tries to paint a picture of some sort of special or unique status of Israelis (Jews). And this is common to nearly all "pro-Palestinian" supporters.

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