All white people leave campus or else- Leftist student mob threatens violence unless demands are met


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Once again showing their tolerance and willingness to accept people of all races, creeds and cultures, a mob of protesters nearly went to blows with Bret Weinstein, a professor at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington.

As the video shows, the mob of about 50 students gathered outside Weinstein’s classroom following demands that all white people leave campus so that the group could celebrate an “anti-racism” Day of Absence. In prior years, non-white students would leave campus for a day in protest, but this year they have called for any Caucasian students and faculty to respect their diversity by segregating themselves voluntarily.

As Tucker Carlson notes in the video segment below, “it’s so over the top it’s hard for me to believe it’s real.”

In his own words, Professor Bret Weinstein, who himself is admittedly so progressive that not even Hillary Clinton was left enough to get his vote, explains how it went down:

Professor Weinstein, who we remind our readers is a self admitted extreme progressive who no doubt strongly supported the grass roots diversity that is now mutating into all-out racism on his campus, sums it up perfectly:

“All White People Leave Campus Or Else” – Leftist Student Mob Threatens Violence Unless Demands Are Met

Can you imagine if a non leftist tried to do this exact thing. Man these lunatic on these college campuses are your morons you leftist idiots raised, and it's all gonna come right back at yah LMFAO.




and you are a great victim of it all.
The college is run by lunatics and they are feeding those students their garbage and they are doing it for a princely sum the parents pay for. Funny how socialists love being paid so well. The maggots overturned cop cars a while back, honor a cop killer and so on. It's a sick place.
Where is the national guard when you need them? If ever there was a time for troops to be used to put down terrorists at campuses, it's now.
The pocmarks should barricade the college and not let the whites back in. Then protest that whites have stopped paying.
Leave. And parents, stop sending your children to these liberal agenda schools that are reminiscent of Nazi Youth Camps.
Let the colleges try to stay afloat with who is left, and watch their ideology change post haste.
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Where is the national guard when you need them? If ever there was a time for troops to be used to put down terrorists at campuses, it's now.
Inslee is the governor and if anything he would supply the kids with food, booze and pot.

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