Allen Lichtman Predicts a Harris Victory

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
I don't agree, but we'll see.
I don't believe Americans, as a rule, are this stupid. Also, she was INSTALLED, not chosen by the people. Finally, she came in dead last in 2020.

Allen Lichtman, the political historian renowned for his “Keys to the White House” model, has made preliminary predictions favoring Kamala Harris over Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race. However, a deeper dive into Lichtman’s criteria suggests his conclusions may be biased.

I don't agree, but we'll see.
I don't believe Americans, as a rule, are this stupid. Also, she was INSTALLED, not chosen by the people. Finally, she came in dead last in 2020.

Allen Lichtman, the political historian renowned for his “Keys to the White House” model, has made preliminary predictions favoring Kamala Harris over Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race. However, a deeper dive into Lichtman’s criteria suggests his conclusions may be biased.

If the opponent were anyone but Trump, I'd say you have a point.
But...then reality intercedes. She's already creeping up on him in the polls, and she's not going to be nice like Biden was. :)
I don't agree, but we'll see.
I don't believe Americans, as a rule, are this stupid. Also, she was INSTALLED, not chosen by the people. Finally, she came in dead last in 2020.

Allen Lichtman, the political historian renowned for his “Keys to the White House” model, has made preliminary predictions favoring Kamala Harris over Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race. However, a deeper dive into Lichtman’s criteria suggests his conclusions may be biased.

You know what is really interesting? This guy was predicting that Biden was going to be beat Trump, when Biden was underwater double digits in some swing states! in the F...

Also, they keep gaslighting people with his predictions and even the way he interprets the data. He believes America is in a strong economy? Sounds like a guy living in the Hamptons. He was wrong in 2004 AND in 2016 to this very same DJT.

He's quite peculiar and full of himself, talking so confidently to those who debate him because the people who debate him are too docile to call him and his plastic predictions out.

You'd almost suspect he is an obedient spook except I've heard him debate before and he isn't very convincing.

Furthermore, how does he measure "record asylum", or "former president who survived an assassination attempt"? Or, "first former president running for a third term in office against someone who has record disapproval ratings"?

I can't wait for President Harris to run the Free World. It's gonna be a blast all around the globe! Except, we should wait until after the election right? She cannot be anointed president as she has Dem candidate.

So in 9 elections he is 7 for 9. Not bad, but far from perfect. Not even 80% in fact, lower grades than I received in university but the plastic man pats himself on the back as some guru and the MSM who are salivating for some more American decline bow to him without questioning how he is a major league BSter.

See below. This guy is not even batting 80% ffs:

Allen Litchman, a historian and political analyst known for his "13 Keys" model, has been recognized for accurately predicting the outcomes of U.S. presidential elections since 1984. However, he has made incorrect predictions in some instances. Notably, he predicted that George W. Bush would lose the 2004 election, but he won re-election. Additionally, Litchman predicted that Donald Trump would lose in 2016, which he did not, as Trump won the election.
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I don't agree, but we'll see.
I don't believe Americans, as a rule, are this stupid. Also, she was INSTALLED, not chosen by the people. Finally, she came in dead last in 2020.

Allen Lichtman, the political historian renowned for his “Keys to the White House” model, has made preliminary predictions favoring Kamala Harris over Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race. However, a deeper dive into Lichtman’s criteria suggests his conclusions may be biased.

If Democrat voters are self destructive enough to put that scatter brained Socialist in as Commander-In-Chief, this country is officially doomed.
As bad as Trump is, Kamala might be worse. Can you imagine listening to that laugh and ignorance for 8 years?

Oh well, doesn’t really matter. The potus is a ceremonial position, but Americans haven’t figured that out yet.
The vice president's favorability rating has jumped to 43%, with an unfavorability rating of 42%, according to the ABC News/Ipsos poll conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel. In an ABC News/Ipsos poll released a week ago, Harris’ favorability rating was 35%, while 46% viewed her unfavorability...

Forty-nine percent of independents express enthusiasm for Harris, whereas only 31% of independents are enthusiastic about Trump.

Trump's favorability rating dropped slightly from 40%, measured in the week following the attempted assassination and the Republican National Convention, to 36% in the most recent poll.

Trump's favorability rating among independents also saw a drop in the last week. Twenty-seven percent of independents have a favorable of Trump, which is down from 35% last week.

👆 obviously lies/fake news when viewed through the lens of a faithful acolyte of the Orange Overlard.
Oh, and swing states are important, so here's a poll from Fox.


The vice president's favorability rating has jumped to 43%, with an unfavorability rating of 42%, according to the ABC News/Ipsos poll conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel. In an ABC News/Ipsos poll released a week ago, Harris’ favorability rating was 35%, while 46% viewed her unfavorability...

Forty-nine percent of independents express enthusiasm for Harris, whereas only 31% of independents are enthusiastic about Trump.

Trump's favorability rating dropped slightly from 40%, measured in the week following the attempted assassination and the Republican National Convention, to 36% in the most recent poll.

Trump's favorability rating among independents also saw a drop in the last week. Twenty-seven percent of independents have a favorable of Trump, which is down from 35% last week.

👆 obviously lies/fake news when viewed through the lens of a faithful acolyte of the Orange Overlard.

So this favourability rating is based on what exactly?

She goes from record unfavourability to a big increase. What has she done in the W.H as V.P to have this rating increase?

It's smoke and mirrors, they tried the same B.S with Hillary. Unless Americans want another 14M in their country illegally and the potential of a major world war, I won't believe this.
So this favourability rating is based on what exactly?

She goes from record unfavourability to a big increase. What has she done in the W.H as V.P to have this rating increase?

It's smoke and mirrors, they tried the same B.S with Hillary. Unless Americans want another 14M in their country illegally and the potential of a major world war, I won't believe this.
Exactly as I said. :itsok:

Oh, and swing states are important, so here's a poll from Fox.

View attachment 986610


She had enthusiasm in 2020. Until Tulsi deflated her.
How much did she waste? Over $40 million?
How many delegates did that buy her total?
How many in her home state?
What has she done in the W.H as V.P to have this rating increase?

What has she done?
Oh, c'mon! You know better.

What Kamala has done.....what ANY Dem candidate would automatically do -----and be --- is be NOT Trump.

In short, for all the other people who are persuaded by her......there are also millions who are not yet persuaded, but.........but more important to their receptivity to her is their rejection of the convicted felon and sexual assaulter, Don Trump.


I don't agree, but we'll see.
I don't believe Americans, as a rule, are this stupid. Also, she was INSTALLED, not chosen by the people. Finally, she came in dead last in 2020.

Allen Lichtman, the political historian renowned for his “Keys to the White House” model, has made preliminary predictions favoring Kamala Harris over Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race. However, a deeper dive into Lichtman’s criteria suggests his conclusions may be biased.

He didnt predict a Kamala victory. Once again you dumb red hats can't comprehend what you read. How do you get through life on a day to day basis being this dumb?

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