"Obama a Shoe-In....in a landslide!"

If Perry is the candidate, Obama is a shoe in.

I was just about to say.

I don't know if these rabid RWers actually thinks that southern, Texas, RW palooka stands a snowball's chance in hell at the general.

But when you're rabid...I guess you're mentally demented, so anything goes.


what's a palooka?
If Perry is the candidate, Obama is a shoe in.

I was just about to say.

I don't know if these rabid RWers actually thinks that southern, Texas, RW palooka stands a snowball's chance in hell at the general.

But when you're rabid...I guess you're mentally demented, so anything goes.


Obama’s Approval Hits All-Time Lows With Women, Blacks and Democrats

(CNSNews.com) - President Barack Obama not only had his worst overall week in Gallup’s presidential job approval survey last week--with only 40 percent of American adults polled saying they approve of the job he is doing as president—but his approval also tied all-time lows among women and blacks while hitting an unprecedented low among Democrats.

In the demographic breakdown of last week’s Gallup presidential approval polling, which Gallup released today, Obama’s approval tied its record lows of 43 percent among women and 81 percent among blacks.

It hit an unprecedented low of 74 percent among Democrats.
(Obama's approval was 9 percent last week among Republicans, two percentage points above the all-time low of 7 percent it hit in the week of Oct. 11-17, 2010.)

Before last week, Obama’s approval among women had hit its record-low 43 percent in the weeks of Aug. 1-7, 2011 and April 11-17, 2011.

The Republicans could run Moammar Ka-daffy and beat this guy....

...wise up.
there is already a thread on this. One, I might add, where I pointed out that Lichtman had already called 2012 for Obama a year ago. That was well before several of his 'keys' turned against Obama, also as I pointed out in the other thread.

Yeah--we discussed this one all last night. Maybe liberals think if they post it enough it will become true--:lol:

On the exact same other thread--I--myself being able to predict the outcomes with 100% accuracy of every single election since JFK stated: That the 2012 election will be a total wipe-out of Barack Obama and democrats running for reelection and will bring back reflections of Custer's Last Stand.

View attachment 15012

and they did it too--and plan on doing it again in 2012.

I've never seen anything liberal come from PoliticalChic....just sayin....
If Perry is the candidate, Obama is a shoe in.

I was just about to say.

I don't know if these rabid RWers actually thinks that southern, Texas, RW palooka stands a snowball's chance in hell at the general.

But when you're rabid...I guess you're mentally demented, so anything goes.

Can you post something that is not adolescent bashing?
Looks like its a lock then.

Well, with its inception, I thought that this OP would provide a target for those of us who can see that the White House windbag on a the express lane to unemployment…but perhaps too many parts to Professor Lichtman’s plan….

“…Obama is a shoo-in for 2012 because he would be awarded 9 of 13 'keys' needed to be elected…”

So, let me attack my own OP…

Lichtman counts the following against the President…
#1 Party Mandate….
#5 Short Term Economy…a toss-up
#6 Long Term Economy…growth….
#12 Incumbent Charisma…hasn’t led..

If these are the only ‘keys’ that Obama loses on, according to Lichtman, Obama wins in a landslide!

Well, let’s see…
#2 There is no serious contest for the incumbent party nomination. There sure is talk of such a contest,...

a. In the Daily Kos…”I am pleased to inform the Daily Kos community that there is now a Draft Bernie Sanders for President 2012 movement underway….”Daily Kos: Draft Bernie Sanders for President 2012 Website Launched

b. Obama 52%, Clinton 37% for 2012 Democratic Nomination Obama 52%, Clinton 37% for 2012 Democratic Nomination
So…considering the above, and the losses in the polls, at the least this is a toss-up: no ‘key’ point here for Obama.

#7 The incumbent administration effects major changes in national policy.[/] And Lichtman gives Obama the point for…get this….the Stimulus and ObamaCare!
Both despised by the electorate!
Sorry, bro….deduct this point.

#8 There is no sustained social unrest during the term.
Is that what the ‘disapproval’ in so many polls show??
Is the birth of the Tea Party not definitive of ‘social unrest’??
Get real.
Deduct the point.

#9 Scandal: The incumbent administration is untainted by major scandal
Gotta disagree here, too. DoJ….Holder.
Refusal to prosecute NBPP ‘cause the victims were white. Insist on bringing the Gitmo terrorists to NYC. Refusal to join Arizona, Alabama, in solving the illegal alien situation. And now, “Did The ATF Try To Cover Up Ties To The Murder Of A U.S. Border Patrol Agent?
Fast and Furious: Did ATF Cover Up Ties To Border Patrol Agent's Murder
Definition of Scandal : An action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage: "a bribery scandal". Need I say more? Deduct point.

So, without going further, Obama only has five point.

Five points is the total I see for Obama as well. I also see little room for improvement for him between now and election time. It is too tempting to have one more shot at a stimulus plan before the election and that will result in more galvanizing of the opposition.

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