Allow me to drive a stake through the heart of another left wing bull shit talking point.

When the Left changes attitude toward energy independence, and agrees that protecting our quality of life by ensuring that we provide our own energy independent of the world, and when we no longer have to protect the Western European Continent or the Asian eastern seaboard along with the Korean peninsula, we can talk about holding the line on spending with the military. When the world's armies stop being 100's of times larger than ours, we can talk about reducing the spending.

Until then we need a military that can project power to any corner of the globe and hold its own in three separate theaters of war.

The world is a dangerous place and everyone wants a piece of us. That is just the reality of the world.
Solar will make us energy independent really fast
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.

Sour grapes.

"We didn't want the rest of the world to like us anyway, because they all suck."
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

I just love it when the pseudocons' own benchmarks come back and bitch slaps them in the face, especially when they hire a two-faced retard apprentice as their boss.
Correct. Thus the Russian and Wikileaks interference on behalf of Trump.
Yea because they know that hildabeast would've been 100 times worse
True they much prefer an America that threatens the NATO alliance, accepts the Ukraine invasion, and fully surrenders the arctic. Hillary would have been 100 times worse for pushing those efforts.
Trump has almost destroyed our NATO alliance, has done nothing about the Ukrainen invasion, he has been a big phoney
the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed

Correct. Thus the Russian and Wikileaks interference on behalf of Trump.
Still haven't shown were that changed one single vote. Some rank and file democrats are pissed Hillary lost because she was a bad candidate sadly the majority believe it was the Russians.. The elite left are pissed because the DNC's dirty laundry got aired out. Establishment Republicans are scared of a populist movement that will see them out on their asses.
You don't think Russia spamming Pizzagate, Benghazi, Hillary e-mails, and other fake news changed any votes? LOL. I bet you still believe Ted Cruz's dad helped to kill JFK, too.
Correct. Thus the Russian and Wikileaks interference on behalf of Trump.
Yea because they know that hildabeast would've been 100 times worse
True they much prefer an America that threatens the NATO alliance, accepts the Ukraine invasion, and fully surrenders the arctic. Hillary would have been 100 times worse for pushing those efforts.
Trump has almost destroyed our NATO alliance, has done nothing about the Ukrainen invasion, he has been a big phoney
Because he was found out. Make no mistake, unless we as citizens do something about it, Russia will get everything they paid for to support Trump's election.He was forced to delay it a bit, but you can bet his minions have let Russia know they just have to have patience.
For 8 years the right said that Obama wasn't respected in the rest of the world and that he was an embarrassment even as every worldwide poll showed the opposite and that Obama was restoring respect for the US and it's policies.

Now you have a President who genuinely is NOT respected by your friends and allies, who is a public laughingstock and who other world leaders are disparaging publically and openly laughing at, and you pretend not to care.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.
Why does our military need to be restored, we have the largest military and defense budget, by far. If the money isn't being spent properly its the Pentagons fault. the answer is NOT to give them more money
Audit the pentagon.
Correct. Thus the Russian and Wikileaks interference on behalf of Trump.
Yea because they know that hildabeast would've been 100 times worse
After seeing the Trump administration at work these past 5 months, anyone who could say that Hillary would have been worse, need to see a shrink really fast
Neil Gorsuch
One accomplishment in 5 months, and to even get that one, the senate had to completely change their rules.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.
Why does our military need to be restored, we have the largest military and defense budget, by far. If the money isn't being spent properly its the Pentagons fault. the answer is NOT to give them more money
Audit the pentagon.
Tough to do, there must be billions of defense dollars hidden away
Correct. Thus the Russian and Wikileaks interference on behalf of Trump.
Yea because they know that hildabeast would've been 100 times worse
After seeing the Trump administration at work these past 5 months, anyone who could say that Hillary would have been worse, need to see a shrink really fast
Neil Gorsuch
One accomplishment in 5 months, and to even get that one, the senate had to completely change their rules.
cause you believe a democrat would have voted for someone else right? LOL. Donald could give away millions and the dems would vote against that. go fking figure. the libturd motto, fk america.
For 8 years the right said that Obama wasn't respected in the rest of the world and that he was an embarrassment even as every worldwide poll showed the opposite and that Obama was restoring respect for the US and it's policies.

Now you have a President who genuinely is NOT respected by your friends and allies, who is a public laughingstock and who other world leaders are disparaging publically and openly laughing at, and you pretend not to care.
not sure your point.
For 8 years the right said that Obama wasn't respected in the rest of the world and that he was an embarrassment even as every worldwide poll showed the opposite and that Obama was restoring respect for the US and it's policies.

Now you have a President who genuinely is NOT respected by your friends and allies, who is a public laughingstock and who other world leaders are disparaging publically and openly laughing at, and you pretend not to care.
not sure your point.
YOUR President is a pathetic joke to the rest of the world, as well as to the majority of Americans
Yea because they know that hildabeast would've been 100 times worse
After seeing the Trump administration at work these past 5 months, anyone who could say that Hillary would have been worse, need to see a shrink really fast
Neil Gorsuch
One accomplishment in 5 months, and to even get that one, the senate had to completely change their rules.
cause you believe a democrat would have voted for someone else right? LOL. Donald could give away millions and the dems would vote against that. go fking figure. the libturd motto, fk america.
Your post makes no sense
I know, cause you don't understand what the obstruction really is.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.

Hitler wanted to make Germany great again. We all know how that played out!
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.

The rest of the world wants stability - an ally they can count on and a predictable platform from which to negotiate future conflicts. Trump is a childish, thin skinned, vindictive man.
When the Left changes attitude toward energy independence, and agrees that protecting our quality of life by ensuring that we provide our own energy independent of the world, and when we no longer have to protect the Western European Continent or the Asian eastern seaboard along with the Korean peninsula, we can talk about holding the line on spending with the military. When the world's armies stop being 100's of times larger than ours, we can talk about reducing the spending.

Until then we need a military that can project power to any corner of the globe and hold its own in three separate theaters of war.

The world is a dangerous place and everyone wants a piece of us. That is just the reality of the world.
Solar will make us energy independent really fast
It won't, but that is not to say that we should not use it. Just be realistic about it.

We need to up our game in Nuclear, Natural Gas, Wind, Solar, and Oil.

Until such time as we are fully independent of the rest of the world of the need for energy to maintain our lifestyle, we are going to need a military that is capable of taking on the top five world's military.
When the Left changes attitude toward energy independence, and agrees that protecting our quality of life by ensuring that we provide our own energy independent of the world, and when we no longer have to protect the Western European Continent or the Asian eastern seaboard along with the Korean peninsula, we can talk about holding the line on spending with the military. When the world's armies stop being 100's of times larger than ours, we can talk about reducing the spending.

Until then we need a military that can project power to any corner of the globe and hold its own in three separate theaters of war.

The world is a dangerous place and everyone wants a piece of us. That is just the reality of the world.
Solar will make us energy independent really fast
It won't, but that is not to say that we should not use it. Just be realistic about it.

We need to up our game in Nuclear, Natural Gas, Wind, Solar, and Oil.

Until such time as we are fully independent of the rest of the world of the need for energy to maintain our lifestyle, we are going to need a military that is capable of taking on the top five world's military.
We spend more on our military than the top 5 combined. In fact we spend more that the top 10 combined.

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