Allow me to drive a stake through the heart of another left wing bull shit talking point.

The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.

The rest of the world wants stability - an ally they can count on and a predictable platform from which to negotiate future conflicts. Trump is a childish, thin skinned, vindictive man.
In fact, he is very stable and extremely knowledgeable in negotiating deals with the rest of the world. The rest of the world does not want that, they want to be able to count on a bleeding heart to give away the American store in order to be liked. He is the President of the United States. His interests, goals, and negotiations WILL be on OUR behest, not the worlds.

That is what the world hates.

Dead on!
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.

The rest of the world wants stability - an ally they can count on and a predictable platform from which to negotiate future conflicts. Trump is a childish, thin skinned, vindictive man.
In fact, he is very stable and extremely knowledgeable in negotiating deals with the rest of the world. The rest of the world does not want that, they want to be able to count on a bleeding heart to give away the American store in order to be liked. He is the President of the United States. His interests, goals, and negotiations WILL be on OUR behest, not the worlds.

That is what the world hates.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.

The rest of the world wants stability - an ally they can count on and a predictable platform from which to negotiate future conflicts. Trump is a childish, thin skinned, vindictive man.
In fact, he is very stable and extremely knowledgeable in negotiating deals with the rest of the world. The rest of the world does not want that, they want to be able to count on a bleeding heart to give away the American store in order to be liked. He is the President of the United States. His interests, goals, and negotiations WILL be on OUR behest, not the worlds.

That is what the world hates.
When Obama was President you and your kind told us that he wasn't liked by the rest of the world, and that was bad. Now Trump isn't liked by the rest of the world and that is good. Do you understand why you are FOS?

No one said that. Got a link? What we said was that he wasn't respected. They knew he was weak, and they knew he would do damage to this country, that isn't respect, but that's the reason the liked him.
Well....I think things were pretty stable under Obama, and certainly predictable, but then I DID like him as a prez :lol:

The Arab Spring is a result of his and hillary's machinations. While he is not responsible for NK having a nuke (that's bill clintons legacy) he is responsible for not reigning in the little twerp early, when it was possible. Now, the roly poly dude has enough weapons to threaten the entire region. That should have never been allowed to happen.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.
Trump is ending the US being taken down a peg. Hail Trump.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.

The rest of the world wants stability - an ally they can count on and a predictable platform from which to negotiate future conflicts. Trump is a childish, thin skinned, vindictive man.
In fact, he is very stable and extremely knowledgeable in negotiating deals with the rest of the world. The rest of the world does not want that, they want to be able to count on a bleeding heart to give away the American store in order to be liked. He is the President of the United States. His interests, goals, and negotiations WILL be on OUR behest, not the worlds.

That is what the world hates.

Stable? No. No man who obsessively attacks minor "opponents" and critics for days at a time on twitter is "stable".

Knowledgeable? Not enough.

You may like him but I think you need to be realistic.

So, the stability YOU were talking about wasn't financial or military or policy, it was tweets and personality? You are back pedaling now.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.

The rest of the world wants stability - an ally they can count on and a predictable platform from which to negotiate future conflicts. Trump is a childish, thin skinned, vindictive man.
In fact, he is very stable and extremely knowledgeable in negotiating deals with the rest of the world. The rest of the world does not want that, they want to be able to count on a bleeding heart to give away the American store in order to be liked. He is the President of the United States. His interests, goals, and negotiations WILL be on OUR behest, not the worlds.

That is what the world hates.

Stable? No. No man who obsessively attacks minor "opponents" and critics for days at a time on twitter is "stable".

Knowledgeable? Not enough.

You may like him but I think you need to be realistic.
I don't like him. He is far too liberal for My tastes. However, as long as he stands up and negotiates with the world in OUR favor, I do think he is stable. The social issue is another matter. I think he should probably not use that twitter account, but far too many of you people think that you can make death threats, call him the vilest of names, and expect him to just sit back and take it, are truly the unstable people.

He needs to use a bit more couth and class, but hey, as long as some of the things that roll back the progressive screw up get done, I'll overlook it. I won't defend it, but I also won't care.

Yet Bush did. Obama did. Many presidents do. For a number of reasons. Reacting to it brings attention to the trivial because that is really what it is - just words. Death threats are taken seriously by law enforcement, he doesn't need to respond. He doesn't need to respond to every bit of criticism, insult (whether real or percieved) or slight. When you are in a position of power, you don't NEED to. The fact that he does shows how deeply insecure he is and that is a worrisome trait in a person in his position.

When you are in a highly visible powerful position you are going to be a target for any angry person - you will be blamed for everything that goes wrong, you will be insulted, and attacked. That's part of the job. How you react to it is the difference between class and confidence vs bravado and insecurity.

Obama was called many vile things. So was Bush. Compare them to Trump in how they handled it.

Yep. That is trumps biggest weakness. He simply can't let crap like that not bug him. A character flaw for sure.
Well....I think things were pretty stable under Obama, and certainly predictable, but then I DID like him as a prez :lol:

The Arab Spring is a result of his and hillary's machinations. While he is not responsible for NK having a nuke (that's bill clintons legacy) he is responsible for not reigning in the little twerp early, when it was possible. Now, the roly poly dude has enough weapons to threaten the entire region. That should have never been allowed to happen.

I think Arab Spring sprung from our invasion of Iraq - it destabilized the region, and gave people the fire to topple dictators. NK is a long problem over many administrations because there is no easy answer (because of China)...wish someone would assassinate blubber boy!
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.
Why does our military need to be restored, we have the largest military and defense budget, by far. If the money isn't being spent properly its the Pentagons fault. the answer is NOT to give them more money
kinda goes for gov in general, doesn't it? give them more they will spend more. when do we have to live within our means?

He has made our military stronger simply by putting the right man in charge; General Mattis. Wether he does anything else is irrelevant, the point is that he says that he wants our military restored to greatness and that's why a lot of Europeans hate him.

Mattis is a good choice, one of the few in the Administration. I don't see Europeans hating that.

Oh Jesus! Let me clarify for you, you seem to be confused. My reference to Mattis was in response to an almost irrelevant comment about military strength. They don't hate Trump for Mattis, they hate that Trump wants to make our military strong again.

Is that clear?
While he is not responsible for NK having a nuke (that's bill clintons legacy).

Stupid stupid stupid.

The framework worked. Bush pulled out of it in 2002 after certifying it in 2001, because N. Korea was cheating in a way that would let them make a single nuke somewhere around 2020 to 2025. Pulling out of the framework allowed N. Korea to make half a dozen nukes by 2003.
Well....I think things were pretty stable under Obama, and certainly predictable, but then I DID like him as a prez :lol:

The Arab Spring is a result of his and hillary's machinations. While he is not responsible for NK having a nuke (that's bill clintons legacy) he is responsible for not reigning in the little twerp early, when it was possible. Now, the roly poly dude has enough weapons to threaten the entire region. That should have never been allowed to happen.

I think Arab Spring sprung from our invasion of Iraq - it destabilized the region, and gave people the fire to topple dictators. NK is a long problem over many administrations because there is no easy answer (because of China)...wish someone would assassinate blubber boy!

Our invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were dumb beyond belief. Those are regions where the only way you can achieve victory is either by killing everyone who lives there, which makes you a monster, or you have to settle in for a multi generational low intensity war where you are working to bring everyone up to first world standard, while simultaneously working instigate a Reformation within Islam. A very long, dirty, and intensive conflict that no western power, or people, have the stomach for.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.
Why does our military need to be restored, we have the largest military and defense budget, by far. If the money isn't being spent properly its the Pentagons fault. the answer is NOT to give them more money
kinda goes for gov in general, doesn't it? give them more they will spend more. when do we have to live within our means?

He has made our military stronger simply by putting the right man in charge; General Mattis. Wether he does anything else is irrelevant, the point is that he says that he wants our military restored to greatness and that's why a lot of Europeans hate him.

Mattis is a good choice, one of the few in the Administration. I don't see Europeans hating that.

Oh Jesus! Let me clarify for you, you seem to be confused. My reference to Mattis was in response to an almost irrelevant comment about military strength. They don't hate Trump for Mattis, they hate that Trump wants to make our military strong again.

Is that clear?
Well, to be more precise, they hate that the military takes away money that they want to spend on purchasing votes.
They don't hate Trump for Mattis, they hate that Trump wants to make our military strong again.

Is that clear?

The Trump military will be so strong, the same way Trump had tapes of the Comey conversation. He'll bluff. And hope nobody calls him on it.
While he is not responsible for NK having a nuke (that's bill clintons legacy).

Stupid stupid stupid.

The framework worked. Bush pulled out of it in 2002 after certifying it in 2001, because N. Korea was cheating in a way that would let them make a single nuke somewhere around 2020 to 2025. Pulling out of the framework allowed N. Korea to make half a dozen nukes by 2003.

Bill clinton GAVE them the tech silly boy. How about you not give the nuclear technology to the crazy person. It's kind of like not giving the gun to the crazy person down the street.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.

The rest of the world wants stability - an ally they can count on and a predictable platform from which to negotiate future conflicts. Trump is a childish, thin skinned, vindictive man.
In fact, he is very stable and extremely knowledgeable in negotiating deals with the rest of the world. The rest of the world does not want that, they want to be able to count on a bleeding heart to give away the American store in order to be liked. He is the President of the United States. His interests, goals, and negotiations WILL be on OUR behest, not the worlds.

That is what the world hates.

Stable? No. No man who obsessively attacks minor "opponents" and critics for days at a time on twitter is "stable".

Knowledgeable? Not enough.

You may like him but I think you need to be realistic.

So, the stability YOU were talking about wasn't financial or military or policy, it was tweets and personality? You are back pedaling now.


Yes, my response on his emotional stability (which pretty much is revealed in his tweeting) and it was in relation to this comment above: In fact, he is very stable and extremely knowledgeable in negotiating deals with the rest of the world.

How is that back pedaling?
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.
Why does our military need to be restored, we have the largest military and defense budget, by far. If the money isn't being spent properly its the Pentagons fault. the answer is NOT to give them more money
kinda goes for gov in general, doesn't it? give them more they will spend more. when do we have to live within our means?

He has made our military stronger simply by putting the right man in charge; General Mattis. Wether he does anything else is irrelevant, the point is that he says that he wants our military restored to greatness and that's why a lot of Europeans hate him.

Mattis is a good choice, one of the few in the Administration. I don't see Europeans hating that.

Oh Jesus! Let me clarify for you, you seem to be confused. My reference to Mattis was in response to an almost irrelevant comment about military strength. They don't hate Trump for Mattis, they hate that Trump wants to make our military strong again.

Is that clear?

My response was also not clear - I was also referring to our military in my second line. Europeans don't hate that our military is being strengthened. Hell, they depend on it.
They don't hate Trump for Mattis, they hate that Trump wants to make our military strong again.

Is that clear?

The Trump military will be so strong, the same way Trump had tapes of the Comey conversation. He'll bluff. And hope nobody calls him on it.

I think Mattis will make the right decisions and thus far Trump seems to be giving him the space to do so.
Our invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were dumb beyond belief. Those are regions where the only way you can achieve victory is either by killing everyone who lives there, which makes you a monster, or you have to settle in for a multi generational low intensity war where you are working to bring everyone up to first world standard, while simultaneously working instigate a Reformation within Islam. A very long, dirty, and intensive conflict that no western power, or people, have the stomach for.

Afghanistan was Reagans mistake. It would have cost pennies on the dollar to rebuild Afghanistan after they sacrificed so much on our behalf to kick the Russians out.

Instead of helping them rebuild their wartorn country, Reagan screwed them by doing nothing. That's what turned BinLaden from working for us, to working against us.
The rest is history.
I think Mattis will make the right decisions and thus far Trump seems to be giving him the space to do so.

It's not up to Mattis, it's up to the republicans in the house to create a budget that pays for it. Maybe a tax cut will pay for increased military spending like it did last time under Reagan and Bush :mm:
When the Left changes attitude toward energy independence, and agrees that protecting our quality of life by ensuring that we provide our own energy independent of the world, and when we no longer have to protect the Western European Continent or the Asian eastern seaboard along with the Korean peninsula, we can talk about holding the line on spending with the military. When the world's armies stop being 100's of times larger than ours, we can talk about reducing the spending.

Until then we need a military that can project power to any corner of the globe and hold its own in three separate theaters of war.

The world is a dangerous place and everyone wants a piece of us. That is just the reality of the world.
Solar will make us energy independent really fast
It won't, but that is not to say that we should not use it. Just be realistic about it.

We need to up our game in Nuclear, Natural Gas, Wind, Solar, and Oil.

Until such time as we are fully independent of the rest of the world of the need for energy to maintain our lifestyle, we are going to need a military that is capable of taking on the top five world's military.
We spend more on our military than the top 5 combined. In fact we spend more that the top 10 combined.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.
Why does our military need to be restored, we have the largest military and defense budget, by far. If the money isn't being spent properly its the Pentagons fault. the answer is NOT to give them more money

LOL, that's what we say about your welfare and Snap Programs.

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