Allow me to drive a stake through the heart of another left wing bull shit talking point.

Who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
Thats why trump got elected. Because alot of people dont give a fuck

These people who "don't give a fuck" obviously voted for Trump. That explains everything, these people don't give a fuck about their country, only their very warped ideology.
Oh and yeah, it's not a liberal talking point about the world's opinion of Trump, it's a fact.
World poll shows little confidence in Trump – except in Russia
The international survey by the Pew Research Center found that favorable ratings of the United States have decreased from 64 percent of people across all countries surveyed at the end of Barack Obama's presidency to 49 percent this spring. The new figures are similar to those toward the end of the George W. Bushadministration.
The president himself has fared even worse: A median 22 percent are confident that Trump will do the right thing in global affairs, down from 64 percent who had confidence in Obama.
Among other world leaders studied by Pew, German Chancellor Angela Merkel receives relatively high marks. The share of people who report little or no confidence in her, a median of 31 percent across 37 countries, is less than half that for Trump, at 74 percent. The survey found that 59 percent lack confidence in Russian President Vladimir Putin and 53 percent in Chinese President Xi Jinping
World poll shows little confidence in Trump – except in Russia
There you have it, the world is laughing at America. This clearly shows that America is heading to "Make America Great Again." Once, the most admired country in the world by far, now has no respect.
Even tyrants like Putin and Jinping are more admired!
And you wahoos think that's great. Fucking unreal.
why is your vision of evolution correct and anyone who doesn't agree, wrong?
i go back to my arrogance statement.

Because we saw it happen in the 2016 election. A group of folks who felt the new economy was leaving them behind had a fit and elected Trump. That vote wasn't a vote for Trump so much as it was a lashing out at the new realities of today's economy that has left many, many Trump voters behind; whether that's outsourcing their jobs, replacing them with robots, or finding the skills they have don't fit in the tech economy we now have. So these people sought to self-inflict wounds in order to express their "left behind" feeling. Anyone who thinks anything Trump will do may benefit most of the people who voted for him are kidding themselves.
why is your vision of evolution correct and anyone who doesn't agree, wrong?
i go back to my arrogance statement.

Because we saw it happen in the 2016 election. A group of folks who felt the new economy was leaving them behind had a fit and elected Trump. That vote wasn't a vote for Trump so much as it was a lashing out at the new realities of today's economy that has left many, many Trump voters behind; whether that's outsourcing their jobs, replacing them with robots, or finding the skills they have don't fit in the tech economy we now have. So these people sought to self-inflict wounds in order to express their "left behind" feeling. Anyone who thinks anything Trump will do may benefit most of the people who voted for him are kidding themselves.
heh - so again you ONLY CHOOSE to see this in one way.

i get what you're saying. i do. i just don't agree with it. we can't be "global" if hell in our own country we can't come to terms on simple issues. sooner or later a country will "go rogue" cause it's in their best interests and we'll all be at it again.
Even with the tech, N. Korea doesn't have the TVA to produce more than a few grams of HEU a year.

It doesn't matter. Once they have the tech it is only a matter of time. Far better would have been to NOT GIVE THE CRAZY PEOPLE THE GUN! Don't ya think!

And that matter of time was 20 to 30 years.

Let's techy no bomby.....give techy bomby is a coming. Hmmm. How stupid do you have to be to not understand that simple fact. So, according to you it's OK for them to have a bomb 30 years from now. I get it. But the reality is THEY WOULDN'T HAVE HAD THE BOMB IF CLINTON HADN'T GIVEN IT TO THEM YOU SILLY FOOL!
Who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
Thats why trump got elected. Because alot of people dont give a fuck

These people who "don't give a fuck" obviously voted for Trump. That explains everything, these people don't give a fuck about their country, only their very warped ideology.
Oh and yeah, it's not a liberal talking point about the world's opinion of Trump, it's a fact.
World poll shows little confidence in Trump – except in Russia
The international survey by the Pew Research Center found that favorable ratings of the United States have decreased from 64 percent of people across all countries surveyed at the end of Barack Obama's presidency to 49 percent this spring. The new figures are similar to those toward the end of the George W. Bushadministration.
The president himself has fared even worse: A median 22 percent are confident that Trump will do the right thing in global affairs, down from 64 percent who had confidence in Obama.
Among other world leaders studied by Pew, German Chancellor Angela Merkel receives relatively high marks. The share of people who report little or no confidence in her, a median of 31 percent across 37 countries, is less than half that for Trump, at 74 percent. The survey found that 59 percent lack confidence in Russian President Vladimir Putin and 53 percent in Chinese President Xi Jinping
World poll shows little confidence in Trump – except in Russia
There you have it, the world is laughing at America. This clearly shows that America is heading to "Make America Great Again." Once, the most admired country in the world by far, now has no respect.
Even tyrants like Putin and Jinping are more admired!
And you wahoos think that's great. Fucking unreal.
Thinking of america first, is, in fact, thinking of their country. Sorry
heh - so again you ONLY CHOOSE to see this in one way.

It is the only way. Like it or not, there's going to be more central planning. There's going to be more globalization. There's going to be more multiculturalism. There's going to be more environmentalism. Right now, we are in the legacy defining phase of things, and the legacy left behind by those who don't want to adapt and evolve to these new realities is not going to be favorable. The same way we remember Dixiecrats today is how people will remember the Conservatives 50 years from now. They might not care about their legacy after they're gone, but some of us do.

i get what you're saying. i do. i just don't agree with it. we can't be "global" if hell in our own country we can't come to terms on simple issues. sooner or later a country will "go rogue" cause it's in their best interests and we'll all be at it again.

We already did go rogue by electing Trump. Merkel said the other day that Germany and other EU states cannot rely on the old alliances anymore, and must come together to tackle issues without us. So we are being left behind. Merkel saying that should send a chill down any free market-lover's spine because if the United States can't be counted on by our allies anymore...well...that's just really shitty and damaging to our status in the world.
Let's techy no bomby.....give techy bomby is a coming. Hmmm. How stupid do you have to be to not understand that simple fact. So, according to you it's OK for them to have a bomb 30 years from now. I get it. But the reality is THEY WOULDN'T HAVE HAD THE BOMB IF CLINTON HADN'T GIVEN IT TO THEM YOU SILLY FOOL!

NOPE, I'm saying since it would take them 20 to 30 years to make a bomb under the Carter/Clinton framework, we had that long to figure out a new way to stop them.

I guess it's like social security going bankrupt in 20 years, you have time to figure out what to do about it.
Let's techy no bomby.....give techy bomby is a coming. Hmmm. How stupid do you have to be to not understand that simple fact. So, according to you it's OK for them to have a bomb 30 years from now. I get it. But the reality is THEY WOULDN'T HAVE HAD THE BOMB IF CLINTON HADN'T GIVEN IT TO THEM YOU SILLY FOOL!

Clinton didn't give them the bomb. In fact, North Korea detonated their first nuke when Bush the Dumber was President. And Bush helped North Korea by trying to outsource negotiations to the Pacific Rim, which failed, when all Kim Jong-Il wanted was to negotiate directly with the US.
Clinton didn't give them the bomb. In fact, North Korea detonated their first nuke when Bush the Dumber was President. And Bush helped North Korea by trying to outsource negotiations to the Pacific Rim, which failed, when all Kim Jong-Il wanted was to negotiate directly with the US.

YUP, and without the framework, North Korea pulled out of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and once unconstrained by it, they made a nuke within a year, where it would have otherwise taken them 20
And Bush helped North Korea by trying to outsource negotiations to the Pacific Rim, which failed, when all Kim Jong-Il wanted was to negotiate directly with the US.

When have negotiations ever gone better by adding more people with gripes to add to the problem.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.

The rest of the world wants stability - an ally they can count on and a predictable platform from which to negotiate future conflicts. Trump is a childish, thin skinned, vindictive man.
In fact, he is very stable and extremely knowledgeable in negotiating deals with the rest of the world. The rest of the world does not want that, they want to be able to count on a bleeding heart to give away the American store in order to be liked. He is the President of the United States. His interests, goals, and negotiations WILL be on OUR behest, not the worlds.

That is what the world hates.

Stable? No. No man who obsessively attacks minor "opponents" and critics for days at a time on twitter is "stable".

Knowledgeable? Not enough.

You may like him but I think you need to be realistic.

So, the stability YOU were talking about wasn't financial or military or policy, it was tweets and personality? You are back pedaling now.


Yes, my response on his emotional stability (which pretty much is revealed in his tweeting) and it was in relation to this comment above: In fact, he is very stable and extremely knowledgeable in negotiating deals with the rest of the world.

How is that back pedaling?

Because your original response was that Europe wanted stability. Remember, we are talking about the rest of the world hating Trump.
Why does our military need to be restored, we have the largest military and defense budget, by far. If the money isn't being spent properly its the Pentagons fault. the answer is NOT to give them more money
kinda goes for gov in general, doesn't it? give them more they will spend more. when do we have to live within our means?

He has made our military stronger simply by putting the right man in charge; General Mattis. Wether he does anything else is irrelevant, the point is that he says that he wants our military restored to greatness and that's why a lot of Europeans hate him.

Mattis is a good choice, one of the few in the Administration. I don't see Europeans hating that.

Oh Jesus! Let me clarify for you, you seem to be confused. My reference to Mattis was in response to an almost irrelevant comment about military strength. They don't hate Trump for Mattis, they hate that Trump wants to make our military strong again.

Is that clear?

My response was also not clear - I was also referring to our military in my second line. Europeans don't hate that our military is being strengthened. Hell, they depend on it.

No, that is 1960s Cold War thinking. It is no longer true.
Who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
Thats why trump got elected. Because alot of people dont give a fuck

These people who "don't give a fuck" obviously voted for Trump. That explains everything, these people don't give a fuck about their country, only their very warped ideology.

i will never understand how people will say the other side doesn't care about the country and only their warped ideology. obviously both sides care and to say otherwise is short sighted, stupid, and frankly, not even up to troll standards anymore.

liberals spent 8 years forcing their "warped ideology" on conservatives and are all upset now that many are putting it back the way it was, more or less.

wish people would stop saying the other side doesn't give a shit about the country when we all do - just not in the same manner.
The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed.

Hey guys! Because he says others want the US to have less power that means that Trump is not a fucking clown. See the connection?

Well, he isn't a clown but that is the wrong interpretation. I'm explaining why they hate him. You would do well to listen and stop saying stupid partisan garbage.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.
Conservatives were fond of saying that "the world is laughing at us" thanks to Obama.
Trump has changed's the world is laughing and gasping.

Every day Trump America confirms all the worst stereotypes that 'the World' has of Americans.

Isolating America or throwing its military might around won't strengthen'll do whatever the opposite is.
liberals spent 8 years forcing their "warped ideology" on conservatives and are all upset now that many are putting it back the way it was, more or less.

How was anything forced on anyone? Gimmie a break. You mean being "forced" to accept that gay people can get married and it doesn't have any effect on you?
liberals spent 8 years forcing their "warped ideology" on conservatives and are all upset now that many are putting it back the way it was, more or less.

How was anything forced on anyone? Gimmie a break. You mean being "forced" to accept that gay people can get married and it doesn't have any effect on you?
heh - tired of talking at you cause it's certainly not to you.

you win. i give up. you idioted me to death.

have a day.
Let's techy no bomby.....give techy bomby is a coming. Hmmm. How stupid do you have to be to not understand that simple fact. So, according to you it's OK for them to have a bomb 30 years from now. I get it. But the reality is THEY WOULDN'T HAVE HAD THE BOMB IF CLINTON HADN'T GIVEN IT TO THEM YOU SILLY FOOL!

Clinton didn't give them the bomb. In fact, North Korea detonated their first nuke when Bush the Dumber was President. And Bush helped North Korea by trying to outsource negotiations to the Pacific Rim, which failed, when all Kim Jong-Il wanted was to negotiate directly with the US.

My mistake. Yes, it was bush the first. Yet another reason to dislike him. But then clinton and carter helped them with their endeavors.

You can thank Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton for North Korea’s nukes

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