Allow me to drive a stake through the heart of another left wing bull shit talking point.

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed.

Hey guys! Because he says others want the US to have less power that means that Trump is not a fucking clown. See the connection?

Well, he isn't a clown but that is the wrong interpretation. I'm explaining why they hate him. You would do well to listen and stop saying stupid partisan garbage.

Oh so he's an embarrassment only because people want the US to have less influence! Not because he's an embarrassment. Gotcha!

As long as you can read the entire worlds mind I wonder why youre wasting your talents on USMB.

Immature nonsense, nice job, and typical.

I agree, it is rather immature to assume you know the minds and motivation's of the entire world.

Who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
Thats why trump got elected. Because alot of people dont give a fuck
Thats wrong, a whole lot of people do give a fuck, thats why he lost the popular vote so baldy.
He lost the popular vote because of ONE State. with out California Trump had a million more votes then Hillary. Sorry but California does not and never will run the Country.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.

You're wrong, on all counts.
But you just go ahead and excuse this vulgar goon. He's busy worrying about what Mika said on MSNBC. He should be worried about running this country. But he's not up to the task. Tweeting is SO MUCH EASIER than leading the free world.
You are a total fuck up.
Who cares what the rest of the world thinks?
Thats why trump got elected. Because alot of people dont give a fuck
Thats wrong, a whole lot of people do give a fuck, thats why he lost the popular vote so baldy.
He lost the popular vote because of ONE State. with out California Trump had a million more votes then Hillary. Sorry but California does not and never will run the Country.

You are wrong, too. You just don't realize how California affects something you do every single day of your miserable life.
California Passes France As World's 6th-Largest Economy
Correct. Thus the Russian and Wikileaks interference on behalf of Trump.
Yea because they know that hildabeast would've been 100 times worse
True they much prefer an America that threatens the NATO alliance, accepts the Ukraine invasion, and fully surrenders the arctic. Hillary would have been 100 times worse for pushing those efforts.

Hey dumbass Russia annexed Crimea like 3 fucking years ago.

Yeah. And as a Republican, you're pretty happy for them, huh?
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.

Have you vanquished your foe yet oh great driver of stakes? Or has nothing changed at all. :popcorn:

The foe (the left wing talking point) is vanquished, even if those who desperately cling to it don't know it.

Well if you claim to vanquish Cubs fans from loving their team, and they still love their team... :popcorn:

You aren't talking about the same thing. I'm not trying to talk them into quitting th DemocratParty, I'm simply destroying a talking point.
Correct. Thus the Russian and Wikileaks interference on behalf of Trump.
Yea because they know that hildabeast would've been 100 times worse
True they much prefer an America that threatens the NATO alliance, accepts the Ukraine invasion, and fully surrenders the arctic. Hillary would have been 100 times worse for pushing those efforts.

Hey dumbass Russia annexed Crimea like 3 fucking years ago.

Yeah. And as a Republican, you're pretty happy for them, huh?

What does that mean? It didn't happen under Trump now did it?

Putin wouldn't have pulled that bullshit under Trump...

The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.
Conservatives were fond of saying that "the world is laughing at us" thanks to Obama.
Trump has changed's the world is laughing and gasping.

Every day Trump America confirms all the worst stereotypes that 'the World' has of Americans.

Isolating America or throwing its military might around won't strengthen'll do whatever the opposite is.

It doesn't matter at all. You didn't read my OP did you? The opinions of Europe and the rest don't matter at all because their motives aren't what is best for America. The only way we make them happy is the way Obama did, but ruining the country, or attempting to.
Please...I read every word!
I also read your paranoia.

You don't even know what paranoia means. Dismissed.
The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed.

Hey guys! Because he says others want the US to have less power that means that Trump is not a fucking clown. See the connection?

Well, he isn't a clown but that is the wrong interpretation. I'm explaining why they hate him. You would do well to listen and stop saying stupid partisan garbage.

Oh so he's an embarrassment only because people want the US to have less influence! Not because he's an embarrassment. Gotcha!

As long as you can read the entire worlds mind I wonder why youre wasting your talents on USMB.

Immature nonsense, nice job, and typical.

I agree, it is rather immature to assume you know the minds and motivation's of the entire world.


Doubling down on childish I see. You lose again, thanks for playing.
The left is blindly fond of this particular piece of nonsense:

"Trump is an embarrassment to this country! The rest of the world hates him!"

The follow up talking point to that is that "The rest of the world loved 0bama and would have loved and respected Hillary!"

The problem with their argument is that the rest of the world wants the US taken down a peg or two, it's power lessened, and it's wealth taken and distributed. 0bama and Hillary would have gladly diminished this country, Obama did a lot if it, so the rest of the world loved it, and therefor him. They know that Hillary also would have ruined this country and so they wanted her as well.

Trump wants to make America great again, he talks about "America First" and restoring America's military. The rest of the world hates that and therefor, hates Trump.

That is why the opinions of "the rest of the world" have no meaning to me nor should it to any American. Let them hate us, when they get in trouble, where will they come? We all know the answer to that one.

You're wrong, on all counts.
But you just go ahead and excuse this vulgar goon. He's busy worrying about what Mika said on MSNBC. He should be worried about running this country. But he's not up to the task. Tweeting is SO MUCH EASIER than leading the free world.
You are a total fuck up.

No I'm correct on all counts and unlike you I have made my case. You on the other hand, simply babble nonsense.
No I'm correct on all counts and unlike you I have made my case. You on the other hand, simply babble nonsense.

You are wrong on all counts. Hillary would have been infinitely better than Trump. Then again so would Sanders adn most of the GoP candidates.

Trump is a thin-skinned, thick as pig shit baby brat. Well, that's how he comes across....
This is what happens when you Bluff. Trump said he had an aircraft carrier sailing to N. Korea, and instead, a week later it was photographed 3,000 miles away in Australia.

If the press hadn't told Kim that, do you honestly think he would know?

They get the news, even in N. Korea. I'm sure the Chinese posted a link to it on Kims facebook.

China doesn't like KIm, but they are stuck with the little mental midget.
Even with the tech, N. Korea doesn't have the TVA to produce more than a few grams of HEU a year.

TVA? WTF are you talking about?

Maybe you missed how we created the atomic bomb. And why our uranium enrichment facility was located in Oakridge Tennessee.

BTW: hint, that's what the T, in TVA stands for.

The TVA has nothing to do with uranium enrichment other than providing electricity. That would be the Manhatten Project.

Catch a clue!
North Korean nuclear timeline (correction to previous posts)

16 October: The US announces that North Korea admitted in their talks to a "clandestine nuclear-weapons" program.

14 November: US President George W Bush declares November oil shipments to the North will be the last if the North does not agree to put a halt to its weapons ambitions.

12 December: The North pledges to reactivate nuclear facilities for energy generation, saying the Americans' decision to halt oil shipments leaves it with no choice. It claims the US wrecked the 1994 pact

Skip to 2004

28 September: North Korea says it has turned plutonium from 8,000 spent fuel rods into nuclear weapons. Speaking at the UN General Assembly, Vice Foreign Minister Choe Su-hon said the weapons were needed for "self-defence" against "US nuclear threat".

Timeline of the North Korean nuclear program - Wikipedia

You don't even read your own links do you?

Look at the first entry. You think they started the day Bush was inaugurated?
NWO Globalists certainly don't have Americans' best interests in mind. Obama and Clinton are just NWO Globalist Puppets. They could care less about America. Trump has proposed putting Americans first again. And that's a big no-no with the NWO Globalists. They will do everything in their considerable power to destroy him. I'll continue to pray for the man. He's up against serious mighty power.

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