Allow me to explain the difference between republicans and REAL Christians

REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it
Smart people know we can't solve the worlds problems by opening our borders and inviting everyone here.
Smart people also know we can't saddle working people with the expense of helping everyone.
Except that literally no democrat in office has ever suggested we “open the borders”.
They most certainly have.
No they don’t. This logic is pretty simple: opposing some useless wall and putting kids in cages doesn’t somehow automatically mean such a person wants no border laws at all.
Wtf? lol

As many others here have already said, you aren't too smucking fart.
REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it
Real Christians know that we are all imperfect.
REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it
no, real christians would explode if things were any different than what they voted for so far ... and will do the same for the next one.
REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it

Your programs keep children in poverty. You have no compassion for the damage you do to people?

We do find Trump's previous actions immoral.

Your system doesn't provide good care. I'd rather have good care, than free care that kills people.

Republicans and Christian do have compassion for asylum seekers.

You support human trafficking, that has literally killed people.
You support open borders which has allowed multiple offense criminals to come into our country and harm people.

If anyone is an evil cruel person, it's you on all these issues.
Actually the evidence around the world shows that kids in poverty who receive social program support have a better quality of life and their home countries have a lower poverty rate. The US has the highest childhood poverty in the developed world.

Countries investing more in social programs have less child poverty

That doesn’t justify voting for him and supporting him.

My system? I can safely tell you that plenty of developed nations have better healthcare systems than we do according to the WHO.

Why do you people assume we want open borders when we don’t ever actually say that?
REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it

Your programs keep children in poverty. You have no compassion for the damage you do to people?

We do find Trump's previous actions immoral.

Your system doesn't provide good care. I'd rather have good care, than free care that kills people.

Republicans and Christian do have compassion for asylum seekers.

You support human trafficking, that has literally killed people.
You support open borders which has allowed multiple offense criminals to come into our country and harm people.

If anyone is an evil cruel person, it's you on all these issues.
Actually the evidence around the world shows that kids in poverty who receive social program support have a better quality of life and their home countries have a lower poverty rate. The US has the highest childhood poverty in the developed world.

That doesn’t justify voting for him and supporting him.

My system? I can safely tell you that plenty of developed nations have better healthcare systems than we do according to the WHO.

Why do you people assume we want open borders when we don’t ever actually say that?

The WHO's ranking of health care systems is garbage. The very fact they even had Cuba on the same list as the US, is proof of that. Cuba, where you can't even get Aspirin for a headache, is compared to the US?

Your system sucks. The WHO lied to you. It's that simple.

Why do you people assume we want open borders when we don’t ever actually say that?
So you want to have a controlled border? Great, we agree.

My church, which is overwhelmingly Republican.... is a supporter of Samaritan's Purse.
Samaritan’s Purse Sending Aid to the Border to Help with Migrant Crisis

Now, what have YOU done?

That doesn’t justify voting for him and supporting him.

No. You know what does justify voting for him? Looking at your alternative. Do I want Hillary, the most corrupt and evil lying trash of a politician since Nixon in office? No. There's the justification. That's all we need. He's the better of two bad options.

The same will be true this coming election. Do I want Warren, a wealth stealing socialist hell hole supporter, with her Green Screw-You Deal AOC squad, whose policies destroyed every country they were ever tried, with the latest being Venezuela?

No. That's justification for Trump. He's the better of two terrible candidates. Nixon was a bad president too. But if he was running against Stalin, I'd vote for Nixon.

Actually the evidence around the world shows that kids in poverty who receive social program support have a better quality of life and their home countries have a lower poverty rate. The US has the highest childhood poverty in the developed world.

Just bull. So full of crap with meaningless statistics.

Tell me... how many European countries have you been to? I landed in Rome, and went up to the UK. I saw how people lived. Poor people in Europe, are poor. Rich people in Europe are rich. No different than here.

But if you are telling me, that our poor kids are suffering so badly that they only have a smart phone with unlimited data, living in an air conditioned apartment, and have so much food we have a child obesity problem....

and that Europe is somehow better... you are freakin insane. Yeah, that's why we have children starving to death..... apparently choking on their own flab, from this obesity problem.
REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it

Your programs keep children in poverty. You have no compassion for the damage you do to people?

We do find Trump's previous actions immoral.

Your system doesn't provide good care. I'd rather have good care, than free care that kills people.

Republicans and Christian do have compassion for asylum seekers.

You support human trafficking, that has literally killed people.
You support open borders which has allowed multiple offense criminals to come into our country and harm people.

If anyone is an evil cruel person, it's you on all these issues.
Actually the evidence around the world shows that kids in poverty who receive social program support have a better quality of life and their home countries have a lower poverty rate. The US has the highest childhood poverty in the developed world.

That doesn’t justify voting for him and supporting him.

My system? I can safely tell you that plenty of developed nations have better healthcare systems than we do according to the WHO.

Why do you people assume we want open borders when we don’t ever actually say that?

The WHO's ranking of health care systems is garbage. The very fact they even had Cuba on the same list as the US, is proof of that. Cuba, where you can't even get Aspirin for a headache, is compared to the US?

Your system sucks. The WHO lied to you. It's that simple.

Why do you people assume we want open borders when we don’t ever actually say that?
So you want to have a controlled border? Great, we agree.

My church, which is overwhelmingly Republican.... is a supporter of Samaritan's Purse.
Samaritan’s Purse Sending Aid to the Border to Help with Migrant Crisis

Now, what have YOU done?

That doesn’t justify voting for him and supporting him.

No. You know what does justify voting for him? Looking at your alternative. Do I want Hillary, the most corrupt and evil lying trash of a politician since Nixon in office? No. There's the justification. That's all we need. He's the better of two bad options.

The same will be true this coming election. Do I want Warren, a wealth stealing socialist hell hole supporter, with her Green Screw-You Deal AOC squad, whose policies destroyed every country they were ever tried, with the latest being Venezuela?

No. That's justification for Trump. He's the better of two terrible candidates. Nixon was a bad president too. But if he was running against Stalin, I'd vote for Nixon.

Actually the evidence around the world shows that kids in poverty who receive social program support have a better quality of life and their home countries have a lower poverty rate. The US has the highest childhood poverty in the developed world.

Just bull. So full of crap with meaningless statistics.

Tell me... how many European countries have you been to? I landed in Rome, and went up to the UK. I saw how people lived. Poor people in Europe, are poor. Rich people in Europe are rich. No different than here.

But if you are telling me, that our poor kids are suffering so badly that they only have a smart phone with unlimited data, living in an air conditioned apartment, and have so much food we have a child obesity problem....

and that Europe is somehow better... you are freakin insane. Yeah, that's why we have children starving to death..... apparently choking on their own flab, from this obesity problem.
You aren’t basing that on any facts whatsoever. You noticed that right?

Yeah most people want a controlled border. People thinking Trump’s ideas are retarded are not related to that.

I volunteer and give to charity and I’m not even Christian.

No one gives a shif you don’t like Hillary. You could have voted third party or not at all. Simple.

Your anecdotal observations mean jack shit. You call these stats bullshit, but again, you are basing that on nothing lol.

Who are these kids you are referring to? Yes kids have phones with unlimited data. We still don’t know who exactly you are referring to lol.
REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it

Your programs keep children in poverty. You have no compassion for the damage you do to people?

We do find Trump's previous actions immoral.

Your system doesn't provide good care. I'd rather have good care, than free care that kills people.

Republicans and Christian do have compassion for asylum seekers.

You support human trafficking, that has literally killed people.
You support open borders which has allowed multiple offense criminals to come into our country and harm people.

If anyone is an evil cruel person, it's you on all these issues.
Actually the evidence around the world shows that kids in poverty who receive social program support have a better quality of life and their home countries have a lower poverty rate. The US has the highest childhood poverty in the developed world.

That doesn’t justify voting for him and supporting him.

My system? I can safely tell you that plenty of developed nations have better healthcare systems than we do according to the WHO.

Why do you people assume we want open borders when we don’t ever actually say that?

The WHO's ranking of health care systems is garbage. The very fact they even had Cuba on the same list as the US, is proof of that. Cuba, where you can't even get Aspirin for a headache, is compared to the US?

Your system sucks. The WHO lied to you. It's that simple.

Why do you people assume we want open borders when we don’t ever actually say that?
So you want to have a controlled border? Great, we agree.

My church, which is overwhelmingly Republican.... is a supporter of Samaritan's Purse.
Samaritan’s Purse Sending Aid to the Border to Help with Migrant Crisis

Now, what have YOU done?

That doesn’t justify voting for him and supporting him.

No. You know what does justify voting for him? Looking at your alternative. Do I want Hillary, the most corrupt and evil lying trash of a politician since Nixon in office? No. There's the justification. That's all we need. He's the better of two bad options.

The same will be true this coming election. Do I want Warren, a wealth stealing socialist hell hole supporter, with her Green Screw-You Deal AOC squad, whose policies destroyed every country they were ever tried, with the latest being Venezuela?

No. That's justification for Trump. He's the better of two terrible candidates. Nixon was a bad president too. But if he was running against Stalin, I'd vote for Nixon.

Actually the evidence around the world shows that kids in poverty who receive social program support have a better quality of life and their home countries have a lower poverty rate. The US has the highest childhood poverty in the developed world.

Just bull. So full of crap with meaningless statistics.

Tell me... how many European countries have you been to? I landed in Rome, and went up to the UK. I saw how people lived. Poor people in Europe, are poor. Rich people in Europe are rich. No different than here.

But if you are telling me, that our poor kids are suffering so badly that they only have a smart phone with unlimited data, living in an air conditioned apartment, and have so much food we have a child obesity problem....

and that Europe is somehow better... you are freakin insane. Yeah, that's why we have children starving to death..... apparently choking on their own flab, from this obesity problem.
You aren’t basing that on any facts whatsoever. You noticed that right?

Yeah most people want a controlled border. People thinking Trump’s ideas are retarded are not related to that.

I volunteer and give to charity and I’m not even Christian.

No one gives a shif you don’t like Hillary. You could have voted third party or not at all. Simple.

Your anecdotal observations mean jack shit. You call these stats bullshit, but again, you are basing that on nothing lol.

Who are these kids you are referring to? Yes kids have phones with unlimited data. We still don’t know who exactly you are referring to lol.

Yeah, actually I am. I have the WHO report on my computer. I have read the who report. I know exactly what it says, and exactly how they scored the health care systems. Additionally, I know, because I have donated to charities that operated in Cuba, that the average Cuban doesn't have access to even the most menial of medications, such as Aspirin. I know this because one of the missionaries that worked in Cuba, requested that people send.... Aspirin, because they couldn't even get Aspirin for a headache in Cuba.

I know EXACTLY what I am talking about, and it is all based on concrete fact.

I volunteer and give to charity and I’m not even Christian.

You claimed that Republicans and Christians should help those at the border. I posted proof we have.

I doubt very much on either of those accounts. Most left-wingers don't donate a dime. In fact, Pew Research a few years ago posted that the Christians and Republicans routinely out volunteer and donate to charity, by a wide margin, than left-wing democrats, especially over the younger generation.

Not saying you don't do anything... but I wager it isn't much. So what have you specifically done for those at the border? You brought that up specifically, so lets hear it.

No one gives a shif you don’t like Hillary. You could have voted third party or not at all. Simple.

That's a goofy statement, since I wager there are TONS of people on this forum alone, that very much care that I don't like Hillary. In fact, I bet half the forum would say that not liking Hillary is a very important reason they voted for Trump.

You want me to start a poll on that, and see how many people do care about not liking Hillary?

But back to the question..... Yeah, I could have voted third Party...... oh that's right I did! You are talking to someone who didn't vote for Trump!

Whoops... you fail.

Your anecdotal observations mean jack shit. You call these stats bullshit, but again, you are basing that on nothing lol.

Are you serious? Do me a favor.... punch into Google "Child starvation in the US" and then type in "Child obesity in the US".... tell me which shows more hits. Or better yet, show me whatever stats you find. Amuse me, on how there no basis for my claims.
I'll be waiting....

Yeah, if only we could be more socialist like Venezuela.....


No Republicans down in Venezuela! Thank heavens too. Just imagine how bad off that child would be with right-wingers involved.
Is the difference that real Christians are Democrats?
REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it

Your programs keep children in poverty. You have no compassion for the damage you do to people?

We do find Trump's previous actions immoral.

Your system doesn't provide good care. I'd rather have good care, than free care that kills people.

Republicans and Christian do have compassion for asylum seekers.

You support human trafficking, that has literally killed people.
You support open borders which has allowed multiple offense criminals to come into our country and harm people.

If anyone is an evil cruel person, it's you on all these issues.
Actually the evidence around the world shows that kids in poverty who receive social program support have a better quality of life and their home countries have a lower poverty rate. The US has the highest childhood poverty in the developed world.

That doesn’t justify voting for him and supporting him.

My system? I can safely tell you that plenty of developed nations have better healthcare systems than we do according to the WHO.

Why do you people assume we want open borders when we don’t ever actually say that?

The WHO's ranking of health care systems is garbage. The very fact they even had Cuba on the same list as the US, is proof of that. Cuba, where you can't even get Aspirin for a headache, is compared to the US?

Your system sucks. The WHO lied to you. It's that simple.

Why do you people assume we want open borders when we don’t ever actually say that?
So you want to have a controlled border? Great, we agree.

My church, which is overwhelmingly Republican.... is a supporter of Samaritan's Purse.
Samaritan’s Purse Sending Aid to the Border to Help with Migrant Crisis

Now, what have YOU done?

That doesn’t justify voting for him and supporting him.

No. You know what does justify voting for him? Looking at your alternative. Do I want Hillary, the most corrupt and evil lying trash of a politician since Nixon in office? No. There's the justification. That's all we need. He's the better of two bad options.

The same will be true this coming election. Do I want Warren, a wealth stealing socialist hell hole supporter, with her Green Screw-You Deal AOC squad, whose policies destroyed every country they were ever tried, with the latest being Venezuela?

No. That's justification for Trump. He's the better of two terrible candidates. Nixon was a bad president too. But if he was running against Stalin, I'd vote for Nixon.

Actually the evidence around the world shows that kids in poverty who receive social program support have a better quality of life and their home countries have a lower poverty rate. The US has the highest childhood poverty in the developed world.

Just bull. So full of crap with meaningless statistics.

Tell me... how many European countries have you been to? I landed in Rome, and went up to the UK. I saw how people lived. Poor people in Europe, are poor. Rich people in Europe are rich. No different than here.

But if you are telling me, that our poor kids are suffering so badly that they only have a smart phone with unlimited data, living in an air conditioned apartment, and have so much food we have a child obesity problem....

and that Europe is somehow better... you are freakin insane. Yeah, that's why we have children starving to death..... apparently choking on their own flab, from this obesity problem.
You aren’t basing that on any facts whatsoever. You noticed that right?

Yeah most people want a controlled border. People thinking Trump’s ideas are retarded are not related to that.

I volunteer and give to charity and I’m not even Christian.

No one gives a shif you don’t like Hillary. You could have voted third party or not at all. Simple.

Your anecdotal observations mean jack shit. You call these stats bullshit, but again, you are basing that on nothing lol.

Who are these kids you are referring to? Yes kids have phones with unlimited data. We still don’t know who exactly you are referring to lol.

Yeah, actually I am. I have the WHO report on my computer. I have read the who report. I know exactly what it says, and exactly how they scored the health care systems. Additionally, I know, because I have donated to charities that operated in Cuba, that the average Cuban doesn't have access to even the most menial of medications, such as Aspirin. I know this because one of the missionaries that worked in Cuba, requested that people send.... Aspirin, because they couldn't even get Aspirin for a headache in Cuba.

I know EXACTLY what I am talking about, and it is all based on concrete fact.

I volunteer and give to charity and I’m not even Christian.

You claimed that Republicans and Christians should help those at the border. I posted proof we have.

I doubt very much on either of those accounts. Most left-wingers don't donate a dime. In fact, Pew Research a few years ago posted that the Christians and Republicans routinely out volunteer and donate to charity, by a wide margin, than left-wing democrats, especially over the younger generation.

Not saying you don't do anything... but I wager it isn't much. So what have you specifically done for those at the border? You brought that up specifically, so lets hear it.

No one gives a shif you don’t like Hillary. You could have voted third party or not at all. Simple.

That's a goofy statement, since I wager there are TONS of people on this forum alone, that very much care that I don't like Hillary. In fact, I bet half the forum would say that not liking Hillary is a very important reason they voted for Trump.

You want me to start a poll on that, and see how many people do care about not liking Hillary?

But back to the question..... Yeah, I could have voted third Party...... oh that's right I did! You are talking to someone who didn't vote for Trump!

Whoops... you fail.

Your anecdotal observations mean jack shit. You call these stats bullshit, but again, you are basing that on nothing lol.

Are you serious? Do me a favor.... punch into Google "Child starvation in the US" and then type in "Child obesity in the US".... tell me which shows more hits. Or better yet, show me whatever stats you find. Amuse me, on how there no basis for my claims.
I'll be waiting....

Yeah, if only we could be more socialist like Venezuela.....


No Republicans down in Venezuela! Thank heavens too. Just imagine how bad off that child would be with right-wingers involved.
Lol oh great you read the WHO report. How compelling! If you have concrete fact that disputes the WHO report, why haven’t you posted it yet? Good god man have some intellectual humility lol. You giving aid to Cuba really means nothing at all as well. I’m sorry but it does. It doesn’t somehow undo the WHO report. You get that right?

Um okay yeah sure take the poll. Even if you got the results you wanted which you wouldn’t, it would still be irrelevant to the point.

Okay only a moron would equate childhood poverty with obesity. Even if food was the only indicator of childhood poverty, it doesn’t mean kids have adequate food. You do know how cheap fast food like McDonald’s right? It’s not hard to feed a kid on that diet. It’s harder to afford them having fruit, vegetables, and whole grain on DAILY basis. Kids don’t get fat because they have plenty of food. They get fat because all their parents can afford is garbage on a daily basis. This is all, again, one factor of childhood poverty. There is still the issue of healthcare, clothing, and adequate housing.

Do you notice how only republicans even talk about Venezuala? Liberals don’t. Of course, perhaps you should know that the country has a private market.
REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it

Cry some more that we don't want the government to be your "Social program", Communist Billy

This post made me laugh out loud
REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it
Let's talk about real Republicans for a minute. Republicans are greatly disturbed by the amount of drugs and human trafficking occurring at the border. Republicans want the much needed changes in immigration laws, especially in regards to our neighbors to the south.

Republican interest is in preventing poverty rather than broadcasting that if bad decisions lead people and their children into poverty, they will be bailed out. They want strong parents and hands on parenting, not strong government or government parenting, in their children's lives.

Republicans rate President Trump on his campaign promises kept. We are no more interested in his "morality" than we are in Katie Hill's. We are focused on how they are doing their jobs.

Republicans are trying to tackle the cost of health care so that all can afford it--opposed to driving up the cost of health care so that the party on the other side of the aisle cannot force a government takeover of our health by driving up health care costs.

Let's return to Christians. Christians welcome and a willing helping hand to all who show up at our church and in our communities. We don't inspect immigration and citizenship papers first. Christians are at work with food drives, soup kitchens, and donating funds to help with shelter and clothing to those in need in our immediate area. Christians appreciate the President's stance on freedom of religion. Christians raise funds to help those in their community who need help with medical costs.

The only people Jesus had running all over the country and beyond were those spreading the Good News. He never exhorted people to run out and try to solve every problem in every part of the country. Instead, he said to help people at our door, to help people in our own community, people we passed in every day life.
REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it
Let's talk about real Republicans for a minute. Republicans are greatly disturbed by the amount of drugs and human trafficking occurring at the border. Republicans want the much needed changes in immigration laws, especially in regards to our neighbors to the south.

Republican interest is in preventing poverty rather than broadcasting that if bad decisions lead people and their children into poverty, they will be bailed out. They want strong parents and hands on parenting, not strong government or government parenting, in their children's lives.

Republicans rate President Trump on his campaign promises kept. We are no more interested in his "morality" than we are in Katie Hill's. We are focused on how they are doing their jobs.

Republicans are trying to tackle the cost of health care so that all can afford it--opposed to driving up the cost of health care so that the party on the other side of the aisle cannot force a government takeover of our health by driving up health care costs.

Let's return to Christians. Christians welcome and a willing helping hand to all who show up at our church and in our communities. We don't inspect immigration and citizenship papers first. Christians are at work with food drives, soup kitchens, and donating funds to help with shelter and clothing to those in need in our immediate area. Christians appreciate the President's stance on freedom of religion. Christians raise funds to help those in their community who need help with medical costs.

The only people Jesus had running all over the country and beyond were those spreading the Good News. He never exhorted people to run out and try to solve every problem in every part of the country. Instead, he said to help people at our door, to help people in our own community, people we passed in every day life.

Thank you for your well thought out post, but unfortunately the OP and rest dont have the intellectual capacity as you do

REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it
Smart people know we can't solve the worlds problems by opening our borders and inviting everyone here.
Smart people also know we can't saddle working people with the expense of helping everyone.
Except that literally no democrat in office has ever suggested we “open the borders”.
They most certainly have.
No they don’t. This logic is pretty simple: opposing some useless wall and putting kids in cages doesn’t somehow automatically mean such a person wants no border laws at all.

And the opposite would be?

Letting people like you prey on the children and sell them on the black market.

Allow me to explain the difference between democrats and REAL Christians
REAL Christian Democrats No Longer Exist
Oh dear lord

The progressive are told what to care about
Why do ya think they're in fear of white supremacists under thier bed and that something needs to be done about it immediately.....mostly through government intervention

If only they could see how moronic stupid and racist they are

I mean even 3rd worlders think they're buzy body nazi morons and tools

Progressives, Hispanics are not 'Latinx.' Stop trying to Anglicize our Spanish language.

Hispanic Americans face plenty of challenges as it is. The last thing we need are English-speaking progressives 'wokesplaining' how to speak Spanish.


6:43 a.m. EDT Oct. 25, 2019

When Yale professor Cydney Dupree and her colleague analyzed more than two decades worth of political speeches and conducted experiments searching for bias when communicating with racial minorities, they were surprised by what they discovered. According to their report, published this year in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, conservatives generally addressed whites and minorities similarly, but liberals were likelier to modify their speech and “patronize minorities stereotyped as lower status and less competent.”

Dupree cautioned that although liberals might be “well-intentioned” and “see themselves as allies,” they could be unwittingly contributing to racial division by dumbing down their language. In light of minorities understandably feeling marginalized, journalists, corporations and politicians would be wise to heed the professor’s warning. Instead, they are ignoring it.

One of the most notable examples of corporate America and politicians changing how they speak to ingratiate themselves with minorities is the growing use of “Latinx” as a descriptor for Latinos. What began in the 2000s among activists has now gained currency among marketers, media personalities and progressives. The intentions behind "Latinx" may be benign, but as the son of immigrants who grew up in a community with “English-only” ordinances, I am among the many Americans who consider it an absurd Anglicization of a language that generations struggled to conserve.

Progressives, Hispanics are not 'Latinx.' Stop trying to Anglicize our Spanish language.

2020 is gonna be bang out year with the demographic # voting for potus

Black and Hispanic votes for trump should be impressive
I mean ya can smell it coming from a mile away
REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it

Fuck off, twat.
All you need is to be a real human to do those things. That is why can't servatives do not have the ability to care.

only a whacked out Liberal would think that following the rules of law means they don't care or that their social programs are the only avenue for being generous to others.
REAL Christians would have compassion for those seeking asylum at the border

REAL Christians would support social programs to help children in poverty

REAL Christians would find Trump immoral.

REAL Christians would support giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it're a joke

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