Allowable guns in the US

I called bullshit on your claim " Most gun deaths are domestic violence... where people kill their family members or neighbors.".

Yes, and I proved that 76% of murders are people who know each other. This is why we have a murder rate that other countries don't have. Not that we have hoards of rampaging criminals we need to protect ourselves from, but merely because the presence of a gun made a bad situation a lot worse.
ROTFLMAO! You have been duped by your own stupidity and inability to think rationally even when shown proof that Floyd's death was a fraud and that the footage of him on the gurney shows that the "manni-kin" had no legs and that the coffin wasn't big enough to hold the corpse of a man that was 6'7 as it went on "tour"

Okay, but the problem was he was 6'4 and coffins are 84 inches in most cases.

Which if you understood English Measurement, Dmitri, you wouldn't have gotten wrong.

Social Security is the ultimate Ponzi scheme and those at the bottom end up with zilch. You are too stupid it realize it. 15 percent of everything we have earned has been confiscated... half of which is by our employer and the other half by our labor.

Okay, Dmitri, if you were REALLY an American, you'd know that Social Security is 12% not 15%.

HOLY SHIT! Chinese people were starved into compliance and the Chi-coms rule by fear just like they do today and the people have no recourse because they have no ability to defend themselves and those that don't toe the "Chi-com party line" are put in hard labor camps.

Guy, we lock up 2 million people. The Chinese lock up 1.3 million people, even though they are supposedly a communist dictatorship and have four times the population we have.

LOL! When the blue hats that represent the UN come for those that have guns? They will not real Americans helping will be a blood bath and those like yourself that cheer them will not be considered "patriots" but rather new world order commie sympathizers. I will die on my feet before I will ever kneel to them and acquiesce. You can etch that in stone, you bloated sack of commie shit.....are we clear on that???

Hey, buddy, ask David Koresh how well that worked. Oh, wait, you probably think David Koresh was a crisis actor.
You must have forgotten to include your reliable source and working link supporting your allegations. Might you correct your oversight?


I don't do links because you guys don't read them.

Or you pretend you didn't see them.

Or you scream FAKE NEWS when reality bites you in the ass.
Born in Amarillo, Texas in 1963. I have pics of me and my daughter here, videos of me playing music PLUS I have numerous posters here that are refugees from the old Yahoo news message boards that know me.

I'm sure that your handlers spent good time setting up that profile, but you aren't fooling anyone. Your errors in language and that you don't seem to know English system measurements says a lot.

Well, let's just say that you are typical of the ugly Chicagoan that George Halas was so ashamed of that he had NFL films inject fans from other stadiums because he was embarrassed by his season ticket holders. I envision you as being that "Super Bears fan" played by Chris Farley,

Naw, I get bored with football... and the reason why Papa Bear didn't get fans was because he was too cheap to hire real talent. Which is why the Bears didn't win a super bowl until 1985...

You want a "nanny state" with a "cradle to grave" system in place because you fear failure and having to stand on your own two feet.

Most Americans want that, buddy. The problem is, they want it for themselves and not for the other guy. It's why social security and Medicare are so popular.

Given as to how the police stood down during the riots and allowed your fellow commies run amok? You only proved my assertions that people should look to their own means to protect themselves.

Yeah, here's the thing... Self-defense homicides are non-existant. Only about 200 a year. (Cops managed to kill 900 people last year and there were another 15,000 other homicides)

So the notion that you need a gun is laughable. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

I listened to a documentary series today about how China became a communist country and the oppression the serfs have had to endure while being un-armed.

Really? Funny thing. the actual history. Most Chinese welcomed the Communists, it's why they are still in power today. We dumped tons of money trying to prop up "Cash-my-Check" for decades, and we still couldn't save him.

Chew on that, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie......Molon Labe, fuck face....


Guy, here's the thing, when the ATF Comes for the gun nuts, the rest of the neighborhood will cheer.. because they were scaring the children.

"I'm sure that your handlers spent good time setting up that profile, but you aren't fooling anyone. Your errors in language and that you don't seem to know English system measurements says a lot."

ROTFLMAO! You have been duped by your own stupidity and inability to think rationally even when shown proof that Floyd's death was a fraud and that the footage of him on the gurney shows that the "manni-kin" had no legs and that the coffin wasn't big enough to hold the corpse of a man that was 6'7 as it went on "tour" that was "closed casket" further driven home by the fact that Floyd's family couldn't muster up any tears. It's Sandy Hoax all over again.....throw in the (snicker) "spontaneous" riots and marches where the alleged oppressors stood down as BLM and ANTIFA funded "marchers" did a world wide "march of burn, pillage and plunder" protest where police stood down. You are a commie fuck and this all plays into the commie agenda so you are totally "on-board" with it and believe that people should not be able to defend themselves against this organized mob of marxists.

Concerning a nanny state and cradle to grave protection? You claim
"Most Americans want that, buddy. The problem is, they want it for themselves and not for the other guy. It's why social security and Medicare are so popular."

No, most Americans want the ability to fend for themselves with out this corporate entity known as "gubermint" from stealing their sweat equity that moves this fiat currency (that has no intrinsic value) and opposes a foreign owned central bank that extends credit from an empty check book account. Social Security is the ultimate Ponzi scheme and those at the bottom end up with zilch. You are too stupid it realize it. 15 percent of everything we have earned has been confiscated... half of which is by our employer and the other half by our labor. We labor for paper scrip notes that have an ever declining value because it is backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. Purchasing power declines by at least three percent every year. You are absolutely clueless which makes you the quintessential leftard.

"Really? Funny thing. the actual history. Most Chinese welcomed the Communists, it's why they are still in power today. We dumped tons of money trying to prop up "Cash-my-Check" for decades, and we still couldn't save him."

HOLY SHIT! Chinese people were starved into compliance and the Chi-coms rule by fear just like they do today and the people have no recourse because they have no ability to defend themselves and those that don't toe the "Chi-com party line" are put in hard labor camps. You would LOVE for that to happen here, wouldn't ya, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying bloated commie? Chicago is a stronghold for the commie movement and you are right on board with it, no?

"Guy, here's the thing, when the ATF Comes for the gun nuts, the rest of the neighborhood will cheer.. because they were scaring the children"

LOL! When the blue hats that represent the UN come for those that have guns? They will not real Americans helping will be a blood bath and those like yourself that cheer them will not be considered "patriots" but rather new world order commie sympathizers. I will die on my feet before I will ever kneel to them and acquiesce. You can etch that in stone, you bloated sack of commie shit.....are we clear on that???

Dale, you are usually just a benign nutbag who is occasionally entertaining, but your disgusting remarks about the victims of gun nuts, especially the families of those poor kids in Sandy Hook are hurtful. You should be ashamed.
You must have forgotten to include your reliable source and working link supporting your allegations. Might you correct your oversight?


I don't do links because you guys don't read them.

Or you pretend you didn't see them.

Or you scream FAKE NEWS when reality bites you in the ass.

No one here is surprised that you are proud to lie and lie often for the sole purpose of stirring the pot and laughing while so many far-left wingers actually believe you.

Citizens with a Federal Firearms License, can own any pistol, rifle, or machine gun they want. So, you could own a minigun, but you have to have that license to do so. How deadly any firearm is, depends on who has it.
IMHO even that license requirement is unconstitutional. In fact ALL guns laws are unconstitutional and so are illegal from a strictly constitutional viewpoint. "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Arms encompasses any weapon therefore including any type or caliber of gun while infringed means restricted, limited, denied or regulated in any manner whatsoever.
Remember the British marched on Lexington and Concord in order to seize weapons including cannon and shot which were the weapons of mass destruction of the day. When the founders penned the constitution they had Concord and Lexington fresh on their minds and any idiot can easily conclude that the events of Lexington and Concord was precisely the type of event or circumstance the 2nd was penned to prevent. Of course the militia referred to in the second were the minutemen, or the rebels of the day standing against the then recognized government authority and its armed forces.
The real purpose of the 2nd is to put the people on a more equal footing as far as weaponry against a government run amok.
Anyone who can't see that much is a simple minded fool who just doesn't want to see it and is likely feigning ignorance.
I'm quite aware of the purpose of the Second Amendment and have addressed the topic on other posts. All I have said, is that to have a fully functioning fully-automatic firearm, you have to have a Federal Firearms License, which is the way the law currently is. I never said that I agreed with the law. If I could, I'd own fully-automatic rifles, as a deterrent to the far-left Marxist fake Democrat Party.

No, you don't. Any non prohibited individual may own a TRANSFERABLE NFA weapon.

Certain States have additional laws that make ownership extremely difficult, but those with money always seem to be able to find work arounds.
Your claims that a gun is worthless to stop crime is very misleading. You only count the times in which a legal gun owner killed the criminal. If they wounded them or just held them at gunpoint until the cops arrived, it does not tally in your total.

As far as I'm concerned, that's the only thing that counts. 16000 homicides vs. 200 self-defense homicides. Non-incidents when having a gun made the gun owner feel better about his tiny penis (which is what I count most supposed DGU's as) are exactly that, non-incidents.

If guns made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

Also, while discussing guns, you claim that there were 15,000 homicides. But there were not 15,000 gun homicides, which you probably know. There were about 10,000 gun homicides in 2018.

Actually, there were 14.512 gun homicides in 2017 and 14.415 in 2016, the last years I have numbers for. The problem is, of course, the FBI likes to play down the numbers, while the CDC goes with a higher one.

The number of total homicides is 19,000.

Considering an estimated 43% of homes in the US have at least one gun, that also shoots down your "a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy". The only way that number is not wildly inflated is if you include gun suicides in your figures.

Actually, it's nowhere near that number. Only 21% of Americans own a gun. And, YES, I do include suicides in that number. A gun was in the house, it made a suicide possible. When the UK got rid of toxic coal gas in ovens, the suicide rate went down because people couldn't stick their heads in the oven anymore.

As has been said before. Your stats are pure, unadulterated, bull poo.
The deadliest gun someone can own is the illegal gun that is used to murder black people, white people, Latinos or Orientals. Law abiding citizens dont use their guns to murder...Does that help you understand, or do i need to put it into a 1st grade manner?

Most gun deaths are domestic violence... where people kill their family members or neighbors. So, um, no.

Wrong. As usual.
Citizens with a Federal Firearms License, can own any pistol, rifle, or machine gun they want. So, you could own a minigun, but you have to have that license to do so. How deadly any firearm is, depends on who has it.
IMHO even that license requirement is unconstitutional. In fact ALL guns laws are unconstitutional and so are illegal from a strictly constitutional viewpoint. "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Arms encompasses any weapon therefore including any type or caliber of gun while infringed means restricted, limited, denied or regulated in any manner whatsoever.
Remember the British marched on Lexington and Concord in order to seize weapons including cannon and shot which were the weapons of mass destruction of the day. When the founders penned the constitution they had Concord and Lexington fresh on their minds and any idiot can easily conclude that the events of Lexington and Concord was precisely the type of event or circumstance the 2nd was penned to prevent. Of course the militia referred to in the second were the minutemen, or the rebels of the day standing against the then recognized government authority and its armed forces.
The real purpose of the 2nd is to put the people on a more equal footing as far as weaponry against a government run amok.
Anyone who can't see that much is a simple minded fool who just doesn't want to see it and is likely feigning ignorance.
I'm quite aware of the purpose of the Second Amendment and have addressed the topic on other posts. All I have said, is that to have a fully functioning fully-automatic firearm, you have to have a Federal Firearms License, which is the way the law currently is. I never said that I agreed with the law. If I could, I'd own fully-automatic rifles, as a deterrent to the far-left Marxist fake Democrat Party.
based on your comment you know nothing about the original intent of the 2nd A,,,

it was specifically for weapons of war and based on the text of the 2nd all restrictions are in violation of it,,,
And the only thing you know for sure about a gun suicide is that the person truly wanted to die. It was not a plea for attention. If someone wants to die, they won't change their mind based solely on whether a gun is available.

Actually, quite the contrary... most people who attempt suicide and live never try it again. Guns are a nearly totally fatal method of killing ones self. SO, yes, banning guns would reduce suicide.

I haven't seen that research or evidence to support that. And just FYI, killing a neighbor is not domestic violence.

View attachment 357946

Here you go. 26% of murder victims are family and 50% are known. Only 16% are strangers.
are you against suicide???

More lies from the resident fascist. All of your lies have been debunked multiple times.
And the only thing you know for sure about a gun suicide is that the person truly wanted to die. It was not a plea for attention. If someone wants to die, they won't change their mind based solely on whether a gun is available.

Actually, quite the contrary... most people who attempt suicide and live never try it again. Guns are a nearly totally fatal method of killing ones self. SO, yes, banning guns would reduce suicide.

I haven't seen that research or evidence to support that. And just FYI, killing a neighbor is not domestic violence.

View attachment 357946

Here you go. 26% of murder victims are family and 50% are known. Only 16% are strangers.
are you against suicide???

More lies from the resident fascist. All of your lies have been debunked multiple times.
who me???
I called bullshit on your claim " Most gun deaths are domestic violence... where people kill their family members or neighbors.".

Yes, and I proved that 76% of murders are people who know each other. This is why we have a murder rate that other countries don't have. Not that we have hoards of rampaging criminals we need to protect ourselves from, but merely because the presence of a gun made a bad situation a lot worse.

No, you didn't. You just spewed more lies. That's all you ever do.
And the only thing you know for sure about a gun suicide is that the person truly wanted to die. It was not a plea for attention. If someone wants to die, they won't change their mind based solely on whether a gun is available.

Actually, quite the contrary... most people who attempt suicide and live never try it again. Guns are a nearly totally fatal method of killing ones self. SO, yes, banning guns would reduce suicide.

I haven't seen that research or evidence to support that. And just FYI, killing a neighbor is not domestic violence.

View attachment 357946

Here you go. 26% of murder victims are family and 50% are known. Only 16% are strangers.
are you against suicide???

More lies from the resident fascist. All of your lies have been debunked multiple times.
who me???

No, Joeb. You are fine.
Saturday Night Special
Conway Twitty

I was there to buy a pistol. She was there to hock her ring.
The broker in that pawnshop deals in almost anything.
He'll pay you for your misery
or he'll sell you someone's pain,
And that twinkle in his greedy eyes says your loss will be his gain.

She stood back in the shadows as the broker dealt with me.
Her eyes were dark and desperate from some private misery.
His word was so prophetic when he said,
You've got a steal.
I said, "Throw in one bullet, and you've got yourself a deal."

A Saturday night special is an easy thing to buy.
All you've got to be is 21, or 15 if you lie.
Just hand the man the money, and if someone's got to die,
The broker in the pawnshop won't even blink an eye.

He handed me the pistol, and I was almost to the door,
When I heard him tell the lady, "Seven dollars, nothing more."
The lady started crying as he took her wedding band.
My hand was in my pocket, and the gun was in my hand.
I had planned to use that bullet on myself, to end my life.

I was once somebody's husband. She was once somebody's wife.
I usually mind my business but I could not walk away,
His dollars just weren't making sense, and I knew I had to stay.
The broker's face turned pasty when he caught my icy stare.
It would never leave my pocket, but he knew the gun was there.
I asked him what his life was worth, and he opened up that drawer.
For a simple golden wedding band, he paid two thousand more.

That Saturday night was special even though it wasn't planned.
As we walked down the sidewalk, she reached and took my hand.
We crossed a bridge, and I took that gun and sailed it through the air.
I said, "Ever been to Texas?" she said, "I think I'd love it there."

A Saturday night special is an easy thing to buy,
All you've got to be is 21, or 15 if you lie.
The broker in that pawnshop used to deal in everything,
But you can't buy a pistol there, you can't hock your wedding ring
If what you say is true, your pawnbroker broke the law. Background checks are required for each gun purchase.
I called bullshit on your claim " Most gun deaths are domestic violence... where people kill their family members or neighbors.".

Yes, and I proved that 76% of murders are people who know each other. This is why we have a murder rate that other countries don't have. Not that we have hoards of rampaging criminals we need to protect ourselves from, but merely because the presence of a gun made a bad situation a lot worse.
Citizens with a Federal Firearms License, can own any pistol, rifle, or machine gun they want. So, you could own a minigun, but you have to have that license to do so. How deadly any firearm is, depends on who has it.
IMHO even that license requirement is unconstitutional. In fact ALL guns laws are unconstitutional and so are illegal from a strictly constitutional viewpoint. "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Arms encompasses any weapon therefore including any type or caliber of gun while infringed means restricted, limited, denied or regulated in any manner whatsoever.
Remember the British marched on Lexington and Concord in order to seize weapons including cannon and shot which were the weapons of mass destruction of the day. When the founders penned the constitution they had Concord and Lexington fresh on their minds and any idiot can easily conclude that the events of Lexington and Concord was precisely the type of event or circumstance the 2nd was penned to prevent. Of course the militia referred to in the second were the minutemen, or the rebels of the day standing against the then recognized government authority and its armed forces.
The real purpose of the 2nd is to put the people on a more equal footing as far as weaponry against a government run amok.
Anyone who can't see that much is a simple minded fool who just doesn't want to see it and is likely feigning ignorance.
I'm quite aware of the purpose of the Second Amendment and have addressed the topic on other posts. All I have said, is that to have a fully functioning fully-automatic firearm, you have to have a Federal Firearms License, which is the way the law currently is. I never said that I agreed with the law. If I could, I'd own fully-automatic rifles, as a deterrent to the far-left Marxist fake Democrat Party.
based on your comment you know nothing about the original intent of the 2nd A,,,

it was specifically for weapons of war and based on the text of the 2nd all restrictions are in violation of it,,,
When the 2nd amendment was written, the only guns available were single shot muzzleloading pistols and rifles. The maximum fire you can get from one of those is 3 rounds per minute. Now, we have legal semiautos which can fire 60 or more rounds a minute.Fully automatic weapons can fire 500 rounds a minute. Some restrictions are necessary.
I called bullshit on your claim " Most gun deaths are domestic violence... where people kill their family members or neighbors.".

Yes, and I proved that 76% of murders are people who know each other. This is why we have a murder rate that other countries don't have. Not that we have hoards of rampaging criminals we need to protect ourselves from, but merely because the presence of a gun made a bad situation a lot worse.
Citizens with a Federal Firearms License, can own any pistol, rifle, or machine gun they want. So, you could own a minigun, but you have to have that license to do so. How deadly any firearm is, depends on who has it.
IMHO even that license requirement is unconstitutional. In fact ALL guns laws are unconstitutional and so are illegal from a strictly constitutional viewpoint. "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Arms encompasses any weapon therefore including any type or caliber of gun while infringed means restricted, limited, denied or regulated in any manner whatsoever.
Remember the British marched on Lexington and Concord in order to seize weapons including cannon and shot which were the weapons of mass destruction of the day. When the founders penned the constitution they had Concord and Lexington fresh on their minds and any idiot can easily conclude that the events of Lexington and Concord was precisely the type of event or circumstance the 2nd was penned to prevent. Of course the militia referred to in the second were the minutemen, or the rebels of the day standing against the then recognized government authority and its armed forces.
The real purpose of the 2nd is to put the people on a more equal footing as far as weaponry against a government run amok.
Anyone who can't see that much is a simple minded fool who just doesn't want to see it and is likely feigning ignorance.
I'm quite aware of the purpose of the Second Amendment and have addressed the topic on other posts. All I have said, is that to have a fully functioning fully-automatic firearm, you have to have a Federal Firearms License, which is the way the law currently is. I never said that I agreed with the law. If I could, I'd own fully-automatic rifles, as a deterrent to the far-left Marxist fake Democrat Party.
based on your comment you know nothing about the original intent of the 2nd A,,,

it was specifically for weapons of war and based on the text of the 2nd all restrictions are in violation of it,,,
When the 2nd amendment was written, the only guns available were single shot muzzleloading pistols and rifles. The maximum fire you can get from one of those is 3 rounds per minute. Now, we have legal semiautos which can fire 60 or more rounds a minute. Some restrictions are necessary.
What type of weapons did the government have back when the muzzleloading pistols and rifles were around?
I called bullshit on your claim " Most gun deaths are domestic violence... where people kill their family members or neighbors.".

Yes, and I proved that 76% of murders are people who know each other. This is why we have a murder rate that other countries don't have. Not that we have hoards of rampaging criminals we need to protect ourselves from, but merely because the presence of a gun made a bad situation a lot worse.
Citizens with a Federal Firearms License, can own any pistol, rifle, or machine gun they want. So, you could own a minigun, but you have to have that license to do so. How deadly any firearm is, depends on who has it.
IMHO even that license requirement is unconstitutional. In fact ALL guns laws are unconstitutional and so are illegal from a strictly constitutional viewpoint. "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Arms encompasses any weapon therefore including any type or caliber of gun while infringed means restricted, limited, denied or regulated in any manner whatsoever.
Remember the British marched on Lexington and Concord in order to seize weapons including cannon and shot which were the weapons of mass destruction of the day. When the founders penned the constitution they had Concord and Lexington fresh on their minds and any idiot can easily conclude that the events of Lexington and Concord was precisely the type of event or circumstance the 2nd was penned to prevent. Of course the militia referred to in the second were the minutemen, or the rebels of the day standing against the then recognized government authority and its armed forces.
The real purpose of the 2nd is to put the people on a more equal footing as far as weaponry against a government run amok.
Anyone who can't see that much is a simple minded fool who just doesn't want to see it and is likely feigning ignorance.
I'm quite aware of the purpose of the Second Amendment and have addressed the topic on other posts. All I have said, is that to have a fully functioning fully-automatic firearm, you have to have a Federal Firearms License, which is the way the law currently is. I never said that I agreed with the law. If I could, I'd own fully-automatic rifles, as a deterrent to the far-left Marxist fake Democrat Party.
based on your comment you know nothing about the original intent of the 2nd A,,,

it was specifically for weapons of war and based on the text of the 2nd all restrictions are in violation of it,,,
When the 2nd amendment was written, the only guns available were single shot muzzleloading pistols and rifles. The maximum fire you can get from one of those is 3 rounds per minute. Now, we have legal semiautos which can fire 60 or more rounds a minute.Fully automatic weapons can fire 500 rounds a minute. Some restrictions are necessary.
guns are never mentioned in the 2nd A

and since it was about government tyranny that means what ever they have we can have,,,

to say different says youre either ignorant or complicit with tyranny,,,
I called bullshit on your claim " Most gun deaths are domestic violence... where people kill their family members or neighbors.".

Yes, and I proved that 76% of murders are people who know each other. This is why we have a murder rate that other countries don't have. Not that we have hoards of rampaging criminals we need to protect ourselves from, but merely because the presence of a gun made a bad situation a lot worse.
Citizens with a Federal Firearms License, can own any pistol, rifle, or machine gun they want. So, you could own a minigun, but you have to have that license to do so. How deadly any firearm is, depends on who has it.
IMHO even that license requirement is unconstitutional. In fact ALL guns laws are unconstitutional and so are illegal from a strictly constitutional viewpoint. "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Arms encompasses any weapon therefore including any type or caliber of gun while infringed means restricted, limited, denied or regulated in any manner whatsoever.
Remember the British marched on Lexington and Concord in order to seize weapons including cannon and shot which were the weapons of mass destruction of the day. When the founders penned the constitution they had Concord and Lexington fresh on their minds and any idiot can easily conclude that the events of Lexington and Concord was precisely the type of event or circumstance the 2nd was penned to prevent. Of course the militia referred to in the second were the minutemen, or the rebels of the day standing against the then recognized government authority and its armed forces.
The real purpose of the 2nd is to put the people on a more equal footing as far as weaponry against a government run amok.
Anyone who can't see that much is a simple minded fool who just doesn't want to see it and is likely feigning ignorance.
I'm quite aware of the purpose of the Second Amendment and have addressed the topic on other posts. All I have said, is that to have a fully functioning fully-automatic firearm, you have to have a Federal Firearms License, which is the way the law currently is. I never said that I agreed with the law. If I could, I'd own fully-automatic rifles, as a deterrent to the far-left Marxist fake Democrat Party.
based on your comment you know nothing about the original intent of the 2nd A,,,

it was specifically for weapons of war and based on the text of the 2nd all restrictions are in violation of it,,,
When the 2nd amendment was written, the only guns available were single shot muzzleloading pistols and rifles. The maximum fire you can get from one of those is 3 rounds per minute. Now, we have legal semiautos which can fire 60 or more rounds a minute.Fully automatic weapons can fire 500 rounds a minute. Some restrictions are necessary.

And the only thing you know for sure about a gun suicide is that the person truly wanted to die. It was not a plea for attention. If someone wants to die, they won't change their mind based solely on whether a gun is available.

Actually, quite the contrary... most people who attempt suicide and live never try it again. Guns are a nearly totally fatal method of killing ones self. SO, yes, banning guns would reduce suicide.

I haven't seen that research or evidence to support that. And just FYI, killing a neighbor is not domestic violence.

View attachment 357946

Here you go. 26% of murder victims are family and 50% are known. Only 16% are strangers.

Known to what extent.

I know the name of the guy who mas the gate at the town dump because he has a name tag on his shirt but that's all I know about him. But he would count as a person I know even though he's really nothing more than a guy who's name I know.

So that stat is pretty subjective.
Born in Amarillo, Texas in 1963. I have pics of me and my daughter here, videos of me playing music PLUS I have numerous posters here that are refugees from the old Yahoo news message boards that know me.

I'm sure that your handlers spent good time setting up that profile, but you aren't fooling anyone. Your errors in language and that you don't seem to know English system measurements says a lot.

Well, let's just say that you are typical of the ugly Chicagoan that George Halas was so ashamed of that he had NFL films inject fans from other stadiums because he was embarrassed by his season ticket holders. I envision you as being that "Super Bears fan" played by Chris Farley,

Naw, I get bored with football... and the reason why Papa Bear didn't get fans was because he was too cheap to hire real talent. Which is why the Bears didn't win a super bowl until 1985...

You want a "nanny state" with a "cradle to grave" system in place because you fear failure and having to stand on your own two feet.

Most Americans want that, buddy. The problem is, they want it for themselves and not for the other guy. It's why social security and Medicare are so popular.

Given as to how the police stood down during the riots and allowed your fellow commies run amok? You only proved my assertions that people should look to their own means to protect themselves.

Yeah, here's the thing... Self-defense homicides are non-existant. Only about 200 a year. (Cops managed to kill 900 people last year and there were another 15,000 other homicides)

So the notion that you need a gun is laughable. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

I listened to a documentary series today about how China became a communist country and the oppression the serfs have had to endure while being un-armed.

Really? Funny thing. the actual history. Most Chinese welcomed the Communists, it's why they are still in power today. We dumped tons of money trying to prop up "Cash-my-Check" for decades, and we still couldn't save him.

Chew on that, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie......Molon Labe, fuck face....


Guy, here's the thing, when the ATF Comes for the gun nuts, the rest of the neighborhood will cheer.. because they were scaring the children.

"I'm sure that your handlers spent good time setting up that profile, but you aren't fooling anyone. Your errors in language and that you don't seem to know English system measurements says a lot."

ROTFLMAO! You have been duped by your own stupidity and inability to think rationally even when shown proof that Floyd's death was a fraud and that the footage of him on the gurney shows that the "manni-kin" had no legs and that the coffin wasn't big enough to hold the corpse of a man that was 6'7 as it went on "tour" that was "closed casket" further driven home by the fact that Floyd's family couldn't muster up any tears. It's Sandy Hoax all over again.....throw in the (snicker) "spontaneous" riots and marches where the alleged oppressors stood down as BLM and ANTIFA funded "marchers" did a world wide "march of burn, pillage and plunder" protest where police stood down. You are a commie fuck and this all plays into the commie agenda so you are totally "on-board" with it and believe that people should not be able to defend themselves against this organized mob of marxists.

Concerning a nanny state and cradle to grave protection? You claim
"Most Americans want that, buddy. The problem is, they want it for themselves and not for the other guy. It's why social security and Medicare are so popular."

No, most Americans want the ability to fend for themselves with out this corporate entity known as "gubermint" from stealing their sweat equity that moves this fiat currency (that has no intrinsic value) and opposes a foreign owned central bank that extends credit from an empty check book account. Social Security is the ultimate Ponzi scheme and those at the bottom end up with zilch. You are too stupid it realize it. 15 percent of everything we have earned has been confiscated... half of which is by our employer and the other half by our labor. We labor for paper scrip notes that have an ever declining value because it is backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. Purchasing power declines by at least three percent every year. You are absolutely clueless which makes you the quintessential leftard.

"Really? Funny thing. the actual history. Most Chinese welcomed the Communists, it's why they are still in power today. We dumped tons of money trying to prop up "Cash-my-Check" for decades, and we still couldn't save him."

HOLY SHIT! Chinese people were starved into compliance and the Chi-coms rule by fear just like they do today and the people have no recourse because they have no ability to defend themselves and those that don't toe the "Chi-com party line" are put in hard labor camps. You would LOVE for that to happen here, wouldn't ya, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying bloated commie? Chicago is a stronghold for the commie movement and you are right on board with it, no?

"Guy, here's the thing, when the ATF Comes for the gun nuts, the rest of the neighborhood will cheer.. because they were scaring the children"

LOL! When the blue hats that represent the UN come for those that have guns? They will not real Americans helping will be a blood bath and those like yourself that cheer them will not be considered "patriots" but rather new world order commie sympathizers. I will die on my feet before I will ever kneel to them and acquiesce. You can etch that in stone, you bloated sack of commie shit.....are we clear on that???

Dale, you are usually just a benign nutbag who is occasionally entertaining, but your disgusting remarks about the victims of gun nuts, especially the families of those poor kids in Sandy Hook are hurtful. You should be ashamed.

The day will never come where as I worry or fret over the opinions of leftard sacks of shit such as yourself. I have destroyed your leftard brethren over the facts that they can't refute of that disgusting psy-op attempt. Feel free to eat shit and die, "bulldawg".

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