Almost 1,000 employees have left the EPA since Scott Pruitt took over

"Yes, it’s getting worse. It’s not just Trump-he has installed a regime to deconstruct the agencies they run, strip away rights and regulations, and make science and educational information disappear. He is tearing apart our fragile democracy and seizing power. Wake up America!" - Wacky Amy Siskind
There is nothing "wacky" about her. She is telling the truth that our once-great nation is being destroyed by a despotic whore.

How is Trump accomplishing what she claims, specifically?

What specific policies has he implemented that will make science and education disappear?

What specific rights has he stripped away?
Look at the cabinet posts, all of which went to completely unqualified people. He is destroying the various departments from the inside. How about all of the deregulation, stripping away various protections from Americans. What is all of this banning of words from government reports? Did you see the picture of those at the White House to discuss health care, an issue that affects us all? It was just a collection of slutty white men. Climate change? He's pandering to the "religious" cults, if you haven't noticed. For his meeting with "religious" leaders, he only invited cult leaders. He put a cult bitch in charge of the education department so that she can steal our tax money. What's happening to net neutrality? Tax cuts for the wealthy while America's children go without basic health care? What's happening with consumer financial protection? The whore will not be done until our entire society is demolished.
Anger leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side. Oh wait... You are already there.
We should bring back asbestos and lead based paint... they are cheaper and will help businesses to save money, and since we are going to make it harder for poor people to get healthcare it will work out even better.

You clearly don't know shit about the history of either product.

Oh edumacait me!
You claimed businesses used those products to save money. Prove it.
We should bring back asbestos and lead based paint... they are cheaper and will help businesses to save money, and since we are going to make it harder for poor people to get healthcare it will work out even better.

You clearly don't know shit about the history of either product.

Oh edumacait me!
You claimed businesses used those products to save money. Prove it.

Are you 15? Do you know what asbestos is? It's not a bird, or what you call it when you shoot 3 under par on a hole.
We should bring back asbestos and lead based paint... they are cheaper and will help businesses to save money, and since we are going to make it harder for poor people to get healthcare it will work out even better.

You clearly don't know shit about the history of either product.

Oh edumacait me!
You claimed businesses used those products to save money. Prove it.

Are you 15? Do you know what asbestos is? It's not a bird, or what you call it when you shoot 3 under par on a hole.
Back your claim or shut up. How much did they save and how did it save them money?
We should bring back asbestos and lead based paint... they are cheaper and will help businesses to save money, and since we are going to make it harder for poor people to get healthcare it will work out even better.

You clearly don't know shit about the history of either product.

Oh edumacait me!
You claimed businesses used those products to save money. Prove it.

Are you 15? Do you know what asbestos is? It's not a bird, or what you call it when you shoot 3 under par on a hole.
Back your claim or shut up. How much did they save and how did it save them money?

If you have to be told how companies saved money with asbestos and lead paint... then you ate too much lead paint as a kid.

You clearly don't know shit about the history of either product.

Oh edumacait me!
You claimed businesses used those products to save money. Prove it.

Are you 15? Do you know what asbestos is? It's not a bird, or what you call it when you shoot 3 under par on a hole.
Back your claim or shut up. How much did they save and how did it save them money?

If you have to be told how companies saved money with asbestos and lead paint... then you ate too much lead paint as a kid.

You made the claim. Back it up without insults. Prove it.
Oh edumacait me!
You claimed businesses used those products to save money. Prove it.

Are you 15? Do you know what asbestos is? It's not a bird, or what you call it when you shoot 3 under par on a hole.
Back your claim or shut up. How much did they save and how did it save them money?

If you have to be told how companies saved money with asbestos and lead paint... then you ate too much lead paint as a kid.

You made the claim. Back it up without insults. Prove it.

"I’ll never forget,” Roemer said. “I turned to Mr. Brown, one of the Browns made this crack (that Unarco managers were a bunch of fools for notifying employees who had asbestosis), and I said, ‘Mr. Brown, do you mean to tell me you would let them work until they dropped dead?’ He said, ‘Yes. We save a lot of money that way.’”"

Massive Asbestos Cover-Up by World's Industrial Giants

"The simplest answer, experts and toy companies in China say, is price. Paint with higher levels of lead often sells for a third of the cost of paint with low levels. So Chinese factory owners, trying to eke out profits in an intensely competitive and poorly regulated market, sometimes cut corners and use the cheaper leaded paint."

Why Lead in Toy Paint? It’s Cheaper

The fact you actually need links to this, just show how much of a retard you are.
Here you go... also read about how it is still used in Indonesia... because it is so cheap to build with, but finally the government awarded a man a settlement for the first time for getting his lungs destroyed by it.

Indonesia's asbestos 'time bomb'

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