Almost 600,000 want to storm Area 51

They're saying a million..............................


Crowd of UFO fans seeking to ‘raid Area 51’ hits 1 MILLION despite US Air Force warning
"After spending the first 6 years of my career in the USAF guarding nuclear weapons, I will tell you this to save your time and hopes. If every one of us military police, the entire nuclear response team where I was stationed, laid down our thousands of machine gun rounds, grenades, and other weaponry, parked our uparmored vehicles, if we turned off our Remote Control Machine Guns perched on towers with night vision, if we shut off power to EVERY alarm system that can pinpoint exactly where you are in the area, if we all sat in lawn chairs cracked open some beers and and let you walk right in the nuclear storage area while we chilled and watched.... you STILL could not possibly get into the facilities housing the resoucres. Unless you have military grade industrial equipment, military grade explosives and other equipment I wont name for operational security purposes (believe me you dont have it in your garage), you would literally get to the door of the bunkers housing the resources and be like “oh shit, yeah this wont work.” No amount of people could make a difference, youd all be standing there, hands in pockets. And i would offer, that any facility housing information regarding alien life exceeds the security measures we take for our nukes.
Listen, id love for you to get in there, I wanna know too, but you have ZERO chance. Now lets add dozens of armed guards whove been waiting for s*** to pop off their entire boring security career back into the equation waiting at the front gate of the installation with all kinds of gear ready and pumped to finally f*** someone up. Lol, hard AF to your futile plan. Theyre real, dont waste your time"
We can't get an accurate count of illegal aliens but somehow a figure of 600k is acknowledged who want to "storm" area 51 to see E.T. Only in a republican administration.

All to see the aliens in storage there.

"We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry. If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens," the event description reads.

Many of the users that have signed up for the event are alien activists.

Users have formulated joke plans for the event, including a "naruto run," different job groups for the "stormers" and diagrams detailing how the storm would occur.

Set for September 20

(But, it’s really all a joke.)

"Hello US government, this is a joke, and I do not actually intend to go ahead with this plan. I just thought it would be funny and get me some thumbsy uppies on the internet. I'm not responsible if people decide to actually storm area 51," one user wrote.

A whole lot more @ More Than 286,000 Join Prank Event to Storm Area 51: 'Lets See Them Aliens'
Let those lawless liberals storm the area. When the dust settles, not only will the average educational scores in Nevada climb 50% but Trump will also be assured of taking Nevada in 2024. Viva Trump
A million people want to storm Area 51?

Did anyone tell them how hot it is?

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